I am getting much better with my midrange secret paladin deck. 80% of my opponents on the way to rank 5 were control types, and I had to plan my plays several turns in advance. Careful use of Repentance was the deciding factor in most of the wins.
EDIT: I wish secret paladin was braindead easy, but I guess that is the aggressive variant that loses to most intelligent opponents.
EDIT2: Keeper of Uldaman made the deck easier than ever to win with.
this game is a classic card
no one complained or called it broken for over 2 years. its just now its really advantagaeous for aggro paladins that people have even noticed that it exists.
Divine Favor is the kind of card that can get better over time as the overall card pool changes. Divine Favor wasn't very good for awhile until aggro Paladin improved, and even then the whole archetype essentially hinged on that card.
I am getting much better with my midrange secret paladin deck. 80% of my opponents on the way to rank 5 were control types, and I had to plan my plays several turns in advance. Careful use of Repentance was the deciding factor in most of the wins.
EDIT: I wish secret paladin was braindead easy, but I guess that is the aggressive variant that loses to most intelligent opponents.
EDIT2: Keeper of Uldaman made the deck easier than ever to win with.
Something something something Warsong Commander.
this game is a classic card
no one complained or called it broken for over 2 years. its just now its really advantagaeous for aggro paladins that people have even noticed that it exists.
Yeah, it's kind of rough to go up against actual decks with my ramshackle of a collection. One plus is that it makes me not take losses too hard, heh. I feel content when what seems to be a well thought out and synergistic deck beats me.I'm running into a ton of actual decks with actual good cards, which is a bit disheartening when you're new like me and just don't have the cards to put up an actual fight. Very rarely I can actually win, and that's great, but more often than not I just lose by turn 4. Last game this guy plays his mech warper turn 2 and I already know I've lost the game.
I think I'm just gonna stick to arena as much as I can going forward, ranked is probably going to be a waste of time until I have much more cards to work with.
I'm looking for some friends to complete the spectate quest. Could some of you fine folks add me? Thanks!
sent you a couple FRs
hurry up i'm on a good streak
Also found my first legendary, but it's not someone I'm very excited about: Nozdormu :/ Might be good for catching someone off guard, but doesn't have great stats for that mana cost and doesn't seem to fit in my current deck.
sent you a couple FRs
hurry up i'm on a good streak
Nerf Warsong, make Anyfin.
If Anyfin becomes a problem I'm sure they'll nerf Ole Murk Eye instead.
Added! (toppform#2960)If you're on EU, you can come watch me struggle in arena: Tacitus#2849
What a deck.
I play a deck so incredibly slow that my opponent can draw his whole deck and cast two 10 mana cards without me even coming close to killing him. Why am I being punished for this?
People always grumbled about it, but aggro paladin wasn't that good so it mostly got shrugs.
I legit never heard anyone complain about Divine Favor before TGT hit. I only remember people saying it was a shit card in constructed, and a low tier pick in Arena.
I legit never heard anyone complain about Divine Favor before TGT hit. I only remember people saying it was a shit card in constructed, and a low tier pick in Arena.
Just broke 1k gold for the first time in I don't know how long. Really gonna try and save up until the next expansion.
We should get an announcement fairly soon going by schedule, right?
It was around june of last year that the first more streamlined eboladin decks started appearing and that the first mentions of DF fucking over people came. So it was a bit before TFT release that people were already starting to get fed up with the card but it got kinda overshadowed by the Patron deck.
Overextending is a choice of what to do with mana/cards available. Divine Favor punishes decks that often can't react to it.I don't even feel the card is that poorly designed. There is tons of tech for counter overextending and just filling the board, but Divine Favor is one of the few pieces of tech to counter slower decks.
I don't even feel the card is that poorly designed. There is tons of tech for counter overextending and just filling the board, but Divine Favor is one of the few pieces of tech to counter slower decks. I guess you could argue its undercosted, and should be 4 or 5 mana.
I think you've already answered that question.
I don't even feel the card is that poorly designed. There is tons of tech for counter overextending and just filling the board, but Divine Favor is one of the few pieces of tech to counter slower decks. I guess you could argue its undercosted, and should be 4 or 5 mana.
hey blizzard
Really shredder?