Everyone I have talked to who plays Hearthstone hates playing against Face Hunter. The only people who don't hate Face Hunter are those who play Face Hunter themselves or play some deck that specifically counters Face Hunter.
It's certainly the most hated deck in HS currently. Only thing taking the heat off Hunters at the moment is Emperor Balanced.
And of course I don't feel you need to nerf Face Hunter but Mad Scientist shouldn't exist and neither should Quick Shot. A way to deal with Face Hunters is to introduce more anti aggro cards like Zombie Chow, Annoyotrons or Unstable Ghouls or a Belcher type minion that comes it earlier.
A 2/4 Taunt that costs 3 mana would also greatly help in dealing with early game aggression.
I love playing face hunter. Easy wins for control warrior. and it keeps other cancer decks like mech mage and zoo in check.
The thing that really makes me rage is mages with mirror entity.