Amaz just had an amazing match playing Malygos Shaman.
Gets 0 mana Crackles and Lightning Bolts and a 1 mana Lava Burst from Emperor Balanced.
51 damage from hand, still can't kill control warrior.
Just crafted 2x Golden Belcher. Totally worth it.
51 damage from hand, still can't kill control warrior.
I've been wanting to craft some golden cards. Have ~6k dust and basically every legendary that is useful, but I'm torn on just saving it for the next card set..
Not currently, no. You have to manually enter your collection on Hearthhead or using the collection spreadsheet in the OP. It doesn't take too long though and as long as you stay on top of keeping it updated, you will only have to do it once.
I wish Blizzard would create an API for Hearthstone to allow third-parties more access to player's account info.
Let the Thaurissan combo begin... a druid just force of nature + savage roar x2 me in the face with 9 mana. Zero innervates used.
fuck me.
Strange, I have a great matchup against everything you mentioned. My win condition are value Legendaries like Sneed's, Sylvanas and Ysera, not the bursty kind (so no Ragnaros, Grommash and Alexstrasza). The rest of the deck is filled with all sorts of heal (including 2 healbots) and somewhat greedy in removal:Everytime I played control warrior, I get matched to a Druid that drops both or at least 1 shade, which you really have no answer to, not to mention Shredder and innervating out Boom, who if you weren't blessed to draw a removal or BGH, is a death sentence enough on turn 4, let alone the looming Shade with the FoN+Roar combo buffing the rest of the board to over 30 damage.
I think control warrior has no hope vs druid in general, and literally no hope if they get their shades down early.
Also control warrior tends to lose very often to face hunter and general rush decks, they just can't keep up vs a good Zoo draw/start. I now avoid playing control warrior nearly entirely, the deck is just too inconsistent for me, and the matches take forever.
Oh. I know everyone says "search on HearthPwn" when I ask for recommendations, but is there one on there that I can afford that sucks less than this?
Also control warrior tends to lose very often to face hunter and general rush decks, they just can't keep up vs a good Zoo draw/start. I now avoid playing control warrior nearly entirely, the deck is just too inconsistent for me, and the matches take forever.
I think CW is favored against face hunter unless you get an awful draw--but face hunter punishes any opponent that doesn't draw well. Armor can keep you alive to mid/late game when you can start dropping threats that face hunter just can't deal with. Once you have a board developed it's GG face hunter.
After winning 6 games in one arena run, my last two have been 1 win each. I really though I turned the corner but boy it sure is frustrating to win your first arena match each time then lose 3 straight.
Couple of questions
Who should I watch for arena tips?
How solid is Heartharena's drafting program? I've been using it as a suggestion on general card values and deviating when I feel like there's better card synergy with another option.
After winning 6 games in one arena run, my last two have been 1 win each. I really though I turned the corner but boy it sure is frustrating to win your first arena match each time then lose 3 straight.
Couple of questions
Who should I watch for arena tips?
How solid is Heartharena's drafting program? I've been using it as a suggestion on general card values and deviating when I feel like there's better card synergy with another option.
I'm getting rocked today as a Priest. Resurrect isn't working out as well as I'd hoped, unless I can guaranteed resurrect a Blademaster.
WTB great deck ideas for Priest guyz
I was trying out Resurrect in casual where I basically didn't play minions below 3 mana and ran nothing but removal early game. Needs some more testing though.
Crazy, after Thaurissan everyone has stopped talking about Dr. Boom needing a nerf to Thaurissan needing one. Which is the right thing to do, IMO. Card breaks the game.
What are you mostly facing? If face decks, maybe go full taunt package with death lords, taz'dingo, and belchers.
A real healthy mix of all classes and deck types actually, EXCEPT hunter face decks .go figure. lol. Stuck at Rank 20 like a chump.
Like I said earlier, if you want value out of Resurrect make sure it gets an Auchenai or Blademaster. Since you're not facing Face Huntards atm all you need to do is hold onto your Clerics early on. In most matchups turn 1 Cleric doesn't do much anyway.
I recommend watching Guardsman Bob, Ratsmah, Hafu and/or Kripp (if you can stand the salt).
HearthArena is pretty good, in my experience. I follow it almost to the letter and am averaging close to 6 wins per run. Obviously, playing the games correctly is a huge part of it but I feel like the decks they draft are just really solid decks without holes, which is really what you want in arena.
Tempo is generally better than synergy. HearthArena is about 85-90% there for understanding synergies so don't value synergy too highly. Don't pick a bad card just because it synergizes.
I generally try to get 5-6 of on curve 2, 3, and 4 drops. Don't pick a bad card just because you need tempo either, though. Just keep stuff like this in mind when making tough decisions.
At the low ranks you should play a deck that has a standard game plan and is good all-around, and optimize your deck towards that plan. The mistake would be playing decks that have very good + bad matchups since you're facing all sorts of players at that rank, and also weakening your deck by putting in tech cards like Kezan Mystic.
Like I said earlier, if you want value out of Resurrect make sure it gets an Auchenai or Blademaster. Since you're not facing Face Huntards atm all you need to do is hold onto your Clerics early on. In most matchups turn 1 Cleric doesn't do much anyway.
If it gets nerfed, I would bet on it getting a similar nerf like Pagle got and have it apply the effect at the start of your turn so if your enemy removes it instantly, you get zero value from it.
That is what I assume will happen.If it gets nerfed, I would bet on it getting a similar nerf like Pagle got and have it apply the effect at the start of your turn so if your enemy removes it instantly, you get zero value from it.
Resurrect is basically value if it gets anything above 2 mana. The one iffy case is if you get Pyromancer because it triggers the effect as well, which may or may not be good. I think if you put in Resurrect in your deck, you will cut out combo card minions like Recombulator and possibly Shrinkmeister. Resurrect would be great too if there were minions with negative effects when you play them from hand that Priests can play, but I can't think of any other than Injured Blademaster at the moment.
After winning 6 games in one arena run, my last two have been 1 win each. I really though I turned the corner but boy it sure is frustrating to win your first arena match each time then lose 3 straight.
Couple of questions
Who should I watch for arena tips?
How solid is Heartharena's drafting program? I've been using it as a suggestion on general card values and deviating when I feel like there's better card synergy with another option.
I haven't been able to get Resurrect to work out, so far. It always pulls up the worst minion unless I was able to only play one minion to specifically be resurrected. I even got screwed once when it pulled a Pyromancer that triggered knocked my Piloted Shredder that was buffed by Velen's Chosen into the other Priest's Hola Nova range. As for minions with negative deathrattles, Hungry Dragon could be a good Resurrect target when it gets released.
Emperor Thaurissan should be a battlecry, not every single turn. 6 mana card that basically breaks the game.
Beta test has started boyz.
Emperor Thaurissan should be a battlecry, not every single turn. 6 mana card that basically breaks the game.
Beta test has started boyz.