What's clunky about it? You have more than 2 cards in hand you throw it down at turn 6.
The only time he takes thought to use is if you don't have cards in hand.
I'm just used to putting down something that turn that would help me turn the board state or do something immediately, even if it isn't on curve. The thing is that he has immense amounts of value but it only becomes realized incrementally over the next couple of turns (assuming that he gets removed immediately as he should be). I guess his usefulness is directly related to how many cards you have in hand and what your opponent will need to use in order to remove him, especially with how many amazing 5 drops there are.
I don't think he'll be auto-include in every deck, and I suspect he might actually end up being more popular in combo and aggro decks as opposed to control decks or ramp druid, since it lets you "cash in" on the value from the card more quickly.
Ramp Druid is EXACTLY the type of deck where this card would be broken in. Ramp out an Emperor with Innervate and then you get additional ramp on your huge creatures. In addition it makes Combo Druid EVEN better as now if that card gets put down they have to worry about a Turn 7 combo.
Well they haven't changed Dr Balanced yet so they might keep Emperor Balanced as well.
Maybe try to sell you on the next power creep expansion with some even more broken Legendaries.
Ramp Druid is EXACTLY the type of deck where this card would be broken in. Ramp out an Emperor with Innervate and then you get additional ramp on your huge creatures. In addition it makes Combo Druid EVEN better as now if that card gets put down they have to worry about a Turn 7 combo.
No matter what happens... Emperor is going to get hit by all kinds silences and removals. Players will do whatever to remove him asap. That alone makes him valuable in decks.
Bane of Doom is much better. The element of RNG will still weaken the card however the odds of pulling a decent-great demon is high with it now.
I just think that the card's value is greatly diminished in decks that end up usually only playing one card per turn like Control Warrior or Ramp Druid, and gets exponentially better in decks that have tools to both quickly draw and spend cards like miracle, combo druid, handlock, zoo, or midrange hunter. Basically getting stuff one turn earlier isn't fantastic, especially if you're already behind. He's still very good, better than some general-use legendaries like Loatheb, but I don't think he has as much universal utility as Boom. He doesn't outclass the other 5-6 mana cards for me as much as Boom outclasses the other 7+ mana cards, but I need more time to see what he can do in actual play.
We'll see, though. I'm sure he has some wild applications that none of us are savvy enough to think of, and I'll definitely focus on getting him to work since he's the most interesting card in the set.
Yeah I had the same opinion (I even made a post about it).Seeing Imp Gang Boss at work in the Heroic Emperor Thaurissan just proved to me that he's probably one of the strongest minions in BRM.
It's really awkward to try and kill a 4hp minion in a single attack much of the time.
He's actively trying to kill his wife too.The relationship between Emperor Thaurissan and his wife seem more like a hostage situation, lol.
All you have to do is use Crazed Alchemist to turn her into a 1/3. Then you can just make sure she's healed up with your hero power before an abomination explodes.
I did that first, but I just got overrun while trying to manage her.
This Kripparian Mage challenge game is fucking hilarious right about now.
The other hero spawned two Lore Walker Chos... one was his own and the other from an Unstable Portal he got from his Lore Walker! Then he had a hand full of Portals on which he used Emperor Balanced!
Silly question, how do you get the cards, ain't suppose to give you something after beatting it in normal?
My only complaint with the emperor is I never draw him.
I am out puff the loop. Who is Emperor Balanced and why is he so OP?
I am out of the loop. Who is Emperor Balanced and why is he so OP?
Yeah that only required like 7 cards.
*Card reduces the cost of all of your cards in hand at the end of the turn this card is played (meaning no way to stop it then turn its played).I am out of the loop. Who is Emperor Balanced and why is he so OP?
LOL they never went anywhere... Combo Druid was top tier before this expansion even dropped!The combo Druids are coming.
Wait, gold? Nah, you get cards.
You get a cardback if you beat the entire heroic expansion.
.What do you earn if you finish heroic?
Why don't I get these?i got 100g per boss and 200g for the final one.
Why don't I get these?
Yeah as soon as Emperor Balance-san hits the board all planning and outplaying goes out the window.It feels like I'm the only one that really doesn't like the weeks where new cards are introduced. I like new cards, but I don't like how the meta is all over the place, and this expansion in particular where it's getting harder and harder to predict or judge what cards the opponent can or will play. I'm sure I'll like it more when the meta stabilises, the same thing happened with naxx and GvG, it's just going to take ages because of this one wing per week stuff.
I didn't create it, but what's wrong with this deck? I need a Paladin deck for my daily quest today. I have no dust left, so it'd need to be F2P + Naxxramas cards (excluding Heroic because I am not able to do the Heroic bit yet, it needs decks costing thousands of dust), any suggestions?
Second of all, it's a complete mess of a deck. I can't even say "swap these cards for these other cards" because the deck is so fundamentally flawed that it really needs to be rebuilt from scratch.