13k people watching Reckful who has been stuck at rank 20 for hours...
Getting him from the portal is the problem not him, make him not "portable" so you don't get it for 4 mana, that is disgusting.
I saw someone honestly calling Sylvanas "Savannas" in Twitch chat. What is it with that card and people having problems spelling it?
I saw someone honestly calling Sylvanas "Savannas" in Twitch chat. What is it with that card and people having problems spelling it?
I saw someone honestly calling Sylvanas "Savannas" in Twitch chat. What is it with that card and people having problems spelling it?
I spell it "nine-mana-mindcontrol-combo-part-one"
Speaking of Sylvanas, I ran into a weird Control Hunter deck last night that ran Sylvanas, Zombie Chow, Sludge Belcher, and a bunch of other non-standard Hunter cards. I got him down to 1 health with Druid Combo with a Shieldmasta on board, he had Sylvanas, a Gnomish Inventor, and an Azure Drake. He cast Explosive shot (the 5 damage, 2 to adjacent minions spell) on his own Sylvanas to steal my Shieldmasta to try and block my one damage hero power to stay alive. I thought that was pretty clever, although the deck was garbage overall. But it didn't work because I had a Black Knight in hand just waiting for him to taunt up.
All the cool kids are Shadowflaming Sylvanas.
Regarding playing on-curve/using as much mana as you can, should you play a minion even if it would mean wasting its battlecry? Like Shattered Sun Cleric on turn 3 when you have no other minions for example.
Depends on the mode (Constructed vs Arena) and what I am playing against.Regarding playing on-curve/using as much mana as you can, should you play a minion even if it would mean wasting its battlecry? Like Shattered Sun Cleric on turn 3 when you have no other minions for example.
Is anyone active on Asia? I need someone to spectate.
Where is everyone getting these "get a pack for spectating" quests from?? I never got one, is it only for BRM owners or something?
What's this "You or your opponent do not meet the rating requirements to earn gold" thing?
Apparently there is a ton of bots at rank 20 auto-conceding against each other farming golden hero wins. I don't know the details of how Blizzard handles matchmaking rating, but there seems to be some system in place meant to discourage this kind of bot farming, and all these bots get low enough rating that their opponents don't get gold or stars, but it still counts as a win for the golden hero for some reason.
I'm disappointed that I'm so bad at the game it thinks I'm a bot
shouldnt week 2 be open now?
shouldnt week 2 be open now?
Why are Noxious and Lothar communicating with each other in a tourney match?
Anything really. I have Cenarius but didn't even use him in the fast Druid I used to grind my gold portrait. Piloted sky golem, black knight, Harrison jones, emperor, etc.What would be a good replacement for Cenarius in a midrange/combo druid deck? I have everything else to run that deck but am just missing that one legendary. Would Piloted Sky Golem work? I'd be curving a little lower and losing out on some Savage Roar synergy but it is a sticky mid/late game minion.
"He will have to get fel guard or mal'ganis or something from bane of doom..."
*gets mal'ganis*