Is I should Craft Molten now if he gonna get nerfed? my warlock play really lacking his punch now
If he gets nerfed, he'll be worth the full 400 dust you got him for after the nerf, so craft away if you want him.
Is I should Craft Molten now if he gonna get nerfed? my warlock play really lacking his punch now
If Giants get nerfed, that card kinda sucks
Brann combo :O
It's all about whether you draw the AoE. If you draw 0 mana AoE cards, you're okay. Otherwise, you are in trouble.4-2 with Rafaam so far. I'm not sure there is any other trick than trying to control board/tempo enough to upgrade your hero power then get lucky with some legendaries.
Just summoned 4 thaddius on my board by getting Rivendare and Stalagg and Fuegen LOL
So a bit like a faceless, just without the effect copy, and +taunt by default
power overwhelming then copy stats
Is I should Craft Molten now if he gonna get nerfed? my warlock play really lacking his punch now
minus the ability to copy enemy minions as well
I mean some concessions had to be made for it to cost 4. Still, it's so similar to Faceless, one wonders why make it
If you craft it and they nerf it, you'd get full dust value back in return. No harm in doing so at the moment.
If he gets nerfed, he'll be worth the full 400 dust you got him for after the nerf, so craft away if you want him.
There's no downside in crafting a card before an impending nerf. Either they don't nerf it and it's a card you want, or they do and you get the full crafting value back when you dust it.
It would be nice if it added to it's current stats instead of replaced. That way you're always getting +1/+1 to whatever you're copying.
Granted, that'd probably make it too good.
Cool, now if just we have confirmation they gonna offer full DE for GvG card or nah
It's pointless with Brann. The second trigger wont do anything. It copies the attack and health, not adds up to it.
i was wondering about that, so it doesn't work like twilight drake :/
No, they've said they won't.
Did he use the Keeper of Uldaman to counter the ghosts?Lol, the ridiculous things you can do in this brawl make it worth it. Filling Rafaam's board with damaging minions, so good! Got that one minion duplicated and just kept re-spawning it each turn. Nothing he could do. Probably won't play it much since I got the most enjoyment from that match alone.
He turned one of the specters into a 3/3 and killed it, but I replaced it with 2 more afterwards, hahaDid he use the Keeper of Uldaman to counter the ghosts?
Wait what? Since when does Reno glow? ... Huh, that's great!
I'm tired of sucking, what's the easiest deck to rank up quickly with? I don't care how cheap it is or how shitty I am for using it.
I'm tired of sucking, what's the easiest deck to rank up quickly with? I don't care how cheap it is or how shitty I am for using it.
Yeah there's no telling if they're actually going to be viable but most of the cards have been unique at the very least.The recent batch of cards they have released have been pretty good no lie.
Combo DruidI'm tired of sucking, what's the easiest deck to rank up quickly with? I don't care how cheap it is or how shitty I am for using it.
since the last patch
secret pally
secret paladin or any other aggro deck (face shaman/hunter)
Combo Druid
I'm not proud of what I'm about to do.
I'm not proud of what I'm about to do.
Secret paladin is going to last maybe 1 more season, so get on it. It's a no thought required deck, despite what Blizzard wants to believe.
If you do Combo Druid, just know that the number "14" is burned into each and every one of your opponents' minds.
There will probably be some form of it because MC is such a strong card, but it won't be an autopilot deck where you just have to put the numbers in order and you magically win.
Losing avenge is recoverable but losing minibot and muster is going to be pretty painful if Paladin doesn't get some solid early game this expansion. As much as people hated those two cards they filled a serious hole in Paladin.
Everything we've seen tends towards making games take longer, which is great for Paladin. The class doesn't get played that way much right now, because the aggressive variants are so strong, but it can be a fairly punishing control deck with mountains of healing.
Basic Rogue cards are seen as slightly too strong. Blizzard is cautious about adding powerful Rogue cards in expansions, since the power level of Rogue Basic cards is already so high.
The developers experimented with nerfing cards such as Wild Growth or Innervate but found that changing Ramp changed too much about what was core with Druid.
You're not talking about Secret Paladin, though.
I'm quite familiar with classic control Paladin as it used to be my favorite deck. But it didn't have fantastic winrates unless you were up against Handlock or Control Warrior.
I don't see why the secret shell couldn't work for a control deck. A lot of them are good stall cards. Even in the current meta I see some of them running a seriously beefy top end.
oh god, i just vsed a secret paladin for the first time in ladder. Never again.