Exactly a a little bit before TGT came out I took at least a month off playing HS. I let my dailies expire and played a bunch of other stuff. I had a ton of fun with Diablo 3, CS:GO, some PS4 game back log, etc.
Yeah, I didn't play a lot during the time leading up to BRM and for a few months during BRM. It was a nice recharge period.
I also think I've been lucky to see a lot more diversity in the classes and decks I've been playing against. I see aggro, control, tempo and all classes represented every time I play. There are always popular decks being played (paladin, druid, hunter, mage) but I don't think things are as bad as Reddit would make it seem.
I am seeing a lot of diversity myself. I've only played 33 matches this month and paladin only represented 8 of those, so roughly 25%. And even then the paladin matches were really spread out. And even in that class it wasn't all secret paladin and was at least 1 aggro paladin and several midrange paladins (also doesn't hurt I am still 100% winrate versus them).
After today I am seeing more control and patron warrior than even druid, but not by much. So paladin then warrior then druid. Every other classes is roughly 2-3 matches, including rogue, but shaman only has 1.
This is a lot more diverse than say undertaker hunter meta where sometimes you'd see 50% of the ladder playing some form of hunter, or at least that is how it felt. That meta was much worse than this one. And face hunter metas... while counterable just aren't very interactive and get boring. I just don't get where people are seeing all this aggro, cause even among druids it isn't all aggro druid and aggro druid is definitely the most played aggro deck atm.
Today I played 3 control warriors in a row. As rogue, beating 2 of those I feel pretty good about that. Damn death's bite. Damn you back to back death's bite to hell. Then 1 midrange paladin. Followed up by a malylock I lost to and then requeued into and beat. 0 aggro so far today.