Well okay then, so why do people just tell me "oh go look at Hearthpwn" when I ask for deck recommendations then??
I've watched the Trump Teachings and taken the lessons to heart but the simple fact is that with all these overpowered Naxxramas and now Blackrock Mountain cards out there, the basic decks provided there just aren't up to the job. I bought Naxxramas and got all the cards except the ones from Heroic mode, isn't there some way that helps me, or have I wasted my £17.49?
The Naxx cards help a lot, but you will not be able to win consistently when starting out. Losing often and losing hard will be your norm as you slowly build up gold and buy card packs. There are only really two ways for newcomers (or just people with poor card collections like me) to work up to a decent constructed deck:
1. Do your dailys or arena every day to earn gold to buy packs, super slowly though
2. Pay lots of cash to buy card packs to "catch up" much faster
Those are your options. Buying the expansions like Naxx and Blackrock help as everyone will have those same cards so it keeps you on somewhat of a more "even" playing field, but the truth is that without a huge basic card pool or a LOT of dust, you just won't be winning many games, and ranked constructed play is going to be devastatingly hard even up in the 16-20 ranks where I'm stuck. It's just the nature of Hearthstone.
On the plus side, which is how I look at it, it gives you a nice goal and challenge to overcome!!!