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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt

Anyone willing to help me learn some of the basics,
I've bought all the adventures and am using a Mage tempo deck trying to climb the ladder and struggling
Would appreciate some tuition xD

Are you on NA or EU? If you're on NA I could probably spectate and give you pointers if you want.

Oh, before I forget, I've been working on a new combo-ish deck. Basically you run something like Zoolock that always has a lot of bodies on the board, then late game use Brann coupled with Enhance-o-Mechcano. Most of the time you'll get a minion with Windfury, which then you can couple with Abusive Sargent(which gives +4 thanks to Brann) and spells like Power Overwhelming. Not the best thing out there but I find it fun to pull off.

I first tried it out with Rogue with Deathrattles because of Raptor and Cold Blood but it never worked out. Now I'm just using a Zoolock list that includes Brann and I switched out some cards for the others.

Makes me think of this.



12-1 Warrior

Damn, that's alot of gold. I got 12 wins yesterday and only got 245, wtf.


I lost this game. 5 in a row actually. I faced two completely different decks running Lil' Exorcist, like there were a million DR decks running around (I didn't face another one). Seems like Spells < Deathrattle < Battlecry < Murlocs.

So people are playing brawls after getting the reward, and not because they got the brawl daily?


Edit:I guess this week's brawl is not an RNGfest like most of them, but usually brawls are decided based on who got the better RNG in that match


Just hit my first golden hero since playing beta.

Shame everyone probably thinks I did it by playing face shaman, it was actually my own Reno-Dragon shaman for the last 50 or so wins.

Still, shiny totems are super cool. So cool in fact that I took sir Finley out of my deck just so I could use them more
I'm trying to make a 'zoogro' priest deck for fun, ideas to refine or add?

the core:
power word: shield x2
abusive sergeant x2
leper gnome x2
shadowbomber x2
echoing ooze
haunted creeper x2
jeweled scarab
knife juggler x2
museum curator x2
velen's chosen x2
brann bronzebeard

PW:S is a super cheap cycle that can make any of the cheap minions survive an extra turn
abusive isn't too strong, he's cheap though. doubled mostly because of the eggs and brann, but questionable
leper gnome and shadowbomber are the core of the deck. shadowbomber is a more powerful leper gnome and the core card to inspire the deck, and for five mana if you get the dream you can take away 12 health and have 3 minions on board on a turn 5 play
echoing ooze: amazing with velens chosen, not too good otherwise, good with knife jugs, a little iffy
scarab and museum: cheap bodies for jugs, and 'extend the deck'
velen's chosen....hard not to pick it
brann is super cheap and has good interactions

the egg package:
dragon egg x2
nerubian egg x2
defender of argus x2
jeeves x2

i've tried charge minions instead of all this, but the problem is they die quickly and your card draw is poor. so instead i stole the egg package from egg druid, jeeves cripples the deck to an extent because you can't throw in things like dr. boom, but, that draw engine is what makes it have a little bit of consistency. velen's works amazingly with the eggs as well, PW:S and velen on a dragon egg is really annoying to get rid of

northshire cleric
sir finley
dire wolf alpha

alpha helps with all the eggs, it's hard not to have one in the deck. but it's admittedly an awful card with the deck lacking taunt. i had a version with annoyotron and deathlord before but putting jeeves in makes it harder to justify those...
finley can give you the hero power you need to win the game, but you need to play it after the cleric, otherwise the cleric is 100% a dead card (hence not running two)

basically the idea is to flood the hell out of the board and hope they don't draw AOE quickly (the fun is because since you're a priest, no one expects/respects a zoo so they won't keep it for opening). powering up a knife juggler's health with a deck full of 1/2 mana minions is a ton of fun, if you velen's him you can wreck and with jeeves you don't have to worry about running out of cards too bad as long as you draw him around turn 7 or 8. honestly the biggest problem is filling up the board too much, since you can dump lots of minions each turn the board can get full from eggs and creepers and such. but when it works it's a hilarious troll

I tried a double shrink with a cabal and shadow madness instead of eggs before but the combos are too expensive and it doesn't really help the play style enough to justify spending 6-8 mana on thieving things
I lost this game. 5 in a row actually. I faced two completely different decks running Lil' Exorcist, like there were a million DR decks running around (I didn't face another one). Seems like Spells < Deathrattle < Battlecry < Murlocs.


I can say that, as Shamurloc, I won most of my games. Probably 75% out of about 8 played. As Fatigue Priest (spells; linked on the previous page) I've won something like 13-2 or 13-3 now.


I'm EU unfortunately but thanks anyhow I'm slowly progressing, need to farm enough dust for Dr Boom and Archmage Antonidas its grueling

It's always a good idea to craft Dr. Boom ASAP, but you could play Tempo Mage with Pyroblast instead of Antonidas.
Put one Forgotten Torch and two Ethereal Conjurers in the deck as well to get the burst damage you would've generated with Antonidas. Obviously the Conjurers won't always give you burst spells, but I still like to run two in my Tempo Mage deck.
Hmm, Malygos or Mal'Ganis as a craft. I've DEd Malygos twice in the past (one regular, one golden) when he was deemed less useful. Leaning towards MG. Only other consideration would maybe be Vol'jin, I think I have all the other real "core" legendaries - everything else is pretty much fluff or situational.
i drew malygos but honestly i don't think he's very fun solely because if your opponent answers him the whole idea of the deck goes kaput, and before you draw him you are basically stalling and emporering to make good value for when you play him. i love the idea of him but yeah one card and your opponent wrecks your whole deck so i don't use him :/ it's just not worth it to me to play ten turns stalling and waiting for him only to live on the chance that the opponent can't silence or morph him away because his decks don't really have a secondary win condition


It's always a good idea to craft Dr. Boom ASAP, but you could play Tempo Mage with Pyroblast instead of Antonidas.
Put one Forgotten Torch and two Ethereal Conjurers in the deck as well to get the burst damage you would've generated with Antonidas. Obviously the Conjurers won't always give you burst spells, but I still like to run two in my Tempo Mage deck.

This is the deck I'm running atm, should I chuck out something for a pyro?

Picked up this game recently, I've been learning some stuff from Kripp's stream(I watch it mostly cause it's entertaining though) and have been applying it as best I can. Something other new players really need to stop doing is needlessly wasting their valuable spells on hitting me in the face, I've won several games in which I was behind simply because they completely gave up board control in favor of some minor damage. So far I've only lost 1 ranked game(vs a priest) but I'm only rank 21 so far so not a big accomplishment.

I'm having some trouble figuring out whether my deck has issues or not and if so, where they are but I'm hoping experience will slowly help me figure it out.


I've always sucked with Rogue but I decided to draft an arena deck and jeez she kicks ass.

Beat my record of 7 wins and the change of deck quality that you see is crazy. Just fought a Shaman with 4 hex's that he topdecked at least twice, still won that game.

As I see some of these decks, the more I realize, that while skill and making your deck obviously matter in arena, some decks can only take you so far, no matter your skill.


5th game this run and I've faced not a single non-Paladin

So unbelievably fucking tired of this broken-ass boring shitlord class


Kripp's latest video is crap.

"I want to run Freeze Mage in Constructed, let me have 40 HP!"

"I should have it because Tavern Brawl!"

No. Just no.


Kripp wants to play Hearthstone like he played HC Diablo. Just stack every defensive mechanic and let his opponents kill themselves.

Meanwhile, everyone else is bored to death.


Kripp wants to play Hearthstone like he played HC Diablo. Just stack every defensive mechanic and let his opponents kill themselves.

Meanwhile, everyone else is bored to death.
Ayy lmao!

Kripp doesn't even want to play control, he wants to play fatigue/mill. If Mill/Fatigue Druid was a tier 1 deck he would be playing constructed.


5th game this run and I've faced not a single non-Paladin

So unbelievably fucking tired of this broken-ass boring shitlord class

I have been facing tons of mages and rogues lately. Perhaps people are getting bored of paladin during the hours I play.
If mill became popular / tier 1, couldn't you just run an aggressive or combo deck with zero draw and be fine? I feel like the only time I have issues with them are when I have a deck with goof draw / card generation.


That's funny.

If Mill/Fatigue Druid was a tier 1 deck I would probably kill myselfstop playing constructed.
Which is exactly something that he fails to understand.

He is basically the opposite spectrum of the HS player. Some players enjoy rushing the opponent down and hate drawn out fatigue games... other players hate quick games and enjoy games drawn out to fatigue. Games decided by fatigue are lame and in many cases are extremely non interactive (if no one is playing minions how the hell are the playees going to interact with each other with removals in hand). That said games decided by turn 5 are also not that fun when it came down to who got the better draw/curve.

Game is balanced around the 30 HP. The deck size, burn spells, heal spells, HP manipulation cards and mana acceleration cards all take into account the max HP of a player. If the game is tempo/aggro minion driven then that's not the fault of the HP it's the fault of minions power creeping above spell/weapon power.

If mill became popular / tier 1, couldn't you just run an aggressive or combo deck with zero draw and be fine? I feel like the only time I have issues with them are when I have a deck with goof draw / card generation.
Combo decks like Oil Rogue work with the 30 HP in mind. The Oil Rogue has a limited amount of damage in its deck and against higher HP it will struggle to finish games even with combo pieces. It's why Warrior does well against Rogue.

Aggro decks wouldn't be able to close out games before the Fatigue deck stabilizes if HP was higher.

Higher HP also makes cards like Reno, Alex and Tree of Life even stronger as heals.


This is the deck I'm running atm, should I chuck out something for a pyro?


Polymorph: Boar seems to be the card you could cut for Pyroblast.

I'm actually playing a version of Tempo Mage without Antonidas this season and my list looks like this:

2x Arcane Missiles
1x Mirror Image
2x Mana Wyrm
2x Flamecannon
2x Frostbolt
1x Unstable Portal
2x Mad Scientist
2x Sorcerer's Apprentice
1x Arcane Intellect
1x Forgotten torch
2x Mirror Entity
1x Spellbender
2x Flamewaker
2x Fireball
2x Azure Drake
2x Ethereal Conjurer
1x Flamestrike
1x Dr. Boom
1x Pyroblast

I basically tried to reduce the RNG factor from my deck, that's why I don't run any Spellslinger and removed one Portal for a Forgotten Torch.

I run one Arcane Intellect because Tempo Mage tends to run out of steam quite quickly and more often than not you'll desperately need more card draw.

Everybody expects Counterspell these days and the coin can deal with it too easily, that's why I run Spellbender instead, besides all those buffing Priests and BoK'ing Paladin got on my nerves and Spellbender is a nice counter to them.
Dat feeling when the Paladin uses 4 mana to give you a 5/7 minion is priceless.

Flamestrike is also a card I like to run because of all those token decks that you'll encounter on ladder.


Picked up this game recently, I've been learning some stuff from Kripp's stream(I watch it mostly cause it's entertaining though) and have been applying it as best I can. Something other new players really need to stop doing is needlessly wasting their valuable spells on hitting me in the face, I've won several games in which I was behind simply because they completely gave up board control in favor of some minor damage. So far I've only lost 1 ranked game(vs a priest) but I'm only rank 21 so far so not a big accomplishment.

I'm having some trouble figuring out whether my deck has issues or not and if so, where they are but I'm hoping experience will slowly help me figure it out.

A lot of new players take the view that more hp = winning, also between rank 20-25 you're likely to be playing people that view the game as just another app on their phone that they turn on now and again, rather than someone that is interested in learning any kind of strategy as you have.

Feel free to post your deck list on here too as people are always happy to help :)


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I was saying that it's debatable which card is more OP because they fill different roles. Leeroy was disgusting in OTK combo decks and face decks, Dr Balanced less so. Pre nerf Leeroy is arguably worse for the game than Dr Balanced, based on Blizzard's own definition.

I think Dr. Boom would see more play at 8 mana then Leeroy currently does at 5 mana. That's basically my yardstick here.
is reno control warrior a thing now too?

i just beat one with mid priest, entirely thanks to golden monkey.

getting a blingtron to crush his gorehowl was sweet, oh yeah and it also gave me doomhammer


If mill became popular / tier 1, couldn't you just run an aggressive or combo deck with zero draw and be fine? I feel like the only time I have issues with them are when I have a deck with goof draw / card generation.

Probably. Though I remember this one game from ages ago when I had to play a few hunter games and went all smorc to get it done with and I ran into a fatigue/mill druid. I actually fatigued!

Mostly because he was running 2xHT, healbots and 2x tree of life and it was still close. Must've done something close to 100 dmg to his face.


I've reached that point that I won't even get mad anymore, just laugh at this stupid game.

I lost to every bullshit thing today. Like my board is full of patrons and a taunt, but boombots both hit my face 4 each for exact lethal. Sure. That's 1/1024 chance btw.

Losing to druid of saber, innervate combo top deck when I had lethal next turn from empty board. Sure.

Double rockbiter doomhammer? Sure.

Flame tongue out of shredder for druid then next turn, innervate combo again with that puts me at 1, they guy probably couldn't even count. Of course never Reno, never punish.

Last game against these aggro shaman, I said yolo, just make this big Edwin on turn 3 to win, they only have one earthshock anyways, best shot at winning this match up. Instant punish.

It was really extra weird.
Probably. Though I remember this one game from ages ago when I had to play a few hunter games and went all smorc to get it done with and I ran into a fatigue/mill druid. I actually fatigued!

Mostly because he was running 2xHT, healbots and 2x tree of life and it was still close. Must've done something close to 100 dmg to his face.

Yeah, Mill Druid will always be a bit more difficult because they can pack in more heals than Rogue. I doubt it'll ever be that popular though. In my mind it just doesn't have the same satisfying impact as using minions or a combo while also it takeing so long.


Mill Rogue at 10 HP burns my lethal (2nd Swipe) with 2nd Vanish, then plays 2nd Deathlord... too bad he wasn't expecting my last card to be Malygos with Moonfire and Living Roots in hand hehe...

I think I still would've won regardless, but it was close.


Meta snapshot 43

Aggro Shaman out of Tier 1, Freeze Mage in, with Tempo Mage the highest in Tier 2.
This Tempostorm is a bait.

They did that shit two months ago as well. Put in Freeze Mage in tier 1 and didn't have Secret Paladin as #1. Then people played CW to farm the Freeze Mage while the Druids farmed the Warriors and Freeze Mage and Secret Paladins farmed every body. Then at the end of the month they put the king as #1 and Freeze Mage back to #2.

It's cyclical ladder stuff.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Finally had my first 12-1 run today. The only times I had gone 12 wins in the past were 12-2 runs so having a 12-1 under my belt felt pretty nice. I felt like it was even slightly more impressive once you realize that I went up against 5 Paladins and 4 Mages to do it! I was Paladin myself of course but my draft didn't really feel that disgusting, just a smattering of Paladin's crazy kit here and there.



This was easily the top 5 best Tavern Brawl that Blizzard made. Even in its last day I am seeing more variety in Brawl than in Constructed. Just played a Spell Hunter with Lock n Load against my Renolock.
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