Recent Arena standings: 4 wins, 6 wins... 1 win. Draft mage, get 2 polymorphs, a duplicate and an arcane intellect. Plus random minions.
Compared to the 6 win Warlock deck which was basically mech. But only one shadowflame as board clear. Pallies wiped the floor with me. Though loss 1 was stupid, I completely misjudged on turn 1 and it simply snowballed into hell from there. Could've gotten 7 wins there.
So 3 runs, 65, 85 and 30 gold. Deduct the addon for arena and in total I made 30 gold and 1 common for playing 20 games when a 40 gold quest normally takes 4-5 games. Time efficient looks different
Yeah, had a few of those at level 20 even. Wth, can't even grind out quests with shit decks in peace?