"He will have to topdeck owl"
*topdecks owl*
Dat scumbag Owl top dick to counter Malganis for the lethal!
Face Hunter does not give a FUCK about your Emperor Balanced or Bane of Doom popping Malganis!
And I generally wouldn't classify spiders as beasts anyway.
good riddance, on the other hand trump playing huntard and mech mage ewww
at the tail end of a close battle against a warlock he had an empty board, used bane of doom, and got a blood imp, lol
if he got anything else he might have won
but hunters tame spiders all the time in WoW!
Sadly, this is true. I was trying out the Emperor in a Ramp Druid last night, and Face Hunter just ran over me. I had Innervate, Wild Growth, and Emperor Balance, but I just couldn't afford to spend two turns ramping into it and giving up all that damage. Especially without already having taunts in hand to benefit from the cost reduction. Something needs to happen to Face Hunter. The only standout card that really needs a nerf is Mad Scientist, but I think removing Haunted Creeper's beast tag would help. That would give Hunters one less beast to trigger Kill Command, and you could mostly ignore Haunted Creeper since it's actually worse to spawn the 1/1s unless you can immediately remove them. And I generally wouldn't classify spiders as beasts anyway.
Dat scumbag Owl top dick to counter Malganis for the lethal!
Face Hunter does not give a FUCK about your Emperor Balanced or Bane of Doom popping Malganis!
Shhhh... no trades now...
Only face.
Do they? I've never played WoW.
Nerf Mad Scientist first. See what happens after that. As much as I dislike face hunter, I think mad scientist is the only card that is actually OP in the deck.
Beast is not a really a scientific term of identification. Also, it is common to think that spiders are insects, but they are not. They are arachnids. So when people think of spiders, they still think of insects. And how could insects be considered beasts? Well, both insects and arachnids are animals. So regardless of whether you think a spider is an insect or arachnid, it is still an animal.
Beasts appear to be lower intelligent animals in the warcraft universe. At least that is what I've read from people several times discussing this issue in hearthstone. I don't know if that is true or not.
If a hunter in WoW can tame it, it's a beast.
This is exactly why I'm playing face hunter, the wins are easier then ever since people are trying all these slow decks instead. It doesn't help that most people are greedy and the only taunt they run is sludge butcher.
I wonder if Blizzard will ever add a Ghost Type for the Spooky Spiders to be.
Unless it's a critter in WoW, in which case it's also a beast.
Agreed. Make the scientist add a secret to your hand instead and you take away a powerful element from Face Hunter.
Don't several Mage decks run it though?? Not just Hunter class?
I wonder if the spectating quest is a way to slightly reduce the gold flow for arena tickets? I'm actually okay with getting an original set pack since I hardly see those anymore, but it is an overall reduction in how much gold players are getting with that quest in the mix, but with the chance at an extra pack thrown on top.
Or, less cynically, it's just to try and build up the community a little bit. Let's go with that instead!
It's OP as hell in mage too. Kill the card with fire.
MC Tech is always a good time.
It's OP as hell in mage too. Kill the card with fire.
It's OP as hell in mage too. Kill the card with fire.
OTOH, secrets are pretty ass without it.
Yep. Bad there as well. For two mana, you can put a 2-2 body on the field and when it dies you can get a 2-3 mana secret put on the field that could potentially turn the tide of the game for free!
Mad Scientist in a nutshell. Access to the card from your hand should be enough.
Changing Mad Scientist to 3 mana and keeping everything else the same is really the only way to nerf it without killing it dead like Undertaker.
I'd rather that they help fight Face Hunter by adding more cost effective taunts or life gain. Or more ways to silence.
How does more silence cards help fight Face Hunters?? If anything it would help them
Changing Mad Scientist to 3 mana and keeping everything else the same is really the only way to nerf it without killing it dead like Undertaker.
I'd rather that they help fight Face Hunter by adding more cost effective taunts or life gain. Or more ways to silence.
the druids have usurped mech mages throne
where is the hero that we need but dont deserve?
My druid deck is crap right now. Feels like I can't beat anyone around rank 14/15. Too much reliance on FoN + Savage Roar to be effective if you're not getting the right cards to keep up in the mid-game.
So I've spent close to $500 on this game and have practically all the cards. Only shit like Nat Pagel that I'm missing. I also fancy myself a pretty good player. What steps do I need to take to make an attempt at "going pro" I guess I wanna say? I have no idea how to enter into tourneys in the first place and how often they go.
Probably grind Ladder so that you can get high Legendary ranks so that you can qualify for tournaments.So I've spent close to $500 on this game and have practically all the cards. Only shit like Nat Pagel that I'm missing. I also fancy myself a pretty good player. What steps do I need to take to make an attempt at "going pro" I guess I wanna say? I have no idea how to enter into tourneys in the first place and how often they go.
That and the Argus/Sunfury bugs really grinded my gears back then.Remember when we had to deal with this bug? https://youtu.be/lq21ITSarAE?t=226
I main a Priest, dabble quite a bit in Paladin and Mage, and play all the other heroes rather evenly and intermittently.
To that end, I think I want to focus on more Priest options (including Velen and Ysera), and also kind of want to craft a couple of Shadowforms to start having fun with that deck, but I know that may not be wise, and it may be smarter to branch out and craft all the universally solid legendaries first (like Harrison, Black Knight, etc.).
I'm also still somehow missing some key epics:
- Ancient of War (druid)
- A second Force of Nature (druid)
- Ice Block (mage)
- Shadowform (priest)
- Bouncing Blade
- Crush
- A second Shield Slam
- Doomsayer
- A second Hobgoblin
- A second Big Game Hunter
- Piloted Sky Golem (I think this may be the most important one)
- Molten Giant
- A second Sea Giant
What do you guys think? I think if I ever want to get a Handlock or Control Warrior off the ground, those would require the biggest investments - giants for the Warlock, and epics + both legendaries for the Warrior. So maybe it's best I invest in just maximizing all the other classes.
I'm also leaning toward the dragon legendaries since they're all about to get more viable in dragon decks.