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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


this priest dropped tournament medic and then healed himself.

he had an auchenai on board...

then i think he conceded out of shame.
I am getting much better with my midrange secret paladin deck. 80% of my opponents on the way to rank 5 were control types, and I had to plan my plays several turns in advance. Careful use of Repentance was the deciding factor in most of the wins.

EDIT: I wish secret paladin was braindead easy, but I guess that is the aggressive variant that loses to most intelligent opponents.
EDIT2: Keeper of Uldaman made the deck easier than ever to win with.

I can't tell if you're being serious or not.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
this game is a classic card

no one complained or called it broken for over 2 years. its just now its really advantagaeous for aggro paladins that people have even noticed that it exists.

Divine Favor is the kind of card that can get better over time as the overall card pool changes. Divine Favor wasn't very good for awhile until aggro Paladin improved, and even then the whole archetype essentially hinged on that card.


Divine Favor is the kind of card that can get better over time as the overall card pool changes. Divine Favor wasn't very good for awhile until aggro Paladin improved, and even then the whole archetype essentially hinged on that card.

Something something something Warsong Commander.


I am getting much better with my midrange secret paladin deck. 80% of my opponents on the way to rank 5 were control types, and I had to plan my plays several turns in advance. Careful use of Repentance was the deciding factor in most of the wins.

EDIT: I wish secret paladin was braindead easy, but I guess that is the aggressive variant that loses to most intelligent opponents.
EDIT2: Keeper of Uldaman made the deck easier than ever to win with.

Well played sir


this game is a classic card

no one complained or called it broken for over 2 years. its just now its really advantagaeous for aggro paladins that people have even noticed that it exists.

You might be correct, but I don't know, I think it is broken for real (as in, would be broken even if it wasn't advantageous to a FOTM deck) - because, to put it very bluntly, it punishes good play and its pseudo-counter is to play badly (I am using 'pseudo' because obviously if you try to play around Divine Favor, paladin just postpones playing it until better times so the most you ever gain is making one card useless, and that requires so much suboptimal play on your part, it's infeasible).

On a different topic: saw Savjz play a druid deck built around the idea of firing Astral Communion as early as possible (you get 10 mana crystals, but drop all cards in the hand) and then playing a big legendary every turn after (or almost every turn after). Hilarious games. :)


I'm running into a ton of actual decks with actual good cards, which is a bit disheartening when you're new like me and just don't have the cards to put up an actual fight. Very rarely I can actually win, and that's great, but more often than not I just lose by turn 4. Last game this guy plays his mech warper turn 2 and I already know I've lost the game.

I think I'm just gonna stick to arena as much as I can going forward, ranked is probably going to be a waste of time until I have much more cards to work with.
Yeah, it's kind of rough to go up against actual decks with my ramshackle of a collection. One plus is that it makes me not take losses too hard, heh. I feel content when what seems to be a well thought out and synergistic deck beats me.

Just got to Rank 16 on a lucky streak -- didn't face off against overpowered decks and played decently enough not to lose. Helped that I got great draws in some of the tougher matches ... including one game where I found the Golden Monkey on turn 10 or something ridiculous and started spewing out legendaries (while not being behind in the game thus far). I would have been so ashamed if I'd lost that, lol.

Also found my first legendary, but it's not someone I'm very excited about: Nozdormu :/ Might be good for catching someone off guard, but doesn't have great stats for that mana cost and doesn't seem to fit in my current deck.


Kind of off-topic: my #1 HS-related wish for next Christmas - have the client output a sane log (dump all cards in your deck when you enter a match, dump transitions with enough detail to recreate the game, etc). It just boggles my mind how something so simple and so enormously useful is still not done. You don't want to add replays to the client - fine - but spend just a couple man-hours on a feature that would let others do that and more at no cost to you...


sky golem to lightbomb in arena

and of course now stormwind champion to MC


Any tips on obvious signs of fatigue warrior I play Tempo Mage and always push to hard and end up getting brawled to death


Some fucking people

first this guy gets BGH from a scarab to kill my taunted ogre. Then a couple turns later he gets King Krush from lock & load with only one spell. Still managed to win somehow.


anyfin makes it impossible for control decks to ever be the meta, the deck is actually performing pretty good right now.


I always have the most horrible rng against rng mage, this time that it was going reasonably BS free, just I'm about to win in like a turn... it disconnects. If I was Yoshichan I would break something right now.

Fought a warlock guy that was playing like almost every demon including Illidan, all the buffs etc. It was really silly and looked fun actually. Too bad I wrecked him and went through all of his things including Mal'Ganis and Jaraxxus. Valeera is sometimes OP.

NA server feels really unstable today.


on the topic of anyfin...

I play a deck so incredibly slow that my opponent can draw his whole deck and cast two 10 mana cards without me even coming close to killing him. Why am I being punished for this?


Corporate Apologist
People always grumbled about it, but aggro paladin wasn't that good so it mostly got shrugs.

I legit never heard anyone complain about Divine Favor before TGT hit. I only remember people saying it was a shit card in constructed, and a low tier pick in Arena.


Here's my name if you want to spectate or battle me: Crazyorloco#1447

I don't use any online decks. I just make my own shit, I think it's more fun this way. I win more than I lose. My rank is 18 so I feel like i'm doing something right lol

I like warrior, warlock, and mage.

I want to like Shaman but I just lose too often with this guy. ************ING OVERLOAD


I legit never heard anyone complain about Divine Favor before TGT hit. I only remember people saying it was a shit card in constructed, and a low tier pick in Arena.

It was around june of last year that the first more streamlined eboladin decks started appearing and that the first mentions of DF fucking over people came. So it was a bit before TFT release that people were already starting to get fed up with the card but it got kinda overshadowed by the Patron deck.


Just broke 1k gold for the first time in I don't know how long. Really gonna try and save up until the next expansion.

We should get an announcement fairly soon going by schedule, right?


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Just broke 1k gold for the first time in I don't know how long. Really gonna try and save up until the next expansion.

We should get an announcement fairly soon going by schedule, right?

Define "fairly soon".

We're still only two months into LoE and Blizzard has been on 4 month cycles with LoE being the only exception with 3 months. Given that we are looking at a much larger card expansion and possibly a massive format change Blizzard might hold out until Hearthstone's 2 year anniversary to release it.


Corporate Apologist
It was around june of last year that the first more streamlined eboladin decks started appearing and that the first mentions of DF fucking over people came. So it was a bit before TFT release that people were already starting to get fed up with the card but it got kinda overshadowed by the Patron deck.

I don't even feel the card is that poorly designed. There is tons of tech for counter overextending and just filling the board, but Divine Favor is one of the few pieces of tech to counter slower decks. I guess you could argue its undercosted, and should be 4 or 5 mana.


I feel like the simple addition of a Spider Bot has improved my early game significantly. It's nice to reasonably often have something to play on turn 3. Plus it just looks awesome.

Not quite so sure about my Blood Knight, also 3 mana. I'm mostly running him to be lucky and punish annoy-o-trons or Paladins, but I haven't even seen a Paladin in like ten games now, heh. Just mages and shamans.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I don't even feel the card is that poorly designed. There is tons of tech for counter overextending and just filling the board, but Divine Favor is one of the few pieces of tech to counter slower decks.
Overextending is a choice of what to do with mana/cards available. Divine Favor punishes decks that often can't react to it.
I don't even feel the card is that poorly designed. There is tons of tech for counter overextending and just filling the board, but Divine Favor is one of the few pieces of tech to counter slower decks. I guess you could argue its undercosted, and should be 4 or 5 mana.

Sprint is the card that can draw you the most cards without having a certain hand, board state etc. 7 mana for 4 cards. Granted, Sprint is almost always played after Preperation, so its kind of two cards, 3 mana, draw 4.

Divine Favour is one card costed at 3 mana, but you can potentially draw far more then 4 cards. I have drawn 8 or 9 cards with DF multiple times and its utter bullshit. The solution to playing around DF is to dump your hand faster then the aggro deck can, which isn't possible. Maybe if it was the only broken card Paladin had, but these same decks are running Mysterious Challenger and less broken but still quite strong cards like Keeper, Muster, Minibot.


Well, call me naive or hopelessly optimistic but I really hope that they use LoE + the new set + basic cards as the first block for a new ladder system. But the rest as a legacy ladder. I mean Blizzard is getting pretty invested in E-sports so it makes sense for them to have more formats to play during tournaments.

Have it be a soft relaunch with a tournament mode, deck slots, the new set etc. Ah well a man can dream.
I had a control priest get divine favor from saraad and pull like 5 cards against me as malylock. It can be bs in other decks. But yea the main solution against df is to dump which is rarely possible with any type of control or combo deck and some decks don't even run it. It's probably my most hated card right now.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Paly still sooo OP for the majority of the player base. MC + Tirion is easy win still for most players that aren't at the top of the ladder.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Divine Favor would see less play if they just went ahead and nerfed MC already.


I have a dream. They release a new classic set large with lots of new cards + some reprints (maybe new art) and they rotate out classic gvg and naxx. Settle for a periodic rotation where the tournament format is always classic + 2 expansions after each 2 large expansions realease a new classic to close the cycle. Adventures will rotate out the older as newest come in.

Pls blizzard do it.


i wish the collection manager how many cards you have or how many you're missing from a complete set.

just counted. i'm missing 134 cards, 50 of which are legendaries. thats a lot closer than i thought i was.

this tempo mage got ysera and then cenarius out of his unstable portals.

all right hearthstone. you win for today.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I don't even feel the card is that poorly designed. There is tons of tech for counter overextending and just filling the board, but Divine Favor is one of the few pieces of tech to counter slower decks. I guess you could argue its undercosted, and should be 4 or 5 mana.

IIRC it started to show up more post GvG, where eboladin started being more common. Low curve, quick to dump hand, draw a disgusting amount for 3 mana, win. By its very nature you can't drop more cards than an aggro deck, and this also punishes scenarios where you have a bad mulligan, see you're fighting an aggro deck and while literally not having a card to play benefits them into them drawing more cards...which feels awful, like you're being punished twice over. Even in its worst case getting 1-2 cards off it is alright, since arcane intellect is a static 2 for the same cost. It's only ever really a bad card when you have two of them in your hand.

This was soooo annoying when I was midrange pally a lot. I would spend 8 mana to heal and draw 3, then the aggro deck would dump shit, draw atleast the 3 I just drew at worst, but typically much more. Even if I then decide to never play lay on hands, that is a dead card in my hand that will still benefit divine favor. There's no actual counter to a card like that aside from actively avoiding any slower decks.
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