2 mc of course
But coghammer is important too. It can save your life early in the game against all these aggro decks
Currently on a 14 winstreak with Rogue (still 100% winrate vs paladin):
Druid: 2- aspirant, 3- keeper, 4- knife juggler, 5- dr. boom, 6- fel eaver
That curve... I ended up killing him on turn 9 with 3 points from fatigue helping me out lol.
also I just noticed the rank recording on that list are very off. Must be a bug in the deck tracker. I'm currently ranked 8
*No changes in the Arena reward system since release. Arena in fact has not been touched at all.
They changed it. They just made it worse to everyone who's not a new player with the random card pack reward.
They changed it. They just made it worse to everyone who's not a new player with the random card pack reward.
Have you posted your current list recently? I'd be interested in trying it out.
Could you post the decklist?
The random pack isn't necessarily worse. It sucked that they made that change right when TGT was releasing and everyone was expecting them to award TGT packs for the next few months. But in the long run, a random pack is probably better for most players except for right after the release of a new card set when you want to concentrate on that set. The best reward would've been a voucher for a pack of your choosing, though. I can kind of understand why they don't want to do that, but I don't think it really makes that much of a difference when you're basically just opening 40 dust from all packs.
Kibler just made four Hunters in a row 360 noscope concede with his glorious Hobolock
You've gotta love Kibler. Everyone else is whining incessantly about the meta and rolling with the FOTM secret pally or aggro druid and he just continues to create unique, new decks that actually work.
Same for strifecro, sjow, massan, and hotform.
That was probably me and I don't really care. Quite frankly I expected the Midrange Secret Paladin list to be the dominant one (and it is very strong) but even I didn't expect lists to be running 10 secrets in it. I actually underestimated the strength of Divine Favor in a secrets deck.Peléo;184066700 said:There was a guy in this thread which said Misterious Challenger would be OP and I strongly disagreed with him. Want to give you my compliments for being right. Can't remember his name though.
That was probably me and I don't really care. Quite frankly I expected the Midrange Secret Paladin list to be the dominant one (and it is very strong) but even I didn't expect lists to be running 10 secrets in it. I actually underestimated the strength of Divine Favor in a secrets deck.
How does creating new decks change the fact that you're seeing the same small set of decks over and over and over again on the ladder?You've gotta love Kibler. Everyone else is whining incessantly about the meta and rolling with the FOTM secret pally or aggro druid and he just continues to create unique, new decks that actually work.
Yeah that's what I said and that's similar to what some Midrange Secret lists run (replace one comp Spirit with one of the other two secrets). Though it's more common to run 7.We'll discuss it more once we get to the re-review stream but you actually thought the Secrets deck would only run about 5 secrets, a spread like 2x Avenge 2x Competitive Spirit and 1x Noble Sacrifice
Yeah that's what I said and that's similar to what some Midrange Secret lists run (replace one comp Spirit with one of the other two secrets). Though it's more common to run 7.
I didn't think this was a troll so I actually tuned in to see Strifecro's Aggro Secret Paladin playing against another Aggro Secret Paladin...Loving that new and original deck Strifecro is playing right now.
Handlock is falling in the ranks due to the inability to interact with boards consistently before turn 4. Mountain Giant in particular has been deemed too slow against most classes. Most decks at the moment are able to get on board for very quickly and forces the Handlock to make incredible risks or suboptimal plays. As a result this deck is rarely seen and is actually dropping in ranks more and more.
Loving that new and original deck Strifecro is playing right now.
I was watching Pingpingho play his Shaman at Blizzcon.
Basically there he played a Totem Golem on turn 6 and was unable to play Dr Balanced on turn 7 because of it. It almost cost him the game but he was eventually able to play Dr Balanced on turn 9 and won with like a top dick Al Akir or something.
I just couldn't help but think "man any other class in that situation would've won the game by now and would've actually played Dr Balanced on curve".
The overload mechanic in the current meta is at its most punishing. When people are putting down best minions on every turn, you can't afford to put down the best minion and then a much weaker minion the following turn because of overload. All of this has really made re-evaluate Totem Golem. I still think the card is good and that's why it's still used in every Shaman deck but this is the type of card that Shaman doesn't need more of in the future. Like Blizzard better not give them a 3 mana 4/5 1 overload minion in the future... they need to find better ways to make use of overloaded crystals.
That was probably me and I don't really care. Quite frankly I expected the Midrange Secret Paladin list to be the dominant one (and it is very strong) but even I didn't expect lists to be running 10 secrets in it. I actually underestimated the strength of Divine Favor in a secrets deck.
Loving that new and original deck Strifecro is playing right now.
Main card I got wrong was Mulch. Not because it's a bad card but because it does not fit into the type of cards that Druids put in their decks.
All used Druid cards basically boil down to:
Can it do damage.
Can it draw.
Can it ramp.
For Aggro Druids even the second option is not used. Mulch does not fit into any of these categories and thus sees no play. As long as the Druid combo exists, Mulch will not see play except in Fatigue decks.
I guess Mulch, Polymorph Boar and Enter the Colisseum. None of which I still feel are bad but they either don't fit currently or there are better options. Kinda like Dreadscale in Hunter.
As far as a card I thought would not see play but is seeing play is Bash. Card is really damn good and that's the main reason CW has been relevant in an aggressive meta. Warriors now have a decent answer to Shredders in the former of Bash plus Axe (as compared to before where you had to use two weapon charges and lots of face damage to deal with).
I always cited Confuse as a gimmick card belonging to Inner Fire Priest deck (that's actually what I meant by Confuse deck). Nothing more nothing less. I don't even have Confuse in my collection to try it out. I did once lose against it though where it was used like an OTK.So how's that Confuse deck working out for you?
I always cited Confuse as a gimmick card belonging to Inner Fire Priest deck. Nothing more nothing less.
Yes and so is Astral Communion! Actually Astral Communion might be my favorite card from TGT.You called it one of your favorite cards in the set!
I am not sure why I called MC one of my favorites, maybe I misspoke on that front. I actually hate that type of card effect similar to Mad Scientist. Maybe I was trying to sell MC too hard because a lot of people didn't think the card was going to be that good.You also called Mysterious Challenger one of your favorites.
I bet you wanna walk back on that one. =P
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Imagine if you could go to your profile page and see your collection, stats and other things without any external tool...
Hearthpwn released a collection manager tool, no more spreadsheets.
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