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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


Wanted to play another Warrior deck besides Patron so I made a Control-y deck. Don't have cards like Grom, Alextrasza, Geddon or even Brawl, so I put in Juggernaut and Brann for funnsies.
In a game where I was able to pull of the combo my opponent was at 17 health or so, had 10 cards in deck and played Arcane Intelecct. Mine -> card -> Mine.


Secret paly is a bad deck to bring in conquest format, you can expect others will target you and unlike the old patron which everyone was trying to target too, secret paladin doesn't have that much power to beat almost anything anytime from any situation. It does have counters in rogue/zoo/priest and those decks are pretty good too, it's not like you're crippling yourself by bringing them. I'm surprised to see no druid from them, that's one deck right now that you can't really reliably target either.

Kolento's murloc list was interesting, he even has Dr. Boom. It's not a reactive deck.

Kolento's list is pretty much the same as mine including Dr. Boom. I think he cut Acolyte of Pains as well. Kolento probably net decked me.


Kolento's list is pretty much the same as mine including Dr. Boom. I think he cut Acolyte of Pains as well. Kolento probably net decked me.

What is your list?

I could see cutting Acolyte of Pains. I often find myself on the verge of milling some cards with 2x of Acolyte, Solemn Vigil and Lay on Hands. It's too much card draw sometimes.



So March a soft 'relaunch'. I mean 52 people and 20 from outside the company must be able to do a major overhaul of the work 15 people did 2 years ago. I really wonder how this is gonna pan out, though this bit is not very encouraging:

"You can have a game that has high randomness and high skill and they can co-exist, such as in poker ... We feel that Hearthstone is another game that has high randomness, but is also a high skill demanding game."

Because I always UP an Ace of spades on turn 2 to get the royal flush.


What is your list?

I could see cutting Acolyte of Pains. I often find myself on the verge of milling some cards with 2x of Acolyte, Solemn Vigil and Lay on Hands. It's too much card draw sometimes.
On mobile so I'll just type it out. 1x of Chow, Boom, Belcher, Murkeye, Healbot, Pyro, Lay on Hands, Uldaman. 2x Minibot, Muster, Doomsayer, Equality, Consecrate, Truesilver, Bluegill, Warleader, Anyfin, Aldor, Vigil.


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If I could sum up rank 5 in one card it would be...



Yeah, Knife Juggler has had a long time to shine. Hardest working 2-drop in the game. Whatever plans blizzard has been hinting at for changes probably include a retirement watch for the gnome.

I thought it was crazy to see so many priests running SW:p these days, but the number of times you can lose the game by leaving an early minion like Juggler or Minibot around for an extra turn or two is making me reconsider it.


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At rank 4. Hoping I can hit rank 3 later tonight.

So far my newly crafted Paly deck has had no answers from other players.

Edit: Except for other Palys running similar decks to mine.


Drafted a decent Paladin arena deck and my first opponent (a paladin) concedes after I play secret - minibot - blood knight on curve. EDIT: I wish all opponents would concede on turn 3! :p

EDIT: I forgot to mention that he had just played silent knight. So 9/9 blood knight on turn 3 :p

EDIT: next game I get trashed by mage who vomits his hand by turn 4...
Plays spellslinger twice, gets the perfect card twice, spams "I'm sorry". Good fucking plays dude, what a pro.

Ruined my entire game with a spellslinger arcane missiles that hit perfectly.



So what can we realistically expect out of the update?

New Class?
Starter decks?
Block structure?
Division system?

I still think a block structure would make the most sense. Every set/adventure will have the same impact on the meta moving forward that way. You get rid of a lot of unpopular cards. Lowers the bar of entry for the game. Just keep a legacy ladder where all cards are played and has the same structure as the ladder now, monthly reset. And introduce a division system (bronze/silver/gold etc.) that resets every rotation.



I'm not sure what they mean by that comments, sounds odd actually. Brode was all about new players discovering bad cards on their own lately but that? Are they going to sort card by power/popularity or something? good cards going on sale maybe lol. It doesn't sound like formats to me. Maybe they rearrange all the sets. Like ladder set maybe. You can buy ladder packs now! which would be really against everything they've done so far.

I think they should rearrange sets for sure, have a current set and legacy set both of which are consisted of existing cards including adventures. Say, you can craft adventure cards now, that helps new players a lot actually. Now ladder plays current set, casual plays every set, or there can be separate ladders.


Oh my fucking god.

Have this Golden Ape Mirror against a Priest. He has godlike rng. Both of his/her Thoughsteal steals my Sylvanas, my map and an entomb. So far so good, I'm ahead on the board, draw my monkey earlier and was pretty lucky with some of the legendaries I got. He entombs my monkey and draws it the next turn.
Okay, I can control his board, I can answer everything, no problem. Except, he draws a fucking Varian which vomits out a King Krush and two Gallywixs. From then on I'm losing.

Was a fun match though.


Am I bad person if I enjoy playing Anyfin paladin?

It just feels so.. cheap. But I'll be damned if it isn't hilarious.

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
Plays spellslinger twice, gets the perfect card twice, spams "I'm sorry". Good fucking plays dude, what a pro.

Ruined my entire game with a spellslinger arcane missiles that hit perfectly.


Get better RNG rolls bro after all its a core part of this highly balanced game of skill called hearthstone


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Paly is soooo broken right now.

I'm not even a good player and I've rolled to rank 4. I fully admit that through no skill of mine.


Am I bad person if I enjoy playing Anyfin paladin?

It just feels so.. cheap. But I'll be damned if it isn't hilarious.

It's fun as fuck. I wouldn't even call it cheap, it gets beat by SMorc and freeze mage pretty well unless they draw bad and you well, it beats slow/control decks unless draws go against you. It's not some ridiculous deck like secret paladin.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
The best 2 drop in the game, minibot is close but it can't change the state of board like juggler.

Mad Scientist is still the best 2 drop. Minibot is the second best 2 drop to play ON Turn 2. Knife Juggler is the second best 2 drop to play AFTER Turn 2.


some paly players really think they're good with all the BM I see they do, I literally don't get BM'd in the game except from secret paladin players. When MC gets the boot, I look forward to all the reddit posts that go like "I was hitting rank 5/legend every month but now I can't get past 10" and similar followed by "I can't afford any other decks" "the game is p2w" and blame Blizzard for destroying their collection or something. There will be salt when it happens for sure.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
some paly players really think they're good with all the BM I see they do, I literally don't get BM'd in the game except from secret paladin players. When MC gets the boot, I look forward to all the reddit posts that go like "I was hitting rank 5/legend every month but now I can't get past 10" and similar followed by "I can't afford any other decks" "the game is p2w" and blame Blizzard for destroying their collection or something. There will be salt when it happens for sure.

It's the same thing I saw with face hunter players. They were always the most likely for me to see add after a game to shit talk then delete/BM when they win, and now it's secret pally. I think they all just migrated over...makes more sense if Reno gives him PTSD if he's a face hunter, anyway.
Hey all. I stopped playing a long time ago (like right around the time Naxx came out). I started playing again over Christmas break and sort of got back into it. I've basically been spending the last month doing challenges, arena, and tavern brawls, just trying to get used to all of the new mechanics (basically inspire and discover).

My main class was Shaman, and I basically want to keep using Shaman. What is the best way to proceed as far as building a current deck? I've been using my old overload deck which has been okay, I can probably get to rank 15 for the gold rare, but it's probably a garbage deck. I've been playing arena and dusting things to create the rest of the Shaman class cards released in the last 2 expansions (outside of epics and legendaries of course).

Sorry, I know this is broad as hell, but there's so much conflicting Hearthstone data out there, I thought it would be a good idea to ask here. Thanks in advance.

Edit: Pretty important detail, I haven't bought any of the single player expansions.


Yeah, Anyfin decks are a lot of fun. What are the Jeweled Scarabs for in this version? I run Aldors instead.

because there are some games where the aldors doesn't help me on anything and some times I need to had more tempo plays where I could drop something on turn 2 and then on 3 according to the situation

btw, I lost a game against a dragon druid for fatigue.

He double circle of healed me. he got the two of them from FUCKING NEFARIAN


Hey all. I stopped playing a long time ago (like right around the time Naxx came out). I started playing again over Christmas break and sort of got back into it. I've basically been spending the last month doing challenges, arena, and tavern brawls, just trying to get used to all of the new mechanics (basically inspire and discover).

My main class was Shaman, and I basically want to keep using Shaman. What is the best way to proceed as far as building a current deck? I've been using my old overload deck which has been okay, I can probably get to rank 15 for the gold rare, but it's probably a garbage deck. I've been playing arena and dusting things to create the rest of the Shaman class cards released in the last 2 expansions (outside of epics and legendaries of course).

Sorry, I know this is broad as hell, but there's so much conflicting Hearthstone data out there, I thought it would be a good idea to ask here. Thanks in advance.

Edit: Pretty important detail, I haven't bought any of the single player expansions.

If you're gonna be playing shaman, Tunnel Trogg from LOE is great synergy for overload. Aggro shaman can certainly get you some ladder wins, you can even outpace some very good control decks if your draws are lucky enough and you can manage your overload appropriately.

Also, if you enjoy managing overload, Lava Shock from BRM can be an interesting card (but not a priority since it's not a magical cure-all).

Edit: Oh, and since you mentioned them, Inspire is not great, but Discovery definately is. Jeweled Scarab is pretty good for Shaman especially b/c of the number of useful spells that cost 3 mana.
If you're gonna be playing shaman, Tunnel Trogg from LOE is great synergy for overload. Aggro shaman can certainly get you some ladder wins, you can even outpace some very good control decks if your draws are lucky enough and you can manage your overload appropriately.

Also, if you enjoy managing overload, Lava Shock from BRM can be an interesting card (but not a priority since it's not a magical cure-all).

Edit: Oh, and since you mentioned them, Inspire is not great, but Discovery definately is. Jeweled Scarab is pretty good for Shaman especially b/c of the number of useful spells that cost 3 mana.

Thanks! Sounds like going through LOE is the way to go then. I don't plan to put any money into the game so I guess I'll slowly save towards unlocking all of that.
Far out, KelThuzad fight in Naxx is starting to drive me absolutely insane. I can't beat this shit, even with the deck on Hearthpwn/Icy veins. All I have left is Kel Thuzad and then once I beat him(which won't fucking happen it seems) I can use the actual Kel Thuzad card to finally beat the final boss of BRM.


EDIT: Did it. All I had to do was just completely rage!
This game really wants me to play shaman god damn these quests.

I guess I do need to become more versatile but fuck is it hard to win games with my lack of cards.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Far out, KelThuzad fight in Naxx is starting to drive me absolutely insane. I can't beat this shit, even with the deck on Hearthpwn/Icy veins. All I have left is Kel Thuzad and then once I beat him(which won't fucking happen it seems) I can use the actual Kel Thuzad card to finally beat the final boss of BRM.


EDIT: Did it. All I had to do was just completely rage!


Now do it on Heroic.

Seriously though. That's something to keep in mind. People used to beat Kel'thuzad on Heroic with only cards in the basic and classic sets. They didn't have GvG or TGT to help them out.


It should be super easy to beat KT now with cards like animated armor. actually a lot of bosses just go face. They probably can't tell what animated armor is.


I went from hunter to secret pally to renolock.

Just played a game against a priest and still won despite doing something dumb and forgot to use hero power after summoning 8 cost jaraxxis. I tend to take most turns pretty quickly even though i make mistakes that way...
My shitty shaman zoo deck is working out.

I still make the mistake of planning my turn, doing it 50% and then realizing I didn't plan out certain parts, having to improvise the rest.

Ah gotta love when your opponent just happens to have the perfect card in hand to deal with your board every single turn.

Now do it on Heroic.

Seriously though. That's something to keep in mind. People used to beat Kel'thuzad on Heroic with only cards in the basic and classic sets. They didn't have GvG or TGT to help them out.

Yep and I couldn't do it then. Only just going back to and finishing things off now. But I am terrible at the game.

Fights like that frustrate me, won't even touch the heroic version. LoE I found to be way more fun then the previous two as it was less random bullshit and more just fun interesting stuff.


How is Kripp keeping track of what cards he has left in his deck? Is it an add-on or through a deck tracking site?

I've been out of the loop since Hearthstone left beta.
Somehow won 5 out of 6 Shaman games and got the 5 win quest, it was surprisingly fun too, I think that's mostly because of Brann.
How is Kripp keeping track of what cards he has left in his deck? Is it an add-on or through a deck tracking site?

I've been out of the loop since Hearthstone left beta.
Hearthstone deck tracker is the app he uses that can keep track of a bunch of stuff. I don't use it much but it's free to download.
Hearthstone Deck Tracker is very useful if you are running a control/midrange deck. If I didn't use it I would just check off what I have used and what threats my opponents haven't used, HDT makes it way easier. It just allows for smarter and more informed plays. Plus it tells you how many cards people have in their damn hands.

Of course it's very glitchy, if you disconnect or use golden monkey it just breaks
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