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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Shadowpriest is pretty fun. Saw a few variants so I tried one myself and actually beat a renolock and a combodruid with it so far.


So March a soft 'relaunch'. I mean 52 people and 20 from outside the company must be able to do a major overhaul of the work 15 people did 2 years ago. I really wonder how this is gonna pan out, though this bit is not very encouraging:

Because I always UP an Ace of spades on turn 2 to get the royal flush.
I suspect a rework of some of the internal systems is long overdue. 2 year anniversary would be perfect. Could even have a sale to coincide with the event. Then announce the next expansion at PAX East in April when people have gotten more comfortable with the new structure (leagues/divisions, bans(?), profiles, deck slots, custom tournaments)


Oh, it's one of those days where Druids have double Force and double Roar on hand when they drop Emperor and Tempo Mages get exact lethal from Portal in form of Velen. On top of that I only get shit draws and see nothing of my removal.


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Hardest deck to play against with my Paly deck is my mirror image. Then it all comes down to who draws what first.

Wish I could legend one time in my life, but I'm not good enough. :(


Bwaha, I had a lot of fun playing against a Murloc Paladin, earlier. Managed to beat them as they ran out of steam against my control deck. Was very fun though! I love seeing themed decks like that.

Also got to rank 15 which is exciting!


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Anyone got any tips how to win on this week's brawl? Can't seem to manage it.


Also think about the cards. Like don't take Reno cause your deck is full of the same card. If you take a draw card you know it'll be a pirate. Stuff like that.

Also go 2nd. I find the person that coins out a pirate wins more often than not.


This game is truly crushing sometimes, aggro, aggro everywhere and not a reno insight. Zoo, secret pally secret pally, shaman , zoo. Hello again rank 7.



Also think about the cards. Like don't take Reno cause your deck is full of the same card. If you take a draw card you know it'll be a pirate. Stuff like that.

Also go 2nd. I find the person that coins out a pirate wins more often than not.

If you go first, obviously take a 1-drop if you can but that rarely seems to happen.
there should be two versions of thaussian, one that makes spells go cheaper, and one for minions. wouldn't help against FON/SR but the more cards that get added to the game its gonna really limit design IMO
Have the 3 Warrior wins daily so I played a deck with Grim Patron (for the first time ever) and an Enraged Worgen, one of of those OTK Buff/Charge/Kill deals.

It was...
kind of fun.


Hardest deck to play against with my Paly deck is my mirror image. Then it all comes down to who draws what first.

Wish I could legend one time in my life, but I'm not good enough. :(

May every mulligan you get be Mysterious Challenger, Dr. Boom, and Tirion. Then draw into Divine Favor on turn 1 and 2.


I suspect a rework of some of the internal systems is long overdue. 2 year anniversary would be perfect. Could even have a sale to coincide with the event. Then announce the next expansion at PAX East in April when people have gotten more comfortable with the new structure (leagues/divisions, bans(?), profiles, deck slots, custom tournaments)

Yeah would make sense.

Though I really wonder if and how they would restructure the sets to make it easier for beginners to get into the game.

Like Ben Brode has been vocal about Charge minions being problematic, and what about silence, can we see the depature of Owl/Spellbreaker in favour of more cards like Light's Champion, that are very specific in their targeting but do not result in a tempo loss?

It's quite exciting that we could be playing a very different game 2 months from now if they choose to consolidate sets or something else.


there should be two versions of thaussian, one that makes spells go cheaper, and one for minions. wouldn't help against FON/SR but the more cards that get added to the game its gonna really limit design IMO

They'd sooner make him garage tier by moving the effect to the start of your turn, a la Pagle.
Anyone got any tips how to win on this week's brawl? Can't seem to manage it.

Get lucky.

No seriously that's pretty much it. Doesn't matter how skillful you are if the other guy keep dropping big legendaries turn after turn and you are never given any removal you just lose.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Anyone got any tips how to win on this week's brawl? Can't seem to manage it.

Prioritize the largest minion that you can afford at the level of mana you are currently at. You might be able to think 1 or maybe 2 turns ahead if your other picks are abysmal but usually you want to play something every turn and bigger is better.
So i just downloaded track-o-bot to start keeping track of match history, but it won't let me create an account/upload my games/whatever it's suppose to do.

The log is showing when i start up the client and when matches are over. However, none of the information is getting 'uploaded'.

I'm just not able to access any information from the application. Any help?


The match history isn't viewed from within the app itself but in your web browser. If you click on the icon in your system tray (or menu bar on a Mac), you should see an option to "Open Profile" that will open a browser tab with all your stats.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Real talk just swapped in Kel in my Paly deck at rank 4.

Holy shit this is a game changer. 4-0 with Kel, and 1 win away from rank 3.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Fuck yes it's fucking happening!


The match history isn't viewed from within the app itself but in your web browser. If you click on the icon in your system tray (or menu bar on a Mac), you should see an option to "Open Profile" that will open a browser tab with all your stats.

When I click on open profile nothing happens. I'll give it another go and show the log error.

[15:55:16] INFO: Use Hearthstone location C:\Program Files (x86)\Hearthstone
[15:55:16] INFO: Launch v0.7.0 on 2016-01-22
[15:55:16] INFO: No account setup. Creating one for you.
[15:55:20] ERROR: There was a problem creating an account. Error: 99 HTTP Status Code: 0
[15:55:36] INFO: Hearthstone is running
[15:56:35] ERROR: There was a problem creating an auth token. Error: 99 HTTP Status Code: 0


Hit first, then Holy Nova. Hit first, then Holy Nova.


I fucking suck. Although not as much as the Jaraxxus warlock who could have cleared my board and won but instead did some fancy play and gave me lethal as Ragnaros missed his attack, lol.

BM in this game is kind of mild, but it's interesting how some go Well Played and then spend an entire turn throwing out every possible card to win in a grand spectacle. I just concede when I see they have lethal and start messing around instead of finishing up, heh. Unless they've played a fun and fair game.


everyone should play secret paladin. if you want that legend card back I doubt it will be easier ever. might want to jump on it before it's late.


Decided to do an Arena run. Wanted to do Warrior but since Paladin was offered I thought "Screw it. I'll take easy mode." Had a got feeling about the draft. Thought I might get at least my average 3-5 wins.

Went 0-3. I guess that's karma for picking Paladin over Warrior...


Tried bizarro secret pally deck, lost to a aggro druid who innervated out a fel reaver. Should have played the secret that makes their hp 1 but....on turn two? Then immediately lost to Freeze mage even though i played very well, they had a hand full of the exact spells they needed. This is why i'm voting for Trump, I never win anymore in hearthstone.
Warrior spent literally every turn playing charge minions and hitting me in the face, silencing my taunt too. Almost succeeded too but I outfaced him and finished it on turn 7, felt really good. Might've lost if I hadn't seen the lethal that turn, he only needed 2 extra damage the next turn.
Warrior spent literally every turn playing charge minions and hitting me in the face, silencing my taunt too. Almost succeeded too but I outfaced him and finished it on turn 7, felt really good. Might've lost if I hadn't seen the lethal that turn, he only needed 2 extra damage the next turn.

Face Warrior can be kind of fun. I don't think anyone really expects it.
Face Warrior can be kind of fun. I don't think anyone really expects it.

Half the reason it even got so close was because I didn't expect it at all, my mulligan was greedy as fuck as I expected him to do nothing for the first two turns, then I lost 9 health in 3 turns.

It went from "what is he even doing" to "oh my god he might win" real fast, I should stop judging my opponents based on the first few turns.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
So I think a lot of people don't really care for Control Warrior in this meta. Too many sticky and efficient minions that get vomited on the board every turn. Hard to clean up those messes.

Patron may be slightly more effective but the deck is still as hard to play as ever if not harder. I hate having cards like Inner Rage just sit in my hand doing nothing while I hope to draw my Patrons. And honestly, so many games are decided before you can go nuts with the Patrons, and if they don't you're up against some kind of deck with an efficient board clear that can deal with them anyway.

Smorc Warrior is another option but not everybody wants to play a smorc deck.

So I'm toying around with just a standard midrange warrior. It feels very similar to the modified and easier to play Patron variant I used to play back before the Warsong nerf and in many ways even looks like new Patron but it cuts the Patrons entirely.


Some key choices here.
1. Dragon Egg - I still think this is a very underrated Warrior card because you can usually get 2 whelps out of it. Turn 1 Dragon Egg Turn 2 Cruel Taskmaster is also a hell of a way to start a game.
2. Cruel Taskmaster over Inner Rage - I dont have Patrons anymore so I dont have any need for a card like Inner Rage anymore when Cruel Taskmaster is just stronger value and can support playing more minions, which this deck wants to do.
3. Battle Rage - I don't think you really need Patron for this card to be any good. You might not get the nuts but getting 2 cards is pretty easy and still very good.
4. Sir Finely - I dunno, an experiment. I imagine he helps against Paladin quite a bit. I played one game where I put a Midrange Druid on a clock with the hunter power, interestingly enough. I won that. Maybe something like BGH is a better choice.
5. Lack of Dread Corsair - I don't really like this card. It's super cheap if you get a weapon out sure but it's not something you can play on curve and you can get punished if you overextend so it's just a way to deplete your hand. I generally don't find myself getting a 2-for-1 with this card so I cut it.


That just seems like the regular Patron deck only replacing Patrons with Dragon Egg. There's Finley in there though that's interesting.


i remember when people were reviewing TGT cards they didn't even think to much of mysterious challenger, and now look at it

EDIT: yea i vsed a face warrior earlier, the arcanite reaper + hearoic strike for 9 is disgusting


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
That just seems like the regular Patron deck only replacing Patrons with Dragon Egg. There's Finley in there though that's interesting.

Not entirely. Like I said, I also cut out the Dread Corsairs and swapped out the Inner Rages.

It changes the flow of the deck more than you might think. Instead of holding cards in your hand waiting for some wombo combo where you create a whole bunch of Patrons that'll probably get cleared out by a hellfire or lightbomb anyway, you can actually put stuff onto the board each turn and be a bit more threatening. It's easier and more consistent this way, I think. Is it better overall? Not entirely sure, but I feel more comfortable playing this way, anyway.


that last round in the Stancifka v Chinese guy for Starladder was disgusting. Hearthstone is such a horrible competitive game but it's fun to watch. Cannot believe this game has big money tournaments.
that last round in the Stancifka v Chinese guy for Starladder was disgusting. Hearthstone is such a horrible competitive game but it's fun to watch. Cannot believe this game has big money tournaments.

That dude has the luckiest Shaman rolls on everything I've seen so far. I've seen him before in the Celestial tournament and the casters kept pointing out his misplays. He seems to have improve a lot since then or he just riding that RNG. I don't even know which is which anymore.
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