I see tons of FM around 11 and 12.Patron was never that commonly played. Neither is Freeze Mage.
I see tons of FM around 11 and 12.Patron was never that commonly played. Neither is Freeze Mage.
This tavern brawl is the slowest, most grueling RNG fest of all time. Ughhhh
Does Sylvanas have alternate dialogue for the alternate Hunter skin lady? Not very familiar with the Warcraft lore but they have the same surname. And since Brann greets Magni, I figured they must have recorded some new lines for the other two, too.
Sylvanas and Alleria are sisters but I don't think they have any dialogue.
Wilfred Fizzlebang and Jaraxxus do. In the raid Trial of the Crusader, Fizzlebang summons Jaraxxus and promptly loses control over him and dies, then you have to fight Jaraxxus.
Brann and Magni do, they are brothers. Brann asks if he has seen Muradin lately, their third brother.
Sylvanas and Alleria are sisters but I don't think they have any dialogue.
Wilfred Fizzlebang and Jaraxxus do. In the raid Trial of the Crusader, Fizzlebang summons Jaraxxus and promptly loses control over him and dies, then you have to fight Jaraxxus.
Brann and Magni do, they are brothers. Brann asks if he has seen Muradin lately, their third brother.
cairne (never gets played lol) also has unique dialogue against garrosh "you're not fit to lead the horde" or something. garrosh killed cairne in wow i think.
voljin (former warchief) also has something to say to garrosh "who be da warchief nao"
varian says something to anduin as well
This card is all kinds of stupid but I like how its a hard counter to freeze mage.
yeah but what if freeze mage runs it :^)
you forgot, "except Paladin."heres the companion card to the previous one
heres the companion card to the previous one
cairne (never gets played lol) also has unique dialogue against garrosh "you're not fit to lead the horde" or something. garrosh killed cairne in wow i think.
voljin (former warchief) also has something to say to garrosh "who be da warchief nao"
varian says something to anduin as well
How does that interact with immune effects?
Iirc, immune prevents something from being targeted with spells and from taking damage, but not from being destroyed.How does that interact with immune effects?
Does duplicate only work if your minion is killed by the enemy?
Whenever I attack with my minons on my turn and they die they never duplicate.
Secrets only trigger on enemy turns.
Exception - Competitive Spirit
I crushed the three Druids I faced that played astral communion. I get why it may be good as your example shows. But they must have not had the same luck lol.Got Astral Communion in the brawl. Proceeded to discover Cenarius three times in a row.
Got Astral Communion in the brawl. Proceeded to discover Cenarius three times in a row.
So your complaint is that people are having fun trying new things instead of everyone playing secret pally liek ladder..?So many random asspull Reno Jackson decks in casual these days...
Is there a Druid deck that dicks on Secret Paladin? Because I need it.
If pilot it well the midrange druid is allright against secret paladin.
Control priest is the best deck against paladin.
> get 2 legendaries
> get shit tier draft
E: ok, maybe I slightly over reacted. I'm just salty that I had to pick 2 mad scientists and got 0 secrets and got only flamecannon and poly for ST removal
Quick noob question: does *each* brawl reward a pack on first win (ie, you can get a pack every week)? Or is it one time per account?