Every midrange and control deck has ramp now, so Druid isn't alone in "cheating". Dragon Paladin with Emperor plus 2x Dragon Consort has crazy ramp. Even if Emperor lasts only turn, that's a three mana discount on any in-hand Dragons if you played a consort at any point earlier in the game, not to mention any Dragon synergy cards you had in hand also get the 1 mana discount from Emperor. I'm really excited to try out Dragon Ramp Paladin and I don't think I'm alone. Will it be a "tier one" deck? We'll have to see what the meta does to counter Dragon decks, and how Dragon decks respond, but I think it might be a very powerful archetype.
Also, combo Druid doesn't seem so special when Emperor unlocks so many more possible one turn combos because he effects every card in hard.. If you have four cards in hand then Emperor is at least equivalent to double-innervate, and he might be better because you don't have to draw them. The advantage of innervate is that you can choose when to use it and you can hold it for a specific situation, and Emperor is dependent on what you've drawn.
Also, Golden Cenarius is arguably the best Golden minion. Dude is holding a shiny, shimmering rainbow, and you get two Golden Treants with taunt. #value
Maybe Sneeds or Jaraxxus would argue with him for the title. Maybe.