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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


Fuck yeah, double slam double whirlwind opening hand. Just like old times.

Just draft a Rogue deck in arena

I dislike rogues in arena and I already have a mage deck up and 40g quest for mages.

Haha, the 2nd game:
druid be like
and I'm all like



I'd like to add some people for the "spectate a friend, get a pack" quests. If you don't mind, please send me a message and we can exchange b.net tags.



It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
I've been trying a Warlock deck (Im still a Rogue and Shaman fanboy though) and you know which card has been giving me good value?

This bad boy:


I've been trying a Warlock deck (Im still a Rogue and Shaman fanboy though) and you know which card has been giving me good value?

This bad boy:

I dunno, I'd rather run healbots and farseers. Granted that is harder to remove for most classes but I find burst healing to be more useful.


So, I taught all my roommates how to play Hearthstone about a year ago. Or a year and a half, maybe. It was a pretty good experience for all of us. At about that time, I started actually hitting Legend and have consistently been there each month since then, so I can say I got my fill of the game. Almost have a gold collection from playing Arena and spending more on the game than I probably should.

But lately, one of my roommates has just sapped my enjoyment of the game by CONSTANTLY raging as he plays. We got him to Legend last season, and now he is better than every player. Every time he loses is due to the other guy drawing better than him. It was kind of funny, but then he started yelling and being pretty obnoxious. No clue how to approach that other than to ask him to quiet down. Any advice? xD

I didn't know you and yoshichan were roommates. Kappa
I've been trying a Warlock deck (Im still a Rogue and Shaman fanboy though) and you know which card has been giving me good value?

This bad boy:
Going with what Tacitus_ is saying, burst healing is great when you're facing down a combo or just certain death.

However, with Priest or Warrior, that card can save you in the late game, especially if you have other big threats that use up your opponent's removal. Then you throw that down and if they have no more steam, you can pretty much heal back to full.

I can see the appeal of tapping for "free" though. It could be a cool 'combo' card with Mal'ganus or Justicar but I have a hard time seeing that happen.


Yeah, there's that hilarious shadow priest deck with tournament medic. I just don't see tapping "for free" being that useful in the long run.


that deck seems creative.

why would you want more netdecking on the ladder? its makes it all boring as hell and basically a game of rock paper scissors.

oh this netdeck is a bad matchup for my netdeck or vice-versa. you'll already know who's gonna win 80% of the time.

you seem a little upset you lost to a deck someone made up themselves while all you can do is copy paste from the internet.

I'm assuming he's being sarcastic. I, too, love it when I go up against a deck that's unique and different from whatever flavor of the week decks people can't seem to pull themselves away from using. I've often added people to give them props for a unique deck after a good match. I'm sure they're surprised (and disappointed) it's not some hot BM coming their way.


Facing control decks only today, and repentance is killing them. Deathlord with 1 hp? sucks to be you!

EDIT: secret paladin played MC on turns 6 & 7, but I had answers in so he might as well played anything else. Repentance and keeper of uldaman are not OP :p


My 9 year old daughter saves enough gold up to run Arena. I help her draft and I'm coaching as she plays. First opponent is a paladin. She drops a joust card and he wins the joust with a Kel Thuzad. I explain to her why she is going to need to have a counter to that card. We have an answer for when he drops it. We wipe his board of 4 minions including Kel Thuzad. I swear to god the next turn he play Ragnaros.

I know arena is arena...but what a way to get humiliated.


So this druid guy innervated shade on turn 1. ok. turn 2 kills my SI7 with wrath then on turn 3 innervated loatheb then... I died.

This whole class needs to nuked.

The only rogue I see at top of ladder is myself, it's dying again. People started trying rogue again with LoE, there a lot of gold portraits around but looks like they're back to playing something better.


My 9 year old daughter saves enough gold up to run Arena. I help her draft and I'm coaching as she plays. First opponent is a paladin. She drops a joust card and he wins the joust with a Kel Thuzad. I explain to her why she is going to need to have a counter to that card. We have an answer for when he drops it. We wipe his board of 4 minions including Kel Thuzad. I swear to god the next turn he play Ragnaros.

I know arena is arena...but what a way to get humiliated.

have you done the adventures with her?

my nephews really enjoyed LOE


My 9 year old daughter saves enough gold up to run Arena. I help her draft and I'm coaching as she plays. First opponent is a paladin. She drops a joust card and he wins the joust with a Kel Thuzad. I explain to her why she is going to need to have a counter to that card. We have an answer for when he drops it. We wipe his board of 4 minions including Kel Thuzad. I swear to god the next turn he play Ragnaros.

I know arena is arena...but what a way to get humiliated.

I feel your pain. I stopped playing arena because all my cards are awful 2 and 3 drops, few spells of any value, and no legendaries when I'm facing 2-3 legendaries from some guys. It is frakking ridiculous.


Pro tip: when you draft Paladin in Arena and your first pick is Anyfin can Happen, wisp, goldshire footman, do not pick anyfin can happen. You are sure to draft not a single Murlock the entire 29 card remainder. /salt.


I still find druids and anything SMorc far far far more annoying to face than paladins. All of them are brain dead easy ( tbf there's no more than a couple of decks that aren't).


I still find druids and anything SMorc far far far more annoying to face than paladins. All of them are brain dead easy ( tbf there's no more than a couple of decks that aren't).

I think everyone (myself included) short change a lot of decks on simplicity.

Shifting the decks depending on the meta is tricky as well as some nuances of particular decks.


Finally pulled a Tirion today. Time to really lean into that end-of-season cancer climb.

Also, while taking a look at my collection I finally realized that the Cursed Blade art is depicting Ashkandi, Greatsword of the Brotherhood. Does this mean a possible Lothar card for warriors in the next xpac?
Probably not
I just had an amazing win streak as mid-range hunter. It was at low ranks (19 to 15) but it was still pretty amazing.

One game in particular was pretty funny. I missed lethal due to bad knife juggler math but the next turn I sent out a gazrilla with a tundra rino in play to secure the win.


I just had an amazing win streak as mid-range hunter. It was at low ranks (19 to 15) but it was still pretty amazing.

It's sad because this actually feels like an achievement nowadays given how underpowered hunter seems. There are so many tools to combat aggro, and the control hunter just isn't a "thing" enough to get real traction. Modern day hunters should insta-concede to priests, the matchup is literally 10-0 no matter which archtype of priest you use.


I am getting much better with my midrange secret paladin deck. 80% of my opponents on the way to rank 5 were control types, and I had to plan my plays several turns in advance. Careful use of Repentance was the deciding factor in most of the wins.

EDIT: I wish secret paladin was braindead easy, but I guess that is the aggressive variant that loses to most intelligent opponents.
EDIT2: Keeper of Uldaman made the deck easier than ever to win with.
It's sad because this actually feels like an achievement nowadays given how underpowered hunter seems. There are so many tools to combat aggro, and the control hunter just isn't a "thing" enough to get real traction. Modern day hunters should insta-concede to priests, the matchup is literally 10-0 no matter which archtype of priest you use.

I played one priest during my streak and it was a dragon priest. I think what secured me the win that game was Lorewalker Cho popping out of my shredder early and never giving him the board. By the end of the game he had given me thought steal and holy nova. We also bounced a freezing trap between each other a few times.
I had a great run with a secret dragon paladin. The synergy really helps Paladins extend the game a bit more which is where they are weak in normal SP. The deck needs to be refined but I think it can be really, really good.


So this druid guy innervated shade on turn 1. ok. turn 2 kills my SI7 with wrath then on turn 3 innervated loatheb then... I died.

This whole class needs to nuked.


Yeah that happens 1 out of 50 times for a druid.
Perfect case scenarios are really nothing to base critic on.

Druid is hardly OP.


That feel when you kezan mystic a frost mage's iceblock on turn 3, then just sit back and wait 20 turns until he dies to fatigue out of spite.

EDIT: I had lethal by turn 8, but drug the game out until he used his last spell, pyroblast, when I was at 10 hp... and he dies to fatigue the next turn.
EDIT2: Does that make me a sadist or a masochist? :p


I'm so fucking done with facing fucking secret pally's. It's always the same fucking bullshit, fuck that fucking bullshit curve and fuck that I cannot even keep cards in hand without getting punished.


Motherfucker, got washed out of arena by going against a paladin that played Majordomo just after I lost the board and then to a hunter that dropped Ysera while I didn't have anything to kill it and neither of my polys - and he dreamed my 8/8 the next turn.


I am not quite at the point where I would rage, but Divine Favor really starts getting on my nerves. The better you play, the harder it punishes you. (And "playing with Divine Favor in mind" amounts to playing strictly worse than you would otherwise.)

Seriously, I don't know who thought this card is a good idea.


I am not quite at the point where I would rage, but Divine Favor really starts getting on my nerves. The better you play, the harder it punishes you. (And "playing with Divine Favor in mind" amounts to playing strictly worse than you would otherwise.)

Seriously, I don't know who thought this card is a good idea.

this game is a classic card

no one complained or called it broken for over 2 years. its just now its really advantagaeous for aggro paladins that people have even noticed that it exists.


this game is a classic card

no one complained or called it broken for over 2 years. its just now its really advantagaeous for aggro paladins that people have even noticed that it exists.

People always grumbled about it, but aggro paladin wasn't that good so it mostly got shrugs.


I came back to the game after a month or so yesterday since I wanted to make sure I got the cardback for this month, and since I hadn't built any deck in a while, ended up building a tempo mage and wow, going from 20 to 15 was smooth as butter. I only lost once to a face hunter who took me by surprise. I even mulligan'd my mirror image away which was a terrible decision (I wish it was an arcane blast, but I'm still missing my second copy). Put an Arcane Conjurer in the deck as well, and I think it's a good addition. Also, how had I never seen how useful duplicate can be in this deck? Got 2 Flamewakers and 2 Dr. Booms in separate games.


this game is a classic card

no one complained or called it broken for over 2 years. its just now its really advantagaeous for aggro paladins that people have even noticed that it exists.

Well it started to become a problem during BRM with eboladin exploiting the card to great effect and it became borderline broken with the release of TGT. I really wonder what playtests are conducted at the Blizzard HQ because someone should have noticed that this card would not have any reason to be in Paladin with all of the upgrades they had gotten.
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