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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


Need a break from hearthstone. Met the most shitty golden druid with the most stupid fatigue deck. Lost due to ALL rng rolls going his way. I have never met a more shitty lucky player. I used to love Hearthstone but it has evolved into an rng fest. More rng then skill at this point. I wish they would go ahead and make a online version of Netrunner.


A nice QOL improvement when creating decks would be to start searching for cards by typing, without having to select the text entry.


I just played the most beautiful game ever! I don't think I've ever lost to someone who made that many mistakes. Some highlights were: plays silence on a taunt minion and kills it on same turn, plays all his minions before he kills an unstable ghoul. And yet, simply because of luck and a crazy deck he won ha ha :D

Every turn he just had another super value minion to play, and when he flooded the board, he had an Anubisant Sentinel and a Haunted Creeper, so even my flamestrike was negated. And after that he topdecks yet another high value minion. I know everyone else will be thinking "yeah yeah, you just made a lot of mistakes too." But I swear, this was the perfect combo of constant misplays and perfect luck, it's not that hard to go face every turn and hope for the best :p


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Sometimes the mind games can work. I was playing Murloc Paladin against a Druid and on Turn 3 he plays Grove Tender and opts to draw.

Thinking that I'm facing fatigue Druid I immediately respond by playing follow the rules to work towards dumping my hand, thinking that his Grove Tender is really one of his most threatening minions anyway.

Turns out it was a Ramp Druid. =/


So how is recycle a card exactly? Same mana cost as entomb except it puts the minion back in your opponent's deck instead of yours.
So how is recycle a card exactly? Same mana cost as entomb except it puts the minion back in your opponent's deck instead of yours.

Recycle was bad before but Entomb just makes it hilarious. I suppose it's supposed to be usable because it works as a silence and removes anything but...so does hex.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
So how is recycle a card exactly? Same mana cost as entomb except it puts the minion back in your opponent's deck instead of yours.

Recycle was always overcosted and somewhat baffling. Entomb just twists the knife a bit. Blizzard doesn't want to give Druid good removal.


I microwave steaks.
Is everyone playing Reno decks now? So infuriating.

I officially stopped playing ladder because of this. Either you kill them early game or pray to god they don't have reno jackson in their deck if the game is dragged out.

On a lighter side, this tavern brawl is a lot of fun. It's luck vs luck but it's so fun to feel like you're somewhat in control.


I officially stopped playing ladder because of this. Either you kill them early game or pray to god they don't have reno jackson in their deck if the game is dragged out.

On a lighter side, this tavern brawl is a lot of fun. It's luck vs luck but it's so fun to feel like you're somewhat in control.

Hearthstone, the game where one can feel control only when the decks are completely random. They should use that as their new marketing slogan.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Is everyone playing Reno decks now? So infuriating.

Renolock is the most fun deck I've played in a long time, don't really enjoy that much else.

Pretty shitty night of ranked, capped it off with a very fun game vs a mech mage though, close game throughout(wouldn't have been as close if he didn't get Sylvanas through the portal) that I won in the end.

Are you sure? I'm not seeing a friend request.

I added you too, dunno if it went through. Under Papercuts#1714


I'm starting to love this deck



Recycle was always overcosted and somewhat baffling. Entomb just twists the knife a bit. Blizzard doesn't want to give Druid good removal.
Would you?

They get a board advantage already through permanent mana acceleration and innervate.

Imagine if they were playing things like Entomb on top of that.

I can see the argument for not bothering to make the card in the first place perhaps, but the limitation doesn't seem insane.


warrior players are just masochists

rank 5-1 is like half paladin and the other half is like druid mostly then things like zoo or all kinda of warlock and some aggro shaman. All of which are horrific for your stupid reno warrior deck with effing gorehowl.

So of course some people like me try to target that meta with rogue or freeze mage. It's like these guys think, let's q with CW. We're going to farm people that are trying to farm the ladder. Next level thinking. Good luck with that.

I like how these reno warriors like don't even cycle twice but they always have reno then when I play renolock and tap everyturn, hardly get reno every time. This one guy just BMd me and played Dream on his Reno too. cool bro. good luck with every other match.

It's one control deck that I don't mind if it completely disappeared.
Druid does not need good removal. They got Mulch and no one runs it, I'd fear what it would take for them to run something.

Mulch is a dumb ass card.

And I've been adding Rag into all my decks because I don't know my Rag RNG has been off the chain lately. Toss Slyvanas for Rag in my Druid deck and went from 7 to 5 in like an hour.

Welp done with ladder for the month. Yay time for stupid Malygos crap.
UGH. Fuck this game right now.

Playing control priest, first match is Paladin that plays the perfect Curve of Cancer. Second, another Secret Paladin who plays MC then Boom, kills my Deathlord and Tirion pops out. FUCK.

Mech Mage next, match is going good until he gets G O R E H O W L from Blingtron, giving me Cursed Blade.


Cat Party

Did you know that if the opponent has sacred trial, and you have two minions, and you play Dr. Boom, Boom dies, rather than one of the boom bots? I sure didn't, and lost a game as a result. It makes no sense.

I also learned that implosion produces zero imps if it hits divine shield.


Corporate Apologist
For Dr. Boom, the reason Boom dies is that Secret Trigger after Battle Cries go off, and only Dr. Boom is actually played, not the summoned.

So it basically goes Boom is Played > Battle Cry goes off, summons 2 more minions > Secrets are now checked.

Sacred Trial will only destroy a minion directly played, not one summoned. Also, the fact that battle cries resolve before the secret activates is why Kezan Mystic can work, and how something like Mirror Entity can copy an Azure Drake with its bonus HP.

Implosion summons the amount of imps proportional to the damage it does (So if you had +3 spell damage, you could summon +3 imps). Divine Shield set the attack to deal 0 damage, so you get 0 imps.


Started playing Duelyst this week, really feels liberating not to get fucked over by RNG every other game.

Watched Kripp this morning against a mage that got unstable portal into museum curator into Sylvanas that stole his biggest minion out of a board of 6. Like the amount of bullshit on top of bullshit on top of bullshit that is possible atm is just dumb. Wish we could mulligan a card every turn in HS.


I am starting to see why the thread is named 'Refined Deeprock Salt'.

My last play session:

Do an arena run. 9 wins, a record (5-6 would be more typical). Great!

Now let's complete some dailies, there are three already, they will start overflowing. I have no cards except basics plus about ten packs from arenas, but it's just dailies, right? Yup. 4 losses in a row, all to legendaries and key cards I don't have. I *see* my opponents make stupid mistakes left and right (ie, heal a minion from 1 to 3, then instead of hitting my guy with 1 attack, change mind and hit my guy with 3 attack - waste of a heal), but cards are so big, all these mistakes don't matter... No progress on dailies.
I'm EU too torete#2149, español?
Dutch, but I hope that's okay lol, added.

Any other EU players can add me too, Rodriguez#1654
Now let's complete some dailies, there are three already, they will start overflowing. I have no cards except basics plus about ten packs from arenas, but it's just dailies, right? Yup. 4 losses in a row, all to legendaries and key cards I don't have. I *see* my opponents make stupid mistakes left and right (ie, heal a minion from 1 to 3, then instead of hitting my guy with 1 attack, change mind and hit my guy with 3 attack - waste of a heal), but cards are so big, all these mistakes don't matter... No progress on dailies.
I feel you, I'm in the same boat. I only have one deck that's kind of okay, so whenever I have to do a quest that's not for mage I'm kinda fucked as it's really hard to win anything, let alone 3 or 5.


I like how people say the meta is healthy because there are so many viable decks now. But last night I played for 2 hours straight and just saw an endless stream of Secret Paladin, Tempo Mage and Control Priest. Throw in a couple of Zoolocks and Combo Druids for good measure and that is pretty much it. Literally did not play even one Shaman, Hunter, Rogue or Warrior last night.


I like how people say the meta is healthy because there are so many viable decks now. But last night I played for 2 hours straight and just saw an endless stream of Secret Paladin, Tempo Mage and Control Priest. Throw in a couple of Zoolocks and Combo Druids for good measure and that is pretty much it. Literally did not play even one Shaman, Hunter, Rogue or Warrior last night.

what level? I was playing a bit yesterday at rank 7 Renolock, ran into a couple secret paladins, one hunter, one shaman, a control warrior who almost beat me :/, a mill rogue who DID beat me, and a murloc pally who lost because they got disconnected ( might have won that still....)


I like how people say the meta is healthy because there are so many viable decks now. But last night I played for 2 hours straight and just saw an endless stream of Secret Paladin, Tempo Mage and Control Priest. Throw in a couple of Zoolocks and Combo Druids for good measure and that is pretty much it. Literally did not play even one Shaman, Hunter, Rogue or Warrior last night.

Regarding the meta in the ladder, HS has a huge long-term issue coming from new players (there are other issues, too, obviously, but this one is, I think, one of the most important).

I guess you all know the argument that a big reason why aggro decks (and quicker decks in general) are / were so favored is that all other things being equal, an aggro deck takes less time to lose or win and so it is more efficient than a slower deck - you can play more games in the same time period, that results in more rewards (especially below rank 5), etc, etc. They had to create entire mechanics (*cough* LOE *cough*) to fight that somewhat.

It goes much further than that and there are other things that work in the same unhealthy direction.

Think about new players. They have no cards, right? So, in order to stand a better chance against players who do have cards, they have to minimize the number of cards that get played, right? Because their cards are just worse than cards of their opponents and so each card that does not get played is a win for them. That's a very powerful reason to go for straightforward *quick* plays and ignore 90% of what could have been called "strategy". Because quick is a gain in and of itself.

Further, think about new players again. Again, they have no cards. So, what else can they do to maximize their chance at a win against players who do have cards? Why, of course, they could go for high-RNG moves. The more RNG you plug into your deck, the better. A portal is better than any other card with the same cost, because it's powerful RNG and your rare chance to play like big boys play. Things like shaman's 4-7 damage ranges are just superb, you put them in the moment you get them and hope to get a 7, because that actually maximizes your chances, you don't have cards to play with low risk.

Etc, etc, etc, there's a lot to write.

This is a no-win situation. If the game stops getting lots of new players every month, it will just die. Because it's a mainstream game, that's how mainstream games work, they constantly lose players and have to compensate for that with constant gains of new players. So, the game has to succeed in getting lots of new players every month, and these players put the meta under heavy pressure - and it does not stop at rank 20 or even rank 15, it propagates everywhere, because quick / RNG / etc decks is where new blood is and where the innovation is.


Secret paly is a bad deck to bring in conquest format, you can expect others will target you and unlike the old patron which everyone was trying to target too, secret paladin doesn't have that much power to beat almost anything anytime from any situation. It does have counters in rogue/zoo/priest and those decks are pretty good too, it's not like you're crippling yourself by bringing them. I'm surprised to see no druid from them, that's one deck right now that you can't really reliably target either.

Kolento's murloc list was interesting, he even has Dr. Boom. It's not a reactive deck.


Druid was banned by both players.
"The question is how do we deal with new players coming in and asking themselves what are the optimal cards from Naxxramas or out of the Grand Tournament or out of the League of Explorers," said Chayes. "We think we have a pretty good plan in place and some ideas. We're not quite ready to go into all the details, but we'll have a lot more to share about that pretty soon."


Man I don't know what has been going on with my luck the past week, even priests are kicking my ass. Everyone that I've faced will always have Northshire, Smite, and Pain in their starting hands without fail.
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