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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
that last round in the Stancifka v Chinese guy for Starladder was disgusting. Hearthstone is such a horrible competitive game but it's fun to watch. Cannot believe this game has big money tournaments.

I lol'd at the video of Reynad going in on knife juggler saying something like 'this little fucker decided atleast $50,000 in tournament winnings".



that last round in the Stancifka v Chinese guy for Starladder was disgusting. Hearthstone is such a horrible competitive game but it's fun to watch. Cannot believe this game has big money tournaments.


I mean, it's ridiculous how many games are decided by RNG in that the guy who loses makes no moves that you could point to and say 'that was an error, he should have played differently with the information he had'. (It feels like at least half of the games are like that, no kidding.)

On the same topic:

Went to do an arena run. The list of heroes includes mage - great. The picks are pretty healthy, heartharena is filled with joy, pick 26 is Archmage Antonidas and I already have 6 spells - superb! Welcome, Antonidas. Pick 1 more spell after.

Final score? 6-3. Not terrible, but nothing to write home about. And why? Gee, maybe that's because I didn't see Antonidas even *once* in all 9 games? Never had it in hand, never saw it in the starting hand even. Did I had a vision of picking it, did it even exist???

I don't know, I am beginning to feel like I am too old for this shit, there's too much RNG. Yes, I got carried by RNG several times, same as I got destroyed by it several times, somehow this doesn't help. It feels like tossing a coin, just with flashy effects.


On the same topic:

Went to do an arena run. The list of heroes includes mage - great. The picks are pretty healthy, heartharena is filled with joy, pick 26 is Archmage Antonidas and I already have 6 spells - superb! Welcome, Antonidas. Pick 1 more spell after.

Final score? 6-3. Not terrible, but nothing to write home about. And why? Gee, maybe that's because I didn't see Antonidas even *once* in all 9 games? Never had it in hand, never saw it in the starting hand even. Did I had a vision of picking it, did it even exist???

I don't know, I am beginning to feel like I am too old for this shit, there's too much RNG. Yes, I got carried by RNG several times, same as I got destroyed by it several times, somehow this doesn't help. It feels like tossing a coin, just with flashy effects.

This isn't exactly the same RNG that I feel people complain about in Hearthstone.

They're more complaining about cards that do random effects, of which neither you nor your opponent can properly prepare for, but typically benefit the player of the card.

What you're describing is the RNG that has existed in all card games since the dawn of time. Especially in a draft environment like Arena where you essentially had a 1/30 chance of that card showing up every card you draw. Believe it or not, those are still terribly low odds and while it starts to lean towards unlucky when it doesn't show up for 9 games, it's not out of the realm of possibility.

Decks are specifically built around the idea of making them "consistent", aka, having the right amount of cards for the specific things you want to do to the point where you consistently have some sort of game plan no matter what the draw. You are going to get hit by lucky and unlucky draws regardless, but at least in a format like that you can plan ahead. Arena is essentially gambling. Sure if you're skilled you can tip the scales in your favour a little more, knowing how to respond to certain cards can itself get you far, but at the end of the day luck is still a significant factor. Always has been. Always will be.


This isn't exactly the same RNG that I feel people complain about in Hearthstone.

They're more complaining about cards that do random effects, of which neither you nor your opponent can properly prepare for, but typically benefit the player of the card.

What you're describing is the RNG that has existed in all card games since the dawn of time. Especially in a draft environment like Arena where you essentially had a 1/30 chance of that card showing up every card you draw. Believe it or not, those are still terribly low odds and while it starts to lean towards unlucky when it doesn't show up for 9 games, it's not out of the realm of possibility.

Decks are specifically built around the idea of making them "consistent", aka, having the right amount of cards for the specific things you want to do to the point where you consistently have some sort of game plan no matter what the draw. You are going to get hit by lucky and unlucky draws regardless, but at least in a format like that you can plan ahead. Arena is essentially gambling. Sure if you're skilled you can tip the scales in your favour a little more, knowing how to respond to certain cards can itself get you far, but at the end of the day luck is still a significant factor. Always has been. Always will be.

No disagreement, really.

It's just that if I play arena, I have very limited means of making my deck predictable (as in, making it more predictable has a cost, barring some completely outlandish RNG, choosing cards that make the deck more predictable also makes it weaker), and so I get screwed by that sort of RNG. Which has been in all card games since forever, etc, and which players specifically try to optimize out, just in constructed, not in arena.

And if I play constructed, I have to either pay or live with being outclassed for something like 6 months, because I am a new player and have no cards. And after that, I will get to complain about the same kind of RNG that constructed players complain.

That's where the feeling of 'I am too old for this shit' comes from...


Games even in arena are 90% tempo nowadays, so they're usually decided before turn 8. Never expect anything from your legendaries unless they're Dr. Boom or Tirion, just play like they don't exist and be happy when they win you the odd game.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Hardest thing about secret paly at rank 4 is playing other secret palys that get to go first and play secret keeper.

Basically means I'm SOL if I don't have a keeper to match. Since keeper gets buff from any secrets not just their own it means any secret cards I draw are effectively dead draws till I get rid of keeper.


Is mech mage a thing again? Which streamer made it popular this time? Lol, wanted to give Reno Warrior a shot and wrecked 3 mech mages in a row. Don't have Justicar, so I subbed in Tournament Medic. Works surprisingly well, as it serves for 4 heal and 8 dmg taunt. MVP in a few of those matches. Could only imagine what my opponents were thinking when they saw it played. Also running 1 Bouncing Blade to combo with Brawl in case I get some bad rng. Works well with a low health Sylvanas on board.


Games even in arena are 90% tempo nowadays, so they're usually decided before turn 8. Never expect anything from your legendaries unless they're Dr. Boom or Tirion, just play like they don't exist and be happy when they win you the odd game.

I've played more arena over the past week than I have over the past 2(?) years and yep, the game is over by turn 7 in 90% of cases, it's really dumb. You get so little removal and there are so many sticky minions that everyone has figured out that you just put down as many little minions as possible then try to get draw cards if possible. 88% of the time it works every time.


Fuck, I HATE it when you face decks that have no business being 0-1 and 0-2 in arena. Like, you just have to imagine that they faced constructed decks themselves.

Of course, since they destroy you, they're not the ones with the worst luck.


I've played more arena over the past week than I have over the past 2(?) years and yep, the game is over by turn 7 in 90% of cases, it's really dumb. You get so little removal and there are so many sticky minions that everyone has figured out that you just put down as many little minions as possible then try to get draw cards if possible. 88% of the time it works every time.

Your removal is minions.

The 'meta' in the arena is pretty simple, this is both a blessing (in that it is easy to outperform 3-3 which is the point after which arenas become better than buying packs) and a curse (in that matches are pretty uncreative).
I was thinking about getting back into arena as I've just been buying single packs for months at this point but a lot of these posts don't give me much faith lol.


I was thinking about getting back into arena as I've just been buying single packs for months at this point but a lot of these posts don't give me much faith lol.
Eh, it's still infinitely more involving and dynamic than constructed where even basic trading has become a thing of the past.

how 2 arena in 2016 -

1. pray 4 paladin
2. pick paladin
3. pick class cards
That's how most people seem to do it but for me it makes playing out the run borderline insufferable. I pick Warrior or Rogue whenever they're available and I'll even try my luck at a decent aggro Warlock over picking Pedestriadin.


This Lansheng guy is going to win Starladder just using the most cancercous decks and hoping for favourable RNG. I feel like he hasn't made any stand out plays and you could literally replace him with any legend - rank 5 player and have the same results.


This Lansheng guy is going to win Starladder just using the most cancercous decks and hoping for favourable RNG. I feel like he hasn't made any stand out plays and you could literally replace him with any legend - rank 5 player and have the same results.
Those final 3 turns were ridiculous!


Lansheng is playing the game that we play.
I actually beat a Paladin in Tavern Brawl last night. I needed one win for a 5 win Mage quest, and I didn't get my pack yet this week, so I queued up. Ending up winning by using Polymorph: Always Huffer on a Tirion for lethal.


This is why I think the entire concept of competitive Hearthstone is ridiculous.

There will always be a scene while the Twitch numbers are there. I prefer watching individual streamers as opposed to tournaments, because Noxious and Gnimsh make my ears bleed and they cast most of them, but it's sometimes fun to watch in a "who would win?" fantasy battle kind of way.

Still can't get over how obvious it was that they wanted Trump to win Worlds last year.


that was just a shitty as fuck final. Cipher really didn't do anything wrong and the other guy made the biggest fuckup I've seen in hearthstone but still blew him away.


Not sure what anyone expected for current tournament play. The last time it was interesting was back in Naxx days. The only way for it to become interesting again is if they banned some cards from play or make intriguing rule-sets like Challengestone.
There will always be a scene while the Twitch numbers are there. I prefer watching individual streamers as opposed to tournaments, because Noxious and Gnimsh make my ears bleed and they cast most of them, but it's sometimes fun to watch in a "who would win?" fantasy battle kind of way.

Sure, I'm not opposed to a scene existing, it's just very hard for me to take it seriously. I've seen enough highlights of these tournaments in which someone gets super lucky and turns a match upside down. It'd be more enjoyable(for me) if they went all in on the random and made the participants draft arena decks and play with those.

If people find this format enjoyable though(and going by the numbers they do) then that's fine.
Sure, I'm not opposed to a scene existing, it's just very hard for me to take it seriously. I've seen enough highlights of these tournaments in which someone gets super lucky and turns a match upside down. It'd be more enjoyable(for me) if they went all in on the random and made the participants draft arena decks and play with those.

If people find this format enjoyable though(and going by the numbers they do) then that's fine.

TempoStorm have ran Lord of the Arena before, which is exactly that. I'm not a fan ever since one guy was crippled because he didn't have a full collection, so he had to take a Lorewalker Cho.

I'm not overly fond of Conquest format either, but it's what Blizzard want, so it's the only way to run a tournament to get players to show up, for dem ranking points. Even though most of the field at Blizzcon both years so far (I think 2013 was an invitational?) has been ladder warriors (as opposed to Warriors).


Sure, I'm not opposed to a scene existing, it's just very hard for me to take it seriously. I've seen enough highlights of these tournaments in which someone gets super lucky and turns a match upside down. It'd be more enjoyable(for me) if they went all in on the random and made the participants draft arena decks and play with those.

If people find this format enjoyable though(and going by the numbers they do) then that's fine.

That would be even more boring. Guaranteed. No synergies, no nothing, just minions and trading that tries to be efficient.


Saw someone run the most baffling Mech Paladin finishing up a daily with my Mech Mage. I didn't really see the point of it, and he didn't bother clearing my board at all before he equipped Sword of Justice, then the turn after put down a Mechwarper and vomited his entire hand of mechs, which I supposed was the entire key of the deck. He started spamming emotes, then I just cleared his board and the game was basically over, lol.

Rank 15 is a place.
I was thinking about getting back into arena as I've just been buying single packs for months at this point but a lot of these posts don't give me much faith lol.

I've stopped playing Arena and started just buying packs. 1) I can choose the pack I want, and 2) Arena is just boring and frustrating these days, which is a bad combo.

I only play HS once every few days anyway to clear my quests, and I get enough gold from them for a pack or two anyway. So I'd rather not waste my time in Arena.


There are times watching competitive Hearthstone I feel it's right up there with Momir Basic in Magic in terms of "literally RNG".

I'm curious what the opinion of the community at large is with the levels of RNG they currently have to deal with.


There are times watching competitive Hearthstone I feel it's right up there with Momir Basic in Magic in terms of "literally RNG".

I'm curious what the opinion of the community at large is with the levels of RNG they currently have to deal with.
The opinion at large on the matter is that certain cards are really bad for the game. Controllable RNG like Discover mechanic is ok but stuff like Knife Juggler RNG juggles and Shredder spawns are pretty bad for the game and hearkens back to the days of Pagle/Tinkmaster RNG game deciders.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
The opinion at large on the matter is that certain cards are really bad for the game. Controllable RNG like Discover mechanic is ok but stuff like Knife Juggler RNG juggles and Shredder spawns are pretty bad for the game and hearkens back to the days of Pagle/Tinkmaster RNG game deciders.

Yup, I don't mind all RNG, but powerful cards like juggler, implosion, and shredder are actively horrible for the game. Discover is a step in the right direction as long term the better player will make smarter picks based off matchups and excel.

Joust is also pretty bad. I get where that was coming from atleast in regard to high curve decks, but the loss on draw makes it super punishing and so many of the minions are a HUGE swing based off the outcome. 5/3 for 4 that does nothing? Awful. 5/3 CHARGE for 4? Pretty crazy. I think it's a good thing these aren't actually that good, even if you will still see master jouster decide games in arena.
Joust could have been great if Blizzard hadn't insisted that almost all the joust cards be unplayable in their base state.

It's a mechanic they could use again to some success though. Make more stuff like King's Elekk pretty much.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Joust could have been great if Blizzard hadn't insisted that almost all the joust cards be unplayable in their base state.

It's a mechanic they could use again to some success though. Make more stuff like King's Elekk pretty much.

Balance Mysterious challenger by making it a joust card.. =D
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