okay what the fuck is going on here
Looks like an amazing time to mill you, if you were playing me
okay what the fuck is going on here
I'm having a lot of fun with this Grim Patron deck. Emperor Balance is also perfect to get some nasty combos like Warsong Commander + Grim Patron + Commanding Shout for 7 mana the next turn.
Lava Shock and Imp Gang Boss are good cards that will see play on Ladder. Lava Shock is the final piece of the puzzle to make Malygos Shaman semi viable.Aw it sucks we have to wait another 3 days for more cards.![]()
I'm not that hyped about this week's card set either. (Or even the third week, but the fourth week looks great)
Druid of the flame, blackwing technician, imp gang boss, majordomo, axe flinger, and lava shock.![]()
I guess lava shock is interesting at least.![]()
Aw it sucks we have to wait another 3 days for more cards.![]()
I'm not that hyped about this week's card set either. (Or even the third week, but the fourth week looks great)
Druid of the flame, blackwing technician, imp gang boss, majordomo, axe flinger, and lava shock.![]()
I guess lava shock is interesting at least.![]()
Lava Shock and Imp Gang Boss are good cards that will see play on Ladder. Lava Shock is the final piece of the puzzle to make Malygos Shaman semi viable.
Why Malygos shaman? Seems better for unbound elemental builds rather than trying to burst down off malygos which lava shock doesn't seem that relevant towards.
We should compare decks. I'm running something really similar and it's tons of fun.
I dropped taunts and live or die on the board.
Armor Smith has enough combos that her armor generation is usually pretty insane.
I removed more combo oriented cards(Worgen, Charge, and others) for more solid on their own cards(Shredder, Dr. Boom, Rag).
I feel like the deck has a lot of BGH targets. 3 + 2 Amani Berserkers who often reach over 7 attack.
I stopped holding onto Commanding Shout for the combo, if I can get a great trade in the card has value as it recycles. Often if can offer up 2 or 3 great trades, which is incredible.
Lightning Bolt and Lava Burst (note: not Lava Shock) both have Overload, plus Lava Shock has damage of its own. I think Malygos Shaman runs Frost Shock because it's damage, Lava Shock has to beat that in every single way.
Really not that high on Lava Shock. Just hard to imagine it being worth a spot unless you're really going out of your way to overload yourself. Granted heavy overload decks might be something that catches on but who knows.
If it was 0 mana without the 2 damage then I think it'd be something worth getting really excited about but right now, I don't know, doesn't seem all that great to me.
There are times in that deck where you need to use spells to control the board and stall until you get Malygos. The deck runs an insane amount of overload spells and you can get really behind due to the overload. Sometimes you get Malygos out but you might not have lethal and with this card you can do as much damage as you can in one turn and actually get to play something next turn. Currently for Malygos deck if you use Malygos plus spells combo and don't kill you won't have any mana to do anything next turn.Why Malygos shaman? Seems better for unbound elemental builds rather than trying to burst down off malygos which lava shock doesn't seem that relevant towards.
That Grim Patron deck is like twice as good with Frothing Berserker in it. You can do like 40 damage in one turn with it or something crazy like that.
There are times in that deck where you need to use spells to control the board and stall until you get Malygos. The deck runs an insane amount of overload spells and you can get really behind due to the overload. Sometimes you get Malygos out but you might not have lethal and with this card you can do as much damage as you can in one turn and actually get to play something next turn. Currently for Malygos deck if you use Malygos plus spells combo and don't kill you won't have any mana to do anything next turn.
That card is also fine in an Unbound Element deck of course but it's definitely staple for Malygos deck. Definitely going to be replacing Frost Shock which is a shit card in general.
And Lava Burst is already used in Malygos decks.
I wanted to put together a Neutral Legendary Tier List of Legendries to craft since so many people ask "What Legendary should I craft next?" Let me know your opinion on this list. The order that cards are listed in tier is arbitrary.
Dr. Boom Tier (Craft First)
Dr Boom: He gets his own tier. He's currently the best leg in the game and can fit in almost any deck. If he gets nerfed, you get your dust back. No Brainer
S Tier: (Craft Second)
Sylvannus: She should be your second craft if you have a deck you can slot her in. Really valuable legendary that instantly upgrades several decks. Versatile and powerful.
A Tier: (High Value Cards and Tech Cards)
Ragnoros: Powerful card that can augment any control deck, has an immediate effect. The RNG can screw you over at times but Rag Instantly gives you value before he eats removal.
Ysera: She's fallen out of Favor recently but she used to be pretty interchangeable with Rag. I think she still deserves to be here.
Harrison Jones: A tech card that's usefulness shifts with the meta. A good card to own to tech in an out
The Black Knight: See Harrison Jones
Sneeds Old Shredder: Really somewhere between A and B tier. Value card that's very fun to play. Can be silenced but still leaves behind nice body.
B Tier: (Specialty Cards. Useful in specific decks.)
Bloodmage Thalnos- Good in some rogue decks. Has special uses elsewhere.
Alexstrassa- Good for Control Warrior and Freeze mage. Finds uses in other decks.
C Tier (Can be useful. Probably better to save dust for important epics)
Cairne Bloodhoof: Used to be A Tier. has fallen out of favor with rash of 5 health minions once Naxx came out.
Troggzor: Can punish use of removal. Weak stats for cost.
Leeroy Jenkins: Use to be integral to any aggro deck. After nerf still can be used in face Hunter.
Baron Geddon: Almost put him in B Tier. Really only used in Control Warrior.
Malygos: Same as Geddon, very specific use but not as commonly used as Thalnos and Alex
What about class specific legendaries? I feel they should be ranked in there as well.
He specifically said it was a list of neutral Legendaries. Class legendaries depend entirely on what you want to play.
I mean...neutrals are the same way. You aren't gonna make them if they don't go into the decks you want to play.
I feel Ragnoros and Ysera both belong in B tier, maybe even C Tier, my justification is after running decks for just about every class and Arch Type I have never felt like I was messing a key card by not having them. There is no deck that just doesn't work if you are missing them. Also, I guess you should just put a catch all D tier for all other Legendarily (And maybe toss in the Naxx/BRM cards into them, just to give people an idea of their usefulness)I wanted to put together a Neutral Legendary Tier List of Legendries to craft since so many people ask "What Legendary should I craft next?" Let me know your opinion on this list. The order that cards are listed in tier is arbitrary.
Dr. Boom Tier (Craft First)
Dr Boom: He gets his own tier. He's currently the best leg in the game and can fit in almost any deck. If he gets nerfed, you get your dust back. No Brainer
S Tier: (Craft Second)
Sylvannus: She should be your second craft if you have a deck you can slot her in. Really valuable legendary that instantly upgrades several decks. Versatile and powerful.
A Tier: (High Value Cards and Tech Cards)
Ragnoros: Powerful card that can augment any control deck, has an immediate effect. The RNG can screw you over at times but Rag Instantly gives you value before he eats removal.
Ysera: She's fallen out of Favor recently but she used to be pretty interchangeable with Rag. I think she still deserves to be here.
Harrison Jones: A tech card that's usefulness shifts with the meta. A good card to own to tech in an out
The Black Knight: See Harrison Jones
Sneeds Old Shredder: Really somewhere between A and B tier. Value card that's very fun to play. Can be silenced but still leaves behind nice body.
B Tier: (Specialty Cards. Useful in specific decks.)
Bloodmage Thalnos- Good in some rogue decks. Has special uses elsewhere.
Alexstrassa- Good for Control Warrior and Freeze mage. Finds uses in other decks.
C Tier (Can be useful. Probably better to save dust for important epics)
Cairne Bloodhoof: Used to be A Tier. has fallen out of favor with rash of 5 health minions once Naxx came out.
Troggzor: Can punish use of removal. Weak stats for cost.
Leeroy Jenkins: Use to be integral to any aggro deck. After nerf still can be used in face Hunter.
Baron Geddon: Almost put him in B Tier. Really only used in Control Warrior.
Malygos: Same as Geddon, very specific use but not as commonly used as Thalnos and Alex
He specifically said it was a list of neutral Legendaries. Class legendaries depend entirely on what you want to play.
Dr Balanced is in fact in his own tier for Legendaries in Arena (from tiers of various sites). The only Legendary that comes close is a class one and that's Tirion.Dr. Boom carries otherwise average/bad Mage Arena draft to 10 wins in shocker. Would have been 11 too if I didn't misplay by holding him too long in one match. I had a lot of strong 2-drops and small removals, but only 3 4-drops, 2 5-drops and no AoE. A big thank you to Doc Balance himself for turning round several games.
0 mana 2 damage... the old backstab before it was nerfed to only target undamaged minions. That would be insane btw. But then recovering overload at the same time? That would be broken.
also don't forget it can target face:
Well of course that would be broken, which is why I said without the 2 damage. Essentially 0 mana, remove overload. Would be a bit more situational Innervate but with applications that could make it better as well. I don't really feel like Shaman needs more direct damage spells at all. In my opinion they need cards that are able to make them more consistent and I'm not sure that paying 2 mana to clear your overload really does that.
Except when the opponent uses it, then they always get the best one.Also, mind control tech is shit and, no joke, always picks the most worthless minion possible to steal.
Does that micromachine little shit get +1 at the start of EVERYONE's turn including the opponent?
Does that micromachine little shit get +1 at the start of EVERYONE's turn including the opponent?
Cairne isn't worth crafting at all anymore. Sky Golem is cheaper and better in most circumstances. Sole exception would be against Priest, maybe, but with Shrinkmeister, that argument isn't solid either.
Seems fine except for Cairne who I'd strongly advise against crafting, and with the incoming midgame power creep minions he'll become even more useless
Face 3 face hunters, change deck, face 3 handlocks
Games a joke sometimes