Is this true? I don't see it...
It's on the ground right below the torch, looks more red to me though.
Is this true? I don't see it...
Last bump on this one. Sign-ups close midnight tonight.
Round Three of the The NeoGAF N/A Hearthstone Superstar Open Challenge Season One!
You should have called him a roleplayer in return.
My age is showing because I don't know even know what a pleb is. I'm guessing it's like a scrub. I was going to say "Sorry That Happened" over and over, but he unfriended after the first one.
, but it's gotten really popular lately.Clipping of plebeian (member of the lower class in ancient Rome), or by back-formation from Latin plebs.
This one was on the front of reddit for most of the evening:
Chakki was playing one nearly identical for 40 games just a few ago too. Went 27-13 in the rank 5+ range tonight on his stream with it. Tried it out and it's hilarious to play.
Sometimes it's just fun to talk to someone about plays in the game. I've added people just to ask what the last card in their hand was, or to compare similar decks. I was running a Demonlock right after GvG and someone and I compared decks and tried them out a few times against each other.I don't even bother with stranger friend requests. Even if it's with good intentions, it's not like I can ever play with you as a teammate..
Next wing in 10 minutes?
Next wing in 10 minutes?
Reynad: "I'm gonna go play poker."
Kripparrian: "Okay. Maybe you can win some money there."
Reynad: "I'm gonna go play poker."
Kripparrian: "Okay. Maybe you can win some money there."
Kripparrian is AMAZING.
omg wing 2 - wtb. Must try it out on next break!
Are you fucking kidding me, Hearthstone?
Umm btw So when does that tournament end?
Are you fucking kidding me, Hearthstone?
Are you fucking kidding me, Hearthstone?
ragnaros has 8 armor also when he replaces your hero
You mean when you play Majordomo, and not as a special case in the BRM fight? That'd be different from what we've seen.
Reynad: "I'm gonna go play poker."
Kripparrian: "Okay. Maybe you can win some money there."
Kripparrian is AMAZING.
I think the armor is just for the adventure. Might play the card if it gave armor though.
I suddenly feel terrible for complaining about a triplicate legendary in my pack this morning.
Sorry about your lousy packs, guys. =/
Well how many packs have you opened, the chance is 5% so of course there'll be varianceI have never ever ever ever ever ever ever EVER received a legendary from a pack. All my legendaries are from Naxxramas.
Druid of the flame is so boring. Blizzard needs to step up their Druid designing skills. Last exciting card was Tree of Life and it's hard to justify when they enable Hunters with shit like Quickshot.
It really depends on the amount of players that enter...each round is ~3 days...the last tournament took ~16 days to complete and we had just over 30 players, this we're floating right around 27 this round. The first one was 36 (yes 36) days to complete, but that was a double elimination tournament which we've abandoned because...well 36 days.
Yeah, wing 2 has large healthpools.holy butts, heroic geddon has 100 hp