Can someone help out with a budget deck for the Heroic arena boss? I've been stuck forever.
Which boss you are having trouble with?
First boss you can beat with Druid using a budget deck. Have some removals.
2x Naturalize
2x Starfire
2x Swipe
A bunch of heavy dudes + big taunts.
2x Bolder Ogre
2x War Golem
2x Mech Tank
2x Sunwalker
Having buff cards is helpful as well.
Also works with a Priest and you can run Divine Spirit + Inner Fire combo to buff up your big dudes when they come and just go face.
2nd boss you can beat with a budget Priest.
2x Shadow Word Death
2x BGH
2x Mind Control Tech
2x Mind Control
2x Thought Steals (guaranteed Legendaries)
Basically just steal his stuff and remove his stuff in the process.
You can also use a Mill Rogue deck which is also fairly cheap.
Freeze Mage wrecks him too. If he puts out a Lore Walker Cho it's an INSTANT WIN if you have Frost Nova. You just keep playing Frost Nova while his board is filled up and he just mills himself while giving you Frost Nova back.
Steal their stuff basically.
3rd boss you basically need a Priest again.
2x Crazed Alchemist (most important card in this match up)
2x Shadow word pain
2x Light wells
2x Inner Fire
2x Divine Spirit
2x Light of Naaru
2x Clerics
2x Circle of Healing
2x Shadow Madness
4x Silences (any combination you want)
(Don't put any taunt or any AOE clear in the deck)
You basically get one big creature out through Divine Spirit + Inner Fire combo and he has trouble clearing it. Light Wells give you enough heal to survive.