I am never picking that card again.Sometimes you get wrecked with an unlucky spellbringer. I gave a dude bloodlust and got thrashed the other day
I think it's an AoE removal spell. Maybe one for Shaman?Out of those people, I'd rather Kripp reveal one first.
The tom one has murlocs being sucked into the a void. New murloc card.
I think it's an AoE removal spell. Maybe one for Shaman?
Handlock/Renolock for Warlock or the Dreadsteed deckSince I am at the top of the page:
What do you all think is the most skillful deck for each class?
The card voting thing is live. Looks like the reveals will be coming from streamers, not the website this time.
Surprised to see Kripp with the most votes when 4skin is in the running. Voted for my boy Sjow, looks like the coolest card as well
I thought I would give my $.02 on the Infested Tauren
Infested Tauren:
4 mana 2/3
Taunt, Deathrattle: summons a 2/2 slime (slime does not have taunt)
It really highlights just how over powered Piloted Shredder is. For the same mana Shredder gave you +2 attack and the average 2 drop is better than the slime. Even the worst case of 1/1 out of shredder would give you 5/4 of total stats, which is equal to the total 4/5 stats of Infested Tauren. Just think about how crushing it is to your tempo when your shredder drops a 1/1 and you have what the Tauren will do every time.
Comparing this to Sledge Belcher, is even worse. It doesn't have the health to be a strong defensive play and the deathrattle is also missing taunt which is what made Belcher so strong. Although Belcher does cost 1 more mana, it has a higher total stat pool of 4/7 and all of it has taunt.
Comparing to Harvest Golem. It is one mana less, has mech synergy, and has a total 4/4 of stats. Harvest Golem is also a Classic card so it will remain in the Standard Format. The one mana is huge in the early game and that makes harvest golem easily one of the best 3 drops in the game.
How about a Dragonling Mechanic comparison? It's 2/4+2/1 (4/5 total), has the same mana cost, and the stats come out as a battlecry which is usually an advantage. A card renowned as absolutely trash.
I think this card might be a signal. It is so much less powerful than all the other death rattle cards that summon minions, that they would have to nerf them all for it to ever see play. So maybe there is a nerf coming for all of the other ones, or maybe this is just a really bad card.
I feel its just meant to be trash. Its a neutral common that was revealed on some Russian stream. It has a niche, being a sticky taunt, but its significantly weaker then the options rotating out.
Just wait until school lets out.
Handlock/Renolock for Warlock or the Dreadsteed deck
Grim Patron for Warrior
Oil Rogue and Miracle Rogue
Anyfin for Paladin
Malygos or Control/Midrange Shaman
Midrange Hunter or Jackie Chan Hunter
Control Priest
Freeze Mage
Ramp or Fatigue Druid
Some of these aren't actually strong meta decks but they do exist.
New warlock card
Handlock/Renolock for Warlock or the Dreadsteed deck
Grim Patron for Warrior
Oil Rogue and Miracle Rogue
Anyfin for Paladin
Malygos or Control/Midrange Shaman
Midrange Hunter or Jackie Chan Hunter
Control Priest
Freeze Mage
Ramp or Fatigue Druid
Some of these aren't actually strong meta decks but they do exist.
You're a little late.
I an watching kripp review some of the new cards, and he got to hogger and I think he is a bit confused. He thinks that a hogger could stop a huge c'thun missle barrage cause every time hogger got hot he would spawn his gnolls. But the spawning of would trigger until after the missiles have fine their animation right?
You're a little late.
I an watching kripp review some of the new cards, and he got to hogger and I think he is a bit confused. He thinks that a hogger could stop a huge c'thun missle barrage cause every time hogger got hot he would spawn his gnolls. But the spawning of would trigger until after the missiles have fine their animation right?
Kripp is correct in how the card works. It should work just like Grim Patron, which spawns new patrons in the middle of spells and other damage effects.I an watching kripp review some of the new cards, and he got to hogger and I think he is a bit confused. He thinks that a hogger could stop a huge c'thun missle barrage cause every time hogger got hot he would spawn his gnolls. But the spawning of would trigger until after the missiles have fine their animation right?
I tried Oil Rogue for a quest once... I had no idea what I was doing. I do know that back when Oil Rogue was common in the meta whether I won or not depended on if the opponent was able to play Prep/Sprint. Once that happened, I felt like I lost the game. If it didn't, I could usually grind out the win before the combo shenanigans.
When you say Grim Patron, are you talking about the midrange deck?
Maybe Freeze Mage is a skill test deck against certain opponents, but to me the deck seems like it would be an easy deck to pilot. Stall, stall, stall, emperor, Alex, burst. If that's tough than so is midrange Druid (which in my mind a Druid can easily win or lose depending on decisions made in the first few turns of the game.)
If you understand the win condition, that's half the battle. But it is not an easy deck to pilot, especially if you get threatened early on and you weren't expecting it.
The consistency doesn't make up for the complete lack of power. I had some Classic card comparisons in my original post that were better or very comparable and none of them are played at all. All of them are underpowered cards, except the Harvest Golem which holds it down in Arena. Yet even the Harvest Golem isn't played regularly, it's not even played in constructed mech decks.The tauren card is actually a pretty balanced card, even compared to shredder, because it trades some power for more consistency.
I've never played Freeze Mage, because I have despised the deck ever since the first time I faced it. That and mill druid were the first two decks I faced where I felt cheated--what's the point of a card game where I can't use any of my cards because they are frozen (vs mage) or milled (vs druid)?
This was in my first week of playing the game. I understand how to play against those decks now, but I still hate the mechanics of them and feel they don't belong in Hearthstone.
It's a stall/combo deck, other decks do the same thing but just in less overt ways. Druid runs the board with efficient spells and obnoxious minions until he can smack you in the face with trees. Rogue ninja-kicks all of your shit or bounces it back at you until she can burst you down. Zoo trades with its board until the Doomguards kick your teeth in.. etc etc etc.
10 mana draw card mechanic, sounds like concede
Now give warlock 0 mana: plus 1 mana for each card in your hand.... Or each card you drew this turn.
I don't know why Ogres don't get more play. They're amazing.
Me: Play Dunemaul Shaman.
Hunter: Oasis Snapjaw.
Me: Attack face. OOPS!!!! smashes into the Snapjaw. Attack face. OOPS!!!! smashes into the Snapjaw. Both die.
Me: "Well played."
You're playing Zoolock wrong if you're going full aggro. Zoolock is all about controlling the board, creating difficult to clear situations and chipping down the hero while trading before bursting them down with Power Overwhelming/Doomguard.Good fucking god. I got tired of facing aggro and decided to try the dark side with a Zoolock. Jesus christ that was the most boring thing ever. How do people stand playing this crap?
To the bin with that.
That makes more sense. Don't have the cards for it, though.You're playing Zoolock wrong if you're going full aggro. Zoolock is all about controlling the board, creating difficult to clear situations and chipping down the hero while trading before bursting them down with Power Overwhelming/Doomguard.