So like a Super Leper Gnome?
To me a meta where 100% all face aggro is properly viable is a broken one. Hearthstone was a mess a while back with the dominance of face hunter. Right now full-on aggro is pretty much the gimmick it deserves to be. As a deck archetype it makes about as much sense as having nothing but taunt minions, but for some reason it remained far too competitive for far too long.
Reno Jackson shouldn't be returnable to a player's hand x_x
Face hunter is pretty much as 100% face as it gets and it was all over ladder doing extremely well. I never even mentioned an aggro meta, just aggro being viable. I don't know why we're even talking about this. You insist on picking something that's besides the point, most of the time something I didn't even say, and starting an argument about it.This fabled 100% all face aggro meta has never been reality.
Congrat-also I finally got my first 12 win run in arena today! Deck was pretty good,
Every timetwo concecrates, three truesilvers, 2 musters, and a rag to top it all off lol.
I had Cho throwing coins between me and my opponent every time they were used. It was great until my hand was 100% coins and I couldn't draw.I take it all back this Brawl is great
All the time, but more like the board is clear and I wonder how.You ever tab out for a minute at the end of your turn and come back and you lost and you wonder how the fuck you even died
Every time
2 Musters fuck that
Face hunter is pretty much as 100% face as it gets and it was all over ladder doing extremely well. I never even mentioned an aggro meta, just aggro being viable. I don't know why we're even talking about this. You insist on picking something that's besides the point, most of the time something I didn't even say, and starting an argument about it.
Demon Zoo works very poorly these days.according to casters, most mage decks were freeze mage and most warlock decks were zoo (fast zoo without void callers from what I saw).
Like I said before, Freeze Mage only worked in this format due to them being able to ban out stats for EU HCT.
Closest thing to ladder stats we will never get. It was just ladder players with ladder deck anyway!
according to casters, most mage decks were freeze mage and most warlock decks were zoo (fast zoo without void callers from what I saw).
Well met indeed.
So you'd rather lose the minion completely vs hey at least i still got a body on the board the opponent needs to deal with.
Reno Jackson shouldn't be returnable to a player's hand x_x
What kind of Hunter deck plays Cobra Shot, Snipe, Dart Trap, Summoning stones, Heal Bots, Thaurissan? I was fucking terrified as I had no idea what to even expect, especially from his secrets.
On turn 4 he played 2 secrets, so I attacked his face to see what they were, neither popped, I'd never been more confused during a match.
I think it's ridiculous that the meta has made amazing cards like Polymorph and Hex obsolete, and Owl is only part of the reason why. The tempo gain that a deck like Secret Paladin or Midrange Druid can get every turn is so huge, you doom yourself by running hard removal. Only Execute gets wide acceptance, because it's cheap and the condition is easy to meet, as well as Shadow Word: Death which is almost guaranteed good value if you play it.
The worst missplay I watched on regionals was last game druid vs secret paladin druid player had coin wrath and wild growth turn 1 vs secret paladin. He decided to coin wild growth with no 3 drop in hand with a secret keeper on board. That secret keeper killed him alone.
The worst missplay I watched on regionals was last game druid vs secret paladin druid player had coin wrath and wild growth turn 1 vs secret paladin. He decided to coin wild growth with no 3 drop in hand with a secret keeper on board. That secret keeper killed him alone.
So why do other decks need to suffer the removal of a tool to get rid of things like taunt because you have an issue with severely broken decks like secret? Shouldn't your major argument be against be against those decks and not the fact that a silence can rid of a taunt?
I just dont understand why they didnt make more cards to counter mechs..
I think silence on a body such as spellbreaker is fine, but whenever every deck has access to a cheap silence such as ironbeak owl it's a little overkill.
Earth Shock, Silence, and to a lesser extent KotG are fine.
They had the right idea with Light's Champion, but sadly it's just trash when there are only two demons worth silencing.
Silence is too powerful imo. Owl is basically in any deck that isn't going strictly for face.
Because every single class has the option of drafting this card:So why do other decks need to suffer the removal of a tool to get rid of things like taunt because you have an issue with severely broken decks like secret? Shouldn't your major argument be against be against those decks and not the fact that a silence can rid of a taunt?
Control Warrior doesn't... HOWEVER, Face Warrior puts in two Owls in their deck. This is one of those things where the archetype hasn't been represented properly. I can guarantee you that if Face Warrior was ever a tier 1/2 deck, it would have one or two Owls. In fact, go look at any aggro Warrior list, you will find that they use Owls.ZealousD said:Some classes, like Warrior, haven't put silences in their decks in ages.
Dude, if anything you got that backwards. Face decks will put in two owls to counter taunts and then most non-face decks don't even include Owl. Some classes, like Warrior, haven't put silences in their decks in ages.
This rush to kill any tech card worth its salt is stupid.
Dahbomb that's not even true. The gap in power between spellbreaker and owl is actually quite minimal. There used to be a time where Control Warrior even specifically ran Spellbreaker over Owl because they wanted more power in the deck than tempo. And you can find tons of examples in this thread where people are saying "silence is too powerful". FeD.nL, just above you, even suggested nerfing Spellbreaker.
The only reason that people are talking about Owl in particular is that Owl is the silence card everybody is running right now.
I already stated why Warrior uses it (and sometimes Paladin). They can afford to do that because of their cheap removals (1 mana removals). Warlock can't do that and has to use Owl over Spellbreaker. Even then both of these classes use Owl in their aggressive forms.Dahbomb that's not even true. The gap in power between spellbreaker and owl is actually quite minimal. There used to be a time where Control Warrior even specifically ran Spellbreaker over Owl because they wanted more power in the deck than tempo. And you can find tons of examples in this thread where people are saying "silence is too powerful". FeD.nL, just above you, even suggested nerfing Spellbreaker.
The only reason that people are talking about Owl in particular is that Owl is the silence card everybody is running right now.
Only people ALWAYS complain about Taunt and Deathrattles. There's where the whole "Taunt needs nerf" meme even comes from.Xanathus said:People whining about Silence are also the same people who will whine about Taunt and Deathrattles if Silence is removed. It's just BabyRage.
@LiquidSjow it's also another thing they want. Ctrl warrior/freeze dynamics aren't really fun. Ideally they like most MUs to be 50/50