they get a banana
Are coins really an issue? I mean, if you're Rogue, sure, but just print more class cards that generate coins or help enable combo cards. Removing cards from your opponent's hand seems like the opposite of Blizzard's design ethos for Hearthstone, anyways.
Oh no, I just think cards to interact with coins would be cool, since Blizzard has slowly been adding (rogue) cards that generate them.
Oh, I got another one. Poor Giant, costs (1) less mana for every coin played this game.
IIRC it started to show up more post GvG, where eboladin started being more common. Low curve, quick to dump hand, draw a disgusting amount for 3 mana, win. By its very nature you can't drop more cards than an aggro deck, and this also punishes scenarios where you have a bad mulligan, see you're fighting an aggro deck and while literally not having a card to play benefits them into them drawing more cards...which feels awful, like you're being punished twice over. Even in its worst case getting 1-2 cards off it is alright, since arcane intellect is a static 2 for the same cost. It's only ever really a bad card when you have two of them in your hand.
This was soooo annoying when I was midrange pally a lot. I would spend 8 mana to heal and draw 3, then the aggro deck would dump shit, draw atleast the 3 I just drew at worst, but typically much more. Even if I then decide to never play lay on hands, that is a dead card in my hand that will still benefit divine favor. There's no actual counter to a card like that aside from actively avoiding any slower decks.
It goes much further.
Forget the aggro decks, let's say we are playing balanced decks (I know, right, but let's pretend).
How do you "counter" Divine Favor? Right, you try to reduce the number of cards that you have, making suboptimal plays. The paladin watches you struggle and then, if you didn't cripple yourself enough, he plays DF and draws, and if you did cripple yourself enough, he just thanks you, takes leverage from the suboptimal plays that you did *and keeps DF in hand*, forcing you to keep making suboptimal plays further. It's just not healthy. It's too powerful.
If the card cost more mana (like, 6) it might have been tolerable - it'd still have been enormously unpleasant (and I'd argue that it has no place in the game, because it screws up strategies in ways which aren't good), but at least your opponent would have paid for that. If the card had constraints like "draw at most 2 cards" it would have been OK. Etc. But as it stands now, DF is just nuts.
It goes much further.
Forget the aggro decks, let's say we are playing balanced decks (I know, right, but let's pretend).
How do you "counter" Divine Favor? Right, you try to reduce the number of cards that you have, making suboptimal plays. The paladin watches you struggle and then, if you didn't cripple yourself enough, he plays DF and draws, and if you did cripple yourself enough, he just thanks you, takes leverage from the suboptimal plays that you did *and keeps DF in hand*, forcing you to keep making suboptimal plays further. It's just not healthy. It's too powerful.
If the card cost more mana (like, 6) it might have been tolerable - it'd still have been enormously unpleasant (and I'd argue that it has no place in the game, because it screws up strategies in ways which aren't good), but at least your opponent would have paid for that. If the card had constraints like "draw at most 2 cards" it would have been OK. Etc. But as it stands now, DF is just nuts.
Yeah DF is pretty much just a bad design. Rewarding someone for playing bad is never a good idea.
I still think the design is fine, the card is just too undercosted.
I'm not sure I can be friends with anyone who would admit to playing Freeze Mage.
A question:
I want to record my games so I can replay them right after and analyze why I lost, etc. I am a bit of a noob wrt screen capturing software, is there any easy to use free program you'd recommend? I don't need sound, and I imagine I don't need super-high quality either.
If you have a newer nVidia card (700-series or up) you can use Shadowplay. Free software, works really well.
Has Blizzard ever discussed replays in public? Seems to me like it would be pretty easy to add and I've personally wanted to go back quite a few times to plays I thought cost me games to think about what I should have done differently.
Thanks. I am using NV indeed, but I mostly play from a notebook, its card might not be supported (if it is, I am all set).
Not sure what to do with the 1500 gold I'm sitting on.
I suck at Arena, so that's a bit of a non-starter. I'm missing wings 3, 4 and 5 of Blackrock Mountain so I could get a couple of those, or I could just spunk it all on cards packs as my collection is a bit basic (I'm missing just over 100 classic cards, let alone the newer ones they released) which hampers which classes I can play with.
Or would I be better off just hoarding it for a rainy day?
wait until you have a bad day on ladder and after losing a bunch of games buy some packs to make you happy
Just play arena, if ur collection is small building arenas is fun and even with one win you'll often only Come out like fifteen gold short, it's really not too hard to break even most times though
I average 2 wins, think my highest is 4. Someone with a perfect draw always seems to steamroller my poor minions. Still, practice makesless shitperfect, as they say...
Had an intense game against a Reno Mage. Only won because I entombed his Reno. I pulled double Sneeds from Curator and he got freaking Mal'ganis from Unstable. He was down to fatigue, I was down to 1, had an Auchenai with 1 health on the field, he has the Slime from Belcher. I ran my Auchenai in his Slime, drop his Reno, heal him to mock him. Then he conceded.
Funny thing is, I finally crafted Justicar and wanted to try her. She was on the bottom of my deck.
its a shitty, thoughtless deck. You sit idle dropping crap secrets until turn 8 where you throw down Alexstrasza, then spell spell spell death. There is no nuance in the deck. You have a single win condition and its all about trolling the other dude until you get the proper amount of mana.what's wrong with freeze mage :[
I average 2 wins, think my highest is 4. Someone with a perfect draw always seems to steamroller my poor minions. Still, practice makesless shitperfect, as they say...
every deck is cancer
Is there a better feeling than flaring Mage secrets for an easy finisher?
Why mock him/her? Seems like remarkably bad sportsmanship.
Is there a better feeling than flaring Mage secrets for an easy finisher?
Kezan Mysticing them is more satisfying.
I have been playing so many damn freeze mages that I teched in 1x Curse of Rafaam into my Demonzoo Warlock.
Kezan felt bad against too many classes, and even though Rafaam is also bad it at least does 2 damage against the other non-secret classes. It completely screws freeze mage though. They 100% lose if you curse them the turn you pop the ice block. It's glorious to see. Probably super-sub-optimal, but highly, highly recommended.
It use to just be patron...
Is there a better feeling than flaring Mage secrets for an easy finisher?
Patron was never that commonly played. Neither is Freeze Mage.
You probably already know this but you don't even need to pop the block for it to be lethal. Just get them down to 2. The secret won't activate on their turn.