I one shot him with priest.
How did you not die on 3 turns with only 8 health when he had that many minions?
I built a taunt druid deck to keep it alive, not even kiding every taunt minion I could use including Lord of the Arena, worked surprisingly.
I beat Heroic Majordormo with Bane of Doom and I feel no shame.
How many Moltens does that guy have? Holy crap. I waited to burst him down and he had a turn where he dumped his hand to fill the entire board with them.
I was just about to post something about how annoying he was, but then his cat jumped on screen, so now he's cool
This is why you should never concede. I had a dude drop Malygos with Call, Crackle my face, Bolt my face, Crackle a 2/2 I had, and then concede with me at 2 hp. I WTFed so hard because the speed of the targeting arrow wasn't fast so it couldn't have been a misstarget. Dude used 10 damage on a 2/2 instead of killing me and I would have lost if I had conceded when Mally dropped.My favorite Hearthstone moment ever involves Day 9:
Where's the Reynad match where he loses to a clutch top dick play?
Day9 realizes he took his BRM deck on the ladder by accident:
Hilarious. More so because I've done this as well.
Where's the Reynad match where he loses to a clutch top dick play?
Heroic Rag.. it took me 2 hours to beat this bastard.
Heroic Baron I beat with Oil/Miracle Rogue.
Wait, really? I would never have guessed that Oil Rogue would have had enough damage to get through his 100 health....
What was the context for the costumes?
Imp Gang Boss is AMAZING in zoo. I have the stickiest boards in the world!
Imp Gang Boss was basically MADE for Zoolock.
I like those Annoyotrons in there... insurance against Face Hunters.
All 3 Heroic bosses down. I one shot Garr with a Priest deck. I used Light of the Naaru to summon a Lightwarden and then Cast Circle of Healing on his board of minions. Next turn, Circle of Healing again after he used his hero power, and just blasted him the fuck out with a 30+ damage minion. I cast Mass Dispel on his board, as well, but his minions never died, so it wasn't a factor. I actually beat Majordomo Executus next with a different Priest deck. I Resurrected an Injured Blade Master and immediately hit him with Power Word Shield and Divine Spirit. He was basically unkillable at 18 health. Next I got out a Shieldmasta and cast Divine Spirit on him, and then I put out two Light Wells. I made sure to leave him at above 20 health so he couldn't play any Molten Giants, and then burst him down in one turn with Lightwarden that had about 15 attack and a 10/10 Shieldmasta. I even hit Rag for 18 damage from the Blade Master on that same turn. He only got to fire off his hero power once and only got to play two Molten Giants, although they never got a chance to attack. The last boss I tried was Geddon. I wanted to try out a Paladin Eye for an Eye deck, but I decided to go with Demonlock. It's just too important to max out your mana usage, and Warlock hero power is the only way to get enough cards to pull that off. Warlock also has a bunch of different ways to remove his own minions when they get hit with that time bomb spell. I got lucky and pulled Malganis from both of my Bane of Dooms, and just beat him down with buffed up demons. It didn't even matter that he was hitting me with his hero power at that point.
I did the class challenges and the other fights regular but it didn't give me the cards. Playing on iPad anyone else with the issue?
I did the class challenges and the other fights regular but it didn't give me the cards. Playing on iPad anyone else with the issue?
Got my first non-expansion legendary today, Alexstrasa.
Can't wait to use it... don't think I have a deck for it, but whatever!
Congrats! At least you got a really good legendary for your first one, and not Nat Pagle or something.
My first legendary was Harrison Jones, the first day I started playing. I didn't realize how good he was at the time, or how lucky I was to pull a legendary from a free pack.
Anyone else remember their first legendary cards?
Congrats! At least you got a really good legendary for your first one, and not Nat Pagle or something.
My first legendary was Harrison Jones, the first day I started playing. I didn't realize how good he was at the time, or how lucky I was to pull a legendary from a free pack.
Anyone else remember their first legendary cards?
Congrats! At least you got a really good legendary for your first one, and not Nat Pagle or something.
My first legendary was Harrison Jones, the first day I started playing. I didn't realize how good he was at the time, or how lucky I was to pull a legendary from a free pack.
Anyone else remember their first legendary cards?
Congrats! At least you got a really good legendary for your first one, and not Nat Pagle or something.
My first legendary was Harrison Jones, the first day I started playing. I didn't realize how good he was at the time, or how lucky I was to pull a legendary from a free pack.
Anyone else remember their first legendary cards?