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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt

So we take that into account. And then maybe knock off a bit of cost as a "penalty" of being forced into placing cards in your deck.

This is why I don't care too much about MC. Look at it this way:

MC = 6 mana, 6 cards.
Flare + Deadly shot = 5 mana, 2 cards.

The reason secret paladin will still beat the hunter is all the other paladin cards are fucking insane. You win the early game, then you get Tirion and Boom. Playing secrets is nice, but you could also insert murlocs, or midrange cards or pretty much anything else and still do the job.

This is why if you nerf something, you nerf divine favour. It is ok for a class to have nuts cards, but you shouldn't have nuts cards + nuts card draw.


I'm only up to rank 9, but secret paladin right now is so fucking dirty, it is absolutely absurd. I went on a pure win streak from rank 17 to 11, lost one or two games back and forth and am now on a straight win streak from 11 to 9 and beyond. The deck list is pretty similar to the one a few weeks back from tempostorm in that it has no AOE whatsoever. The inclusion of Rag as another BGH target helps to cover for when bad stuff happens to doctor 6. Shit feels so unfair its awesome.
I'm only up to rank 9, but secret paladin right now is so fucking dirty, it is absolutely absurd. I went on a pure win streak from rank 17 to 11, lost one or two games back and forth and am now on a straight win streak from 11 to 9 and beyond. The deck list is pretty similar to the one a few weeks back from tempostorm in that it has no AOE whatsoever. The inclusion of Rag as another BGH target helps to cover for when bad stuff happens to doctor 6. Shit feels so unfair its awesome.

Can you post your deck?


Can you post your deck?

Paladin Cards:

Avenge x 2
Competitive Spirit
Noble Sacrifice x 2

Shielded Minibot x 2
Muster for Battle x 2
Truesilver Champion

Blessing of Kings x2
Keeper of Uldaman
Mysterious Challenger x2
Tirion Fordring


Secretkeeper x 2
Haunted Creeper x 2
Knife Juggler x 2
Piloted Shredder x 2
Sludge Belcher x 2
Dr 7

Right now, there just arent enough zoo decks to worry about running consecreation. That being said, I think you could quite reasonably ditch the secret keepers for the consecrations, but there have definitely been a few times when i've been glad to have them around.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
So I got back into Hearthstone after my funk. It wasn't Arena that did it, it wasn't netdecking easy wins, it was playing with my own deck. People say my Anyfin Can Reno thing is... foolhardy. But damn if I don't enjoy thoroughly knowing every card in my deck. It removes the entire "what's in my deck?" entity and lets me focus on what my opponent could have. I've even started trying not to show my hand so easily. Which means instead of maybe playing a Bluegill, just play the Minibot. Keep those Murlocs in my hand until I really need to. Aggro decks can go to hell, Control decks can go to hell, I think I can play Mid-Range vs Mid-Range decently.

It was actually just opening a Coghammer that spurred me back into action.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Three warlock games in a row, and three 4 roll implosions that blew me out of the game.

for fuck's sake blizzard, why is that a card.


Unconfirmed Member
Three warlock games in a row, and three 4 roll implosions that blew me out of the game.

for fuck's sake blizzard, why is that a card.

I've sworn off it for my handlock deck and was one of the best deck decisions I ever made. 4 mana for deal 2 damage and summon 2 1-1s is a pretty bad tempo play. Especially with how many good 4 slots there are. The card is balanced, but good lord does the random element decide too much of the game. It's up to warlock players to say no to the randomness of that card.

Unfortenately I don't think Reno and zoo can afford to get rid of it.
Paladin Cards:

Avenge x 2
Competitive Spirit
Noble Sacrifice x 2

Shielded Minibot x 2
Muster for Battle x 2
Truesilver Champion

Blessing of Kings x2
Keeper of Uldaman
Mysterious Challenger x2
Tirion Fordring


Secretkeeper x 2
Haunted Creeper x 2
Knife Juggler x 2
Piloted Shredder x 2
Sludge Belcher x 2
Dr 7

Right now, there just arent enough zoo decks to worry about running consecreation. That being said, I think you could quite reasonably ditch the secret keepers for the consecrations, but there have definitely been a few times when i've been glad to have them around.

You're gonna need consec when you run into the seceret mirror, and aggroshaman,hunters and an boatload of other shit once you hit rank 5 +.



I repeat

one win two fucking losses

I draw not a single one of my ~15 1-3-drops (naked lance carrier is worse than hero power)

and have to face this


are you FUCKING kidding me


That's intended afaik, battlecries resolve before the minion is actually considered "in play". That's why playing a Boom against Mirror Entity will copy a boom bot and not the Dr.

Animations don't reflect that so it looks broken though.
You're otherwise correct, but mirror entity copies Boom because the bots aren't played.


I repeat

one win two fucking losses

I draw not a single one of my ~15 1-3-drops (naked lance carrier is worse than hero power)

and have to face this

are you FUCKING kidding me
I had 3 of these runs in a row yesterday. Now I can't even play arena cause I'm broke. Maybe it's better that way.


Doing tavern brawl for my dailies today. So many people playing control warrior and freeze mage. Tavern brawl is supposed to be all about fun and they've polluted it with these awful builds


Somehow people posting their 12-0 arena runs doesn't encourage me to play while people posting their 1-3 horror stories makes me want to stay far away.


Doing tavern brawl for my dailies today. So many people playing control warrior and freeze mage. Tavern brawl is supposed to be all about fun and they've polluted it with these awful builds
Well, people have different ideas of fun. That sounds way better to me than spamming deathrattles or murlocs.


I've sworn off it for my handlock deck and was one of the best deck decisions I ever made. 4 mana for deal 2 damage and summon 2 1-1s is a pretty bad tempo play. Especially with how many good 4 slots there are. The card is balanced, but good lord does the random element decide too much of the game. It's up to warlock players to say no to the randomness of that card.

Unfortenately I don't think Reno and zoo can afford to get rid of it.

Agreed. When I was playing handlock/reno, I'd have so many games where a 3-4 roll would win it for me and I'd always get 2.


Damn I'm sure I saw a weird interaction with a secret and boom, can't remember what it was then. Guess I'm wrong :/


Damn I'm sure I saw a weird interaction with a secret and boom, can't remember what it was then. Guess I'm wrong :/

It's that the bots help trigger Sacred Trial. Boom seems to appear first, so you would think he's safe if you only have a couple minions on the board. But technically the bots appear first, which means Boom himself triggers it.


I really, really want to see stats for winrate among players that play an on curve Dr. Balance compared to really any other neutral card in the game.

I just keep getting the realization that despite other things being more fashionable to hate on, the card just isn't okay on any level whatsoever.


I just went 15-4 with this fatigue deck in the brawl. I am a monster.


Mostly only loses to bad opening hands and Shaman Murloc. If you make it to turn 7 you win.


Considered replacing Mind Vision with Power Word: Glory?
I tried it before switching to Mind Vision, it usually ended up where my armor was getting shredded and I was being healed for zero on attack. In fact I'm considering pulling out Justicar and the two Light of the Naaru's.

Plus, Mind Vision and Thoughtsteal are great in this brawl because it usually ends up either grabbing you more spells to get more armor or a minion they can waste resources on. All of my games that got to turn 9+ ended up where my opponents literally were throwing out 1 or 2 small minions at a time and I would just keep slamming down more and more AoE and removal all while getting up to 15+ armor, of course while healing any actual damage I had on me with my hero power. There were times where I literally passed 2-3 turns in a row and still ended up winning.


Today went a lot better. After doing some thinking I realized a couple of things about the deck I was using yesterday:

  • Since my starting deck (shamelessly stolen from a Trump tutorial) I had added two more spells, removing two minions. This meant that when playing yesterday, I often had a full hand of priest spells but no minions to keep board control with.
  • I undervalued my Senjin Taunt. Although it doesn't seem like a great card, it helps keep my minions alive during the midgame. With no taunts at all in my deck, many of my simpler minions were easily wiped out.
  • Despite liking the Soulpriest, I didn't have the cards to back it up. I now crafted another Circle of Healing to have a better chance of making use of it. I should probably craft a flash heal, later.
  • A couple of other cards which I liked weren't actually that useful, like a minion that hass Inspire +2/+2: Too expensive to play in good time, and gets wiped out immediately by the enemy unless I already have board control. Overall I think the deck had gone a bit too advanced without being good, so I've sub'd in some simpler cards now to get back to the basics.
It feels much better to play with now, but I'll have to see how it stacks up with some more games. Didn't get to Rank 18 again, yet, only 19.

I'm gonna get some gold and try an Arena to hopefully get some cards.

Also, I finally realised what a Burst Mage is. Seems like a fun deck!
I just went 15-4 with this fatigue deck in the brawl. I am a monster.


Mostly only loses to bad opening hands and Shaman Murloc. If you make it to turn 7 you win.

Damn, I don't have Saraad or Confessor and don't want to dig into my 8k dust for them just for a Brawl. How essential do they feel to the deck? Seems like Confessor would be more replaceable than Saraad (maybe Ysera in Confessor's place?).


I really, really want to see stats for winrate among players that play an on curve Dr. Balance compared to really any other neutral card in the game.

I just keep getting the realization that despite other things being more fashionable to hate on, the card just isn't okay on any level whatsoever.
Dr Balanced has ascended to Magma Rager tier where the OPness of the card unites the community and always gives us something to talk about. It is the top end scale of how good a card is aka Dr Balanced tier vs Magma Rager tier.

It will be a weird day for Hearthstone if Dr Balanced gets nerfed.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Dr Balanced has ascended to Magma Rager tier where the OPness of the card unites the community and always gives us something to talk about. It is the top end scale of how good a card is aka Dr Balanced tier vs Magma Rager tier.

It will be a weird day for Hearthstone if Dr Balanced gets nerfed.

Leeroy Jenkins used to be a cornerstone card for the game. He was the Dr. Boom of his time. Blizzard even used him in their official marketing materials, which as far as I know hasn't really been done for Dr. Boom (or if he has, not at the same level). He was the card.

And he got nerfed. And the game became better for it. And he wasn't even at the level of OP that Dr. Boom is at.


Damn, I don't have Saraad or Confessor and don't want to dig into my 8k dust for them just for a Brawl. How essential do they feel to the deck? Seems like Confessor would be more replaceable than Saraad (maybe Ysera in Confessor's place?).

They don't feel required, you can easily replace them with Boom or any 5+ mana value minion. I picked Saraad for the spell (armor) generation and Confessor because she can make for an insane distraction.


Leeroy was OP in a different way. Promoted a very aggro/combo playstyle.

Dr Balanced on the otherhand promotes an aggro/tempo style eve though control decks play it too.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Leeroy was OP in a different way. Promoted a very aggro/combo playstyle.

Dr Balanced on the otherhand promotes an aggro/tempo style eve though control decks play it too.

Uh, well sure. Not sure what that has to do with your point about Dr. Boom being a sort of cultural-touchstone for the game, though.


I've learned the hard way that most of the meta decks perform like shit in the low tiers. You really need something like Midrange Hunter or Tempo Mage to get on a roll. Patron, Malygos Rogue, Aggro Shaman.. never going to get the job done until you're up against nothing but other meta decks.


A druid had 20 health and then he played Majordomo for some reason. Best top deck Death of my life.

I wonder if the card would be more viable if Ragnaros had 15 health.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I've learned the hard way that most of the meta decks perform like shit in the low tiers. You really need something like Midrange Hunter or Tempo Mage to get on a roll. Patron, Malygos Rogue, Aggro Shaman.. never going to get the job done until you're up against nothing but other meta decks.

Secret Paladin will get the job done at any point.


Secret Paladin will get the job done at any point.

That goes without saying, but I don't have any MC, Tirion, or Quartermasters. There's only so much dust I will spend on being a scumbag, already had to dust a golden Grom to craft Dr. 7 (and I've always mained warrior)


Dusted off my good old aggro paladin deck to get that 10-15 wins left to golden paladin, it's one list I never deleted for most of last year, it has gone through dozens of revisions with new cards now. I feel it's still really good, I was tired of secret mirrors so this just helps a lot, getting a decent divine favor from secret paladin is hilarious. I'm reaaaally sick of playing paladin though, good thing this deck is fast.


Idea for an anti-secret card. 3 mana 2/2 that gains +2/+2 every time an enemy secret is revealed. If played into mirror entity the opponent would get a 2/2 body and your card would be 4/4 (secret resolves after body hits the board). playing into repentance would give you a 4/3 body, noble sacrifice would make it 4/4. This would make it so that the minion trades favorably into many commonly played secrets. BOOM! Triggering both would leave your minion 6/3.

EDIT: triggering the christmas tree would make the card 12/12 and would trade favorably into MC no matter what.
EDIT2: It still fails against vaporize, snipe, ice block, and ice trap though. Can't win them all.


Uh, well sure. Not sure what that has to do with your point about Dr. Boom being a sort of cultural-touchstone for the game, though.
I was saying that it's debatable which card is more OP because they fill different roles. Leeroy was disgusting in OTK combo decks and face decks, Dr Balanced less so. Pre nerf Leeroy is arguably worse for the game than Dr Balanced, based on Blizzard's own definition.
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