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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


Doubt they'll make any announcements soon. In the meantime, I'll hoard gold until an announcement is made.

I'm not counting December. I feel like they crunched out LoE so they could take December off but that's just me. As assumed in an earlier post, April seems like a concurrent month when things get released.

But that's just me.

That's how I feel. LoE was dropped on us quick while they patched the game a couple of months ahead. Hopefully the time off from working on the game and having money fights around the office leads to something fruitful.

My guess is we'll hear something in March for an April release.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Unstable portaled Justicar turn 3, I should have won a fucking medal if I managed to win that one.

Edit: alright I'm actually encountering people who have absolutely no business being rank 19 with these decks.

The whole ladder system is pretty brutal. Since it rewards a golden Hero portrait for 500 wins you may be running into people that concede down the ranks to try and farm wins for it.


I'm done playing reno with rampant druid infestation going on right now, it's the most miserable awful feeling games even when I win. Every turn is like am I dead?

I started playing aggro druid instead, it's doing preeeetty good actually. It beats midrange druid and secret paly easily, can get lethal from anywhere really. Beats priests too even. It's actually kinda fun to play unlike midrange druid. face face face.
The whole ladder system is pretty brutal. Since it rewards a golden Hero portrait for 500 wins you may be running into people that concede down the ranks to try and farm wins for it.

Oh that's probably why I got combo'd by a druid and that mage played 3 strong mage legendaries, now I feel less bad about my shitty rogue deck I made in 5 minutes just to complete a quest.


Junior Member
Recent Arena standings: 4 wins, 6 wins... 1 win. Draft mage, get 2 polymorphs, a duplicate and an arcane intellect. Plus random minions.
Compared to the 6 win Warlock deck which was basically mech. But only one shadowflame as board clear. Pallies wiped the floor with me. Though loss 1 was stupid, I completely misjudged on turn 1 and it simply snowballed into hell from there. Could've gotten 7 wins there.

So 3 runs, 65, 85 and 30 gold. Deduct the addon for arena and in total I made 30 gold and 1 common for playing 20 games when a 40 gold quest normally takes 4-5 games. Time efficient looks different :p

Oh that's probably why I got combo'd by a druid and that mage played 3 strong mage legendaries, now I feel less bad about my shitty rogue deck I made in 5 minutes just to complete a quest.
Yeah, had a few of those at level 20 even. Wth, can't even grind out quests with shit decks in peace?


I'm done playing reno with rampant druid infestation going on right now, it's the most miserable awful feeling games even when I win. Every turn is like am I dead?

I started playing aggro druid instead, it's doing preeeetty good actually. It beats midrange druid and secret paly easily, can get lethal from anywhere really. Beats priests too even. It's actually kinda fun to play unlike midrange druid. face face face.

Any good replacements for Fel Reaver?
Also I really didn't want to pick Ancient Shade for my arena run but it actually carried me in a couple games, in the right circumstances it's pretty devastating. To be fair I never drew the curse so I guess I got pretty lucky.


Any good replacements for Fel Reaver?

I have only one Fel Reaver myself, I play one Tiger instead. Working pretty good for me, sometimes it is even better than Fel Reaver. Fel Reaver is good if you can get it out turn 1-3. Later playing it usually goes badly, tiger can't be dealt with before it hits face and you can play it any time really. I like it. I'm not sure if I play two though. With Keeper of Uldaman now, Fel Reaver is worse than before against secret paladin.


Recent Arena standings: 4 wins, 6 wins... 1 win. Draft mage, get 2 polymorphs, a duplicate and an arcane intellect. Plus random minions.
Compared to the 6 win Warlock deck which was basically mech. But only one shadowflame as board clear. Pallies wiped the floor with me. Though loss 1 was stupid, I completely misjudged on turn 1 and it simply snowballed into hell from there. Could've gotten 7 wins there.

So 3 runs, 65, 85 and 30 gold. Deduct the addon for arena and in total I made 30 gold and 1 common for playing 20 games when a 40 gold quest normally takes 4-5 games. Time efficient looks different :p

Yeah, had a few of those at level 20 even. Wth, can't even grind out quests with shit decks in peace?
Are you new to arena? Because you seem to be massiveoy overvaluing those Mage spells. Polymorph is nice but doesn't carry games, Duplicate isn't even good without a very solid control shell and Intellect is really just a filler card and only clutch in Aggro Mage which you rarely get the chance to draft nowadays. "Random minions" is like... minions make arena drafts, you could draft seven board clears but not make it past 5w with below-average minion quality, either Paladins roll over you before you even get to turn 6 or you get grinded down because you can't take the early game and people play around clears at higher wins.

Also while gold rewards often suck you can't compare the payout to a daily. Dailies are finite, so what you're actually looking at is a profit of 30 gold (9 wins in constructed so about 16 games assuming a 60% winrate) + a common which really isn't all that bad considering your worst run was a devastating 1-3 and your best run, 6-3, isn't even at the break-even point.

Also I really didn't want to pick Ancient Shade for my arena run but it actually carried me in a couple games, in the right circumstances it's pretty devastating. To be fair I never drew the curse so I guess I got pretty lucky.
Ancient Shade is really good in tempo/aggro drafts, i.e. where you win the earlygame and have some garbage lying around to trade with and protect it for a turn. The curse is a non-issue, you generally don't draw much more than half of your deck and even if you're unlucky you should be ahead so your life total doesn't matter.


Ancient Shade would get used in every Aggro/Tempo deck if it was 6/5 instead of 7/4. These two numbers are both pretty bad because one dies to BGH and the other dies to Truesilver/Shredder/Death's Bite/Flame cannon etc.

The curse really doesn't matter for the type of deck you want to play it in.


Met a Druid with a card that discards their entire hand to gain 10 mana crystals. At first I was like "FUCKING BULLSHIT" but then I understood that they gave up board control for so many rounds that I never lost it and won the game. Lulz.
Ancient Shade would get used in every Aggro/Tempo deck if it was 6/5 instead of 7/4. These two numbers are both pretty bad because one dies to BGH and the other dies to Truesilver/Shredder/Death's Bite/Flame cannon etc.

The curse really doesn't matter for the type of deck you want to play it in.
Wouldn't it go from decent to broken if it was 6/5?


Sweet, managed to end my run and get another draft in on legendary day before bed and snagged a Cairne for a pretty solid Warrior draft. It was a 12-run so that's nice too.


My guess as to what Ben Brode is teasing in his video isn't an update that includes new cards, but likely quality of life improvements like more deck slots and potentially the changes to constructed that they hinted at during BlizzCon. As others stated, it is just too soon to have more cards ready to release. And they've often used these periods between expansions to push out UI improvements (collection screen refinement) plus changes to game modes and/or new game modes (ranked rewards, Tavern Brawl).


I beat a murloc paladin today by playing faceless on old murc eye after first anyfin, lol. guy must be raging. it was trolden material.


yeah bbrode has been talking about ways to make the game better for new comers etc too. He's been hinting at an overhaul of the game, I don't think we get an expansion before April but there is probably going to be some major changes to the game before then.


Ben Brode has been fairly active in the Reddit thread about his video, dropping some interesting nuggets of info.

On why they don't announce nerfs farther in advance:

One of the things I am worried about is announcing a nerf too far before the patch that contains it. I think it feels worse to lose to Warsong when we've announced "this is broken and we are going to nerf it", than when it's a still a point of discussion. Imagine a month of knowing Warsong will be nerfed and still losing to it daily. That's my fear, and why we don't announce nerfs until right before the patch drops.

On whether having to design for both desktop and mobile UIs has restricted them from implementing features at all:

Usually isn't an issue, in practice. But we have very creative UI designers and we often find great ways to have our cake and eat it too. Sometimes we resort to a smaller feature set on mobile if we really can't figure it out. (i.e. no right-click on a card in decklist to go straight to it in the collection manager)

On whether features are developed strictly due to community feedback or if they are often in-development long before then:

It depends - Spectator Mode was a feature we weren't originally planning on but it jumped to the top of our list due to community feedback. Ranked Rewards is another one.

Smaller features are easier to pivot on quickly, big features take a lot of iteration and polish. But we're certainly listening and acting on requests as fast as we can.

On correcting card design mistakes or misevaluations (ex. Lock and Load too underpowered, MC too overpowered):

Mistakes happen and we constantly patch in updates. It depends on the scope of the problem, and the cost of the different fixes. For example, if Lock and Load isn't as used as we'd like, we can make more cheap, good Hunter spells in upcoming sets. We don't need to solve this problem today. Similar to how we "fixed" dragons by adding a couple pieces in TGT. We've also made major changes like redoing the ranked system and adding ranked rewards.

The truth is that perfection is not really possible, and we just keep iterating to make things better over time. It's not going to happen all at once, but we target are biggest areas for improvement one by one.

He also mentioned that they want to do more "making-of" videos or postmortems on the design and development process, specifically noting that they might do one for the implementation on more deck slots.

Lastly, he confirmed that Team 5 is now over 50 members and still actively hiring/expanding.


Prepare yourselves folks..

Nerfs are coming.

I do agree with Brode that you don't announce nerfs so far in advance. Mostly because the bitching is always incessant and you want to cut down on that.


Could you imagine if they nerfed Challenger, Boom, Juggler and Shredder all at once.

What a moment that would be.
If they nerf the Druid Combo too then expect to see way more CW, Renolock and Freeze Mage as the main trifecta of the game (Freeze Mage beats Renolock, CW beats Freeze Mage and Renolock beats CW).

AYY LMAO who am I kidding someone is going to find the next hyper aggro deck and farm these slow decks anyway.


If they nerf the Druid Combo too then expect to see way more CW, Renolock and Freeze Mage as the main trifecta of the game (Freeze Mage beats Renolock, CW beats Freeze Mage and Renolock beats CW).

AYY LMAO who am I kidding someone is going to find the next hyper aggro deck and farm these slow decks anyway.

super shadow hyper aggro priest, you heard it first.


Ben Brode also name dropped Tournament mode which means that the team knows that it's a highly requested feature which means that there's a chance that it might get implemented sooner than anticipated.

I am surprised that Ben Brode was forced to make this video. It hasn't even been that long since the last LoE wing and Blizzard was obviously on a small break for the Holidays (which is perfectly acceptable) so I don't know how anyone was expecting any news so soon after the break.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Golden Murk Eye!


Guess it's time for me to try OTK Paladin now, lol
If they nerf the Druid Combo too then expect to see way more CW, Renolock and Freeze Mage as the main trifecta of the game (Freeze Mage beats Renolock, CW beats Freeze Mage and Renolock beats CW).

AYY LMAO who am I kidding someone is going to find the next hyper aggro deck and farm these slow decks anyway.

Ehhhhh, I just beat a freeze mage with my Renolock. Granted things lined up pretty well for me and pretty poorly for him.

Mal'Ganis was totally worth crafting by the way. The demon version of the deck is pretty good, though there's also the Stalagg/Feugen and Combo variations that I've seen/played with before.
Golden Murk Eye!

Guess it's time for me to try OTK Paladin now, lol

Nice, congrats! Didn't know that was a thing.

Also, I've been playing that Shadowform Priest Kibler found/tweaked and it's been pretty great. Once again, this is rank 15, so take it with a grain of salt. I really like it because it was similar to a Priest deck I was playing a while back. Waaaaay more exciting than boring as hell Zoolock. Shame I already have golden Priest though.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Nice, congrats! Didn't know that was a thing.

Yeah, you gotta get gold versions of all the murlocs in the basic and classic set. So you have to get Priest to Level 51, then get Paladin, Rogue, and Warlock to Level 53. That'll get you the basic gold murlocs. Then you need gold versions of Coldlight Oracle, Coldlight Seer, Murloc Tidecaller, and Murloc Warleader.

I had already gotten gold versions of seer, tidecaller, and warleader through opening packs. So I just crafted the one oracle I needed and picked it up today after I finally hit Level 53 with Rogue.

You can also get a golden Captain's Parrot but that involves getting a golden Captain Greenskin, so fuck that.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Captain's Parrot stays losing. Really weird how it's not the other way around like Murlocs.

I think the idea is that they wanted you to earn the synergy card as the reward. Offer the build-around once you earn all the cards you need. Captain Greenskin is a pirate but doesn't have synergy with other pirates like Captain's Parrot or Southsea Captain.

But yeah, poor Captain's Parrot. Would you believe that it was actually nerfed? It used to be a 1/2 like Novice Engineer. I can only presume that Blizzard only nerfed it to keep it consistent with Novice Engineer but considering its build-around status it hardly seems like the kind of call Blizzard would make today.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
30 to 0 in one Thaursian tick. Had complete control of the game too. That's beyond fucked up. I played it perfectly too. Am I supposed to win the game in 5 turns? Seriously?

I guess this is decently hypocritical considering I was playing my own AnyFin deck.


Met a Druid with a card that discards their entire hand to gain 10 mana crystals. At first I was like "FUCKING BULLSHIT" but then I understood that they gave up board control for so many rounds that I never lost it and won the game. Lulz.

It's pretty much a "throw it down and pray you topdeck Ancient of Lore" card.


Oh god I just played a priest who was pretty much dominating me with stealing cards from my deck. Standard game up until turn 12 or so when I was top decking and they controlled the board with a buffed Ogre and Chromaggus.Then that person got three Northshire Clerics on board while I found the Golden Monkey and played it along with other final Taunt. Then suddenly he was drawing so many cards per turn that he got way into fatigue and I finished him off with healing a minion the next turn, while he sat with four high mana cards and a presumably sour face ready to kill me. Went from 30 to 0 hp in one turn.

I've been laughing the past ten minutes straight.

It's pretty much a "throw it down and pray you topdeck Ancient of Lore" card.
Hah, yeah he topdecked a draw card and then some legendaries but a priest has decent low mana cost cards to deal with a few, heh.


Im becoming really good at this game or people are terrible this season?. Im not playing the game almost (lot of games from steam sales and christmas gifts stole my time). Just played like 25 games max this season and Im at rank 4. My winrate is like 75% + what is absurd. Using a not accurate version of renolock made in 5 mins and murloc paladin. I see people doing terrible mistakes in almost any game and that was rare other seasons...


A lot of those Reddit comments would've been ideal for the video.

Does this mean we can expect an announcement of something next week?
Considering they just returned back after Christmas I wouldn't expect something big. Maybe 3 more Hero portraits. Still think the next expansion is due around PAX East.
I am surprised that Ben Brode was forced to make this video. It hasn't even been that long since the last LoE wing and Blizzard was obviously on a small break for the Holidays (which is perfectly acceptable) so I don't know how anyone was expecting any news so soon after the break.
It's a good time to put out a video instead of actual news. Gives them a buffer of sorts. Don't think he was forced to as he has previously mentioned that he'd like to ramp up production and tackle some of the issues raised by the community.


Ben Brode also name dropped Tournament mode which means that the team knows that it's a highly requested feature which means that there's a chance that it might get implemented sooner than anticipated.

I am surprised that Ben Brode was forced to make this video. It hasn't even been that long since the last LoE wing and Blizzard was obviously on a small break for the Holidays (which is perfectly acceptable) so I don't know how anyone was expecting any news so soon after the break.

He made it one week before they announced LoE. Blizzard just didn't release the video until now, presumably deciding to save it until when they felt the community was getting more antsy.


I hadn't run into any paladins for two days. Now I'm running into them but they're all running Murloc decks at level 20. Zzzz


Still playing Arena so I can even out my Gold and don't have the 5 leftover. Was up against a Druid who got to get of a Druid of the Fang. Even casted Mark of Nature on it. Though I could have easily get rid of it otherwise, I draw an Unstable Portal and I cast it just for the lolz. Got a Black Knight. :D
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