Woah that Sylvanas + Savage + BGH to steal the Tirion. What a play by RDU.
This play brought to you by Emperor Thaurissan.
Me when I saw that play...Woah that Sylvanas + Savage + BGH to steal the Tirion. What a play by RDU.
Everyone thought of that combo the day that card was showcased.Frodan talking about the demonlock decks after Imp Gang Boss + Demonwrath
Demonwrath + Egg = omg my 4/4 and ur dudes r dead
Everyone thought of that combo the day that card was showcased.
And that card is like really good, it's in my top 5 best cards to look out for BRM. That and Imp Gang Boss.
debating a finishing up my control warrior or my fast druid atm... i mean most of the cards overlap int erms of legendaries at least, harrison/boom/sylv
warrior would be missing grom/rag if i decided to go with druid
druid would be missing cenarius if i decided to go with warrior, basically i can craft one or the other in its entirety lol just not sure which
i dont have alexstrasza or baron but i have access to ysera/rag/boom/sylv/harrison/grom
You can play Druid without Cenarius. You can't play Warrior without Grom, and Alex is pretty necessary as well. Baron is good but the least important Legendary in the CW deck IMO. I played without him for awhile and did fine.
I don't think I would run Harrison and TBK at the same time. Too many tech cards IMO.
Any Linsk for the Video ?Woah that Sylvanas + Savage + BGH to steal the Tirion. What a play by RDU.
Had the most epic match of my life, I was facing this priest who at turn 6 put emperor, I had no way to destroy. Next turn he makes a copy of it and has 2 of them
after destroying them, he plays resurrect and gets emperor, I destroy it, 4 turns later he plays resurrect and gets another fucking emperor.
After surviving for a while he plays velen and lefts me 1 life, saying me well played and all that shit. I thought that the match was lost.
But then I draw Jaraxxus and make the best comeback of my life
Also, I just want to note, this card is causing a lot of experimentation, but that doesn't necessarily mean it is going to end up making previously shitty/mediocre cards suddenly amazing. Because, would you rather have a previously mediocre card cost 1 less some of the time to make it good or would you rather have previously great cards cost 1 less some of the time and still be great the rest of the time?
Also... 0 mana earthsocks... crazy. 0 mana rockbiters... omfg.
Tempo shaman... is gonna be nuts imho. It hasn't even gotten its class cards.
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I feel the same way after doing a bunch of experimenting yesterday. The 1 mana discount doesn't justify putting mediocre cards in your deck because of the meta, so I will just stick to the good stuff.
I always wanted to try and fit Velen but it was so situational and control priest was already hard enough to play. Perhaps Emperor Balanced can make him a bit easier to use.
Seriously the card is OP. Fact is if you don't remove it instantly it's gonna destroy you...But wasting removal on a 5/5 isn't ideal when you'll have bigger threats to deal with after it. The value I've gotten out of Emperor most of the time is just insane.
You can blame it on this guy:Every single rogue I've played today is running the same coldlight oracle/gang up deck.
That deck is the only reason I've won today. I'm 4-0 versus that deck and 5-8 versus everything else today as mid hunter.You can blame it on this guy:
You destroy the other person's deck by having them over draw (past 10) and speed up the process of them dying from fatigue damage.What is a mill deck?
What is a mill deck?
You destroy the other person's deck by having them over draw (past 10) and speed up the process of them dying from fatigue damage.
It's more accurate to call it Fatigue deck for Hearthstone terminology as Mill is from Magic.
Most Mill Decks these days have efficient removals and AOE board clears as well (at least the good ones, those that don't are garbage because otherwise they won't be able to survive the early aggression).In Hearthstone terminology there's a difference between Mill and Fatigue, I think. Mill decks actually aim to fill your opponent's hand and hope to burn key cards once the hand is full. They might use cards like Mukla, Clockwork Giant, and Vanish to use the size of the opponent's hands against them. These are gimmicky decks that almost never win. At best they'll screw over Handlock and Control Warrior.
Fatigue decks don't aim to burn cards necessarily. They just use card draw mechanics against your opponent in order to force your opponent to hit fatigue damage before you do. They aim to use efficient removals to destroy potential threats. Board clears, things like that. Stall the game and then they finish you off with fatigue damage.
Well, for the first time in my HS life, I've decided to try out a Face Hunter.
The power.
It's attractive, being on this side of it all....lol.
I hate it, because it's so mindless. But fuck. The power.
Most Mill Decks these days have efficient removals and AOE board clears as well (at least the good ones, those that don't are garbage because otherwise they won't be able to survive the early aggression).
Especially the Druid Mill deck which is basically the same thing as the Druid Fatigue deck when you look it up online. Massive AOE clears, lots of removals and a bunch of heals.
The new Rogue deck is also that but it's the MOST aggressive form of Milling in the game currently. Like you can get the game to fatigue by turn 10, that's how aggressive it is. However, you can still just stall with taunts and heals while clearing the opponent's board with removals because of Gang Up.
Against a Face Hunter for example you don't aggressively Mill, rather you Gang Up on Healbots/Taunts and just stall against the Hunter until he runs out of steam. There is nothing he is going to do against 4-5 Healbots.
Gang Up has pushed Mill Rogue from gimmicky deck to a legitimately strong deck.
There is no universe in which Mill Rogue is "as bad as it always was". Gang Up is objectively a buff to that playstyle.
Whether it's enough in the current meta is a different discussion entirely but to say it's basically the same is IMO incorrect.
Resurrect should not trigger Wild Pyro. Literally 100% bullshit.
People who play Face Hunter disturb me. Looking at it from a psychological angle, why are you playing it? To win? But what is the point of winning if you did nothing to earn that win? Because you didn't make the deck, and you didn't use any particular set of skills or intelligence to win. So what is the point? Winning for the sake of winning? Sure you can hit legend with it, but what does that get you? You can show off to all your friends that you hit Legend, I guess.
I don't really mind, since I've just ran a quicker variation on Control Warrior today. I'm loving that win rate.
People play it because it is a super cheap deck that wins quickly. If you are grinding for ranks or gold, it is the most efficient deck to do that with.
Also, it isn't completely mindless. It doesn't require navigating tricky board states but you do have to think a few turns ahead when trying to set up lethal. It takes some level of skill to climb really high with the deck.
Bliz QA!?