My Patrons got hit by Blizzard and the copies got frozen too after they spawned but didn't take any damage. This is gotta be a bug? ruined my game.
I enjoy playing rogue a lot lately but don't have preparation and without if often it just doesn't work. epics need to be cheaper, can't bring myself to spend 800 dust here :\
I've played 3 games in a row in Arena where I had Sylvanas in hand. Granted I didn't need her to win but I realize I'm a bit confused on how to play her. All 3 times, I've had the beefiest hero on the board and they would either have a bunch of small minions or the board would be clear. Do I hold her in my hand until they play something worth stealing, or do I drop her even though their side doesn't have much (bunch of weenie heroes/nothing)?
I think the huge swings in RNG (build into the cards on top of the inherent RNGs from card games in general) is a much bigger problem competitively for Hearthstone than balance (very few competitive video games are perfectly balanced and that is especially the case for card games where class power keeps changing with cards being introduced).
Like that whole Amaz vs Trump game today was just a roller coaster of RNG mechanics.
*Trump gets lucky Huffer roll for extra damage to the face.
*Amaz gets lucky rolling 4 Imps from killing the Huffer.
*Trump gets lucky on the Knife Juggler rolls to clear the 4 Imp Implosions.
*Amaz gets lucky getting a Malganis from a Bane of Doom to prevent a lethal play.
*Amaz is able to hold off Trump's aggression with a Malganis from his hand and the only way for Trump to win is to top dick a Silence... which he does to win the game.
The last one is just inherent to card games but the rest is exclusive Hearthstone BS which resulted in that final situation. And this is IMO a very tame example of some of the RNG that happens even in competitive play.
Can't see me ever using it though. Honestly I think I may just dust it and use the newfound wealth to craft a lot of the basic rares and such that I'm still missing, maybe even another legendary or two.
Dusting a golden legendary for dime-a-dozen rares?
Dude, come on.
face hunter loses, sends friend request,I accept then tells me to "suck a dick", even face hunters have feelings, I thought otherwise. The game needs some way to report players like this.
Disenchanted my Golden Pagle and decided to use all the dust I've been hoarding. Crafted Al'Akir, Neptulon, Malygos, Nozdormu and Onyxia.
Now I'm only missing 15 legendaries, and the only ones I don't have that I actually want are Van Cleef and Blingtron. If they ever nerf Dr. Boom I'll DE my golden Boom and craft both of those.
You crafted Nozdormu?!
I wanted to have all the Dragons. No other reason.
Still haven't received a legendary card from booster packs.
Getting destroyed.
Went from 17 to now 19.
Just killed a Priest in rank with double top dick Quick Shot + UTH using Midrange Hunter.
I hate Kel' Thuzad.
That is all.
"Why is my opponent making this weird trades?"
It's honestly why I enjoy watching Hearthstone much more then playing, I mean I enjoy playing the game but I definitely watch Funniest Moments/Best Plays/Tournaments more then actually playing it.I think the huge swings in RNG (build into the cards on top of the inherent RNGs from card games in general) is a much bigger problem competitively for Hearthstone than balance (very few competitive video games are perfectly balanced and that is especially the case for card games where class power keeps changing with cards being introduced).
Like that whole Amaz vs Trump game today was just a roller coaster of RNG mechanics.
*Trump gets lucky Huffer roll for extra damage to the face.
*Amaz gets lucky rolling 4 Imps from killing the Huffer.
*Trump gets lucky on the Knife Juggler rolls to clear the 4 Imp Implosions.
*Amaz gets lucky getting a Malganis from a Bane of Doom to prevent a lethal play.
*Amaz is able to hold off Trump's aggression with a Malganis from his hand and the only way for Trump to win is to top dick a Silence... which he does to win the game.
The last one is just inherent to card games but the rest is exclusive Hearthstone BS which resulted in that final situation. And this is IMO a very tame example of some of the RNG that happens even in competitive play.
Wow, I opened a pack of classic cards tonight and got this:
Golden Deathwing!!!!
Can't see me ever using it though. Honestly I think I may just dust it and use the newfound wealth to craft a lot of the basic rares and such that I'm still missing, maybe even another legendary or two.
On the other hand, what are my chances of ever pulling another golden Deathwing again? Ah decisions....
It's funny how on the one hand Hearthstone is one of the easiest games to stream full time, on the other to become successful you have to participate in all these ridiculous coin flip tournaments. Only the luckiest streamers will ever reach Trump status where they can do whatever and still get 20k viewers consistently.
This is month is the one Im playing the least (I Blame you BloodBorne), only 4-5 ranked matches a day to clear quests...And somewhat Im rank 6, My winrate is absurdly high with my Druid deck for the time I play the game (Im somewhere near 75%). Last month I climbed rank 10 in one day then fall to ranks around 15 for almost 10 days to finish 5...
Wondering If I should focus on push to legend...But BloodBorne is BloodBorne.
Dog's shaman list is pretty damn solid. Very fun to play.
Yeah, I can't bring myself to craft an epic but I also am missing preps. The mill deck seems super fun too.
I enjoy playing rogue a lot lately but don't have preparation and without if often it just doesn't work. epics need to be cheaper, can't bring myself to spend 800 dust here :
Don't know if you DE'ed it yet but if you need some of the staple legendaries I'd go for that.
I've decided I'm going to keep it for now. My card collection is only at like 33% complete, I still need so many cards, I'm even missing a lot of popular basics and rares, not to mention most epics and legendaries. And with dragon decks possibly becoming a thing soon, I'm just gonna hold onto it and see. Maybe down the line when (if?) I get a more fleshed out and complete card set and I still need a bit of dust to fill in some gaps, then I'll reconsider dusting it.
For now, I've got a golden legendary Deathwing God Damnit! Now I just need to change all of my decks so that I can always play it!