I would pick Boulderfist ogre over this junk in Arena.
Casters were hyping "chaining Anfin" strats, clearing and whatnot when you literally die immediately from the counter-AnyfinWatching the vods, wtf that murloc v murloc paladin match
Yup. Gruul, a card no one uses, is strictly better. Boogeymonster would need to gain windfury to be usable.I generally try to see the upside of new cards or argue why a suboptimal card is still worth printing, but I'm having a really hard time with The Boogeymonster. More than almost any card so far it seems really thoughtless in design.
Is this game accessible to people brand new to CCG's in general? Also how much of a disadvantage do new players have since the game is already a couple years old now? I've always wanted to play but I feel overwhelmed with all the expansions I'll be so behind. Plus, one glance at the healthstone subreddit makes or seem like new players should avoid at all costs. GAF is a far better community IMO so I figured I'd ask here.
Yup. Gruul, a card no one uses, is strictly better. Boogeymonster would need to gain windfury to be usable.
I hope even with the holiday we get cards today
The game is great for new card game players and is still very accessible even a couple years in. With the upcoming patch, it will be even easier for new players to succeed with Standard format.
Are you willing to spend money? If so, it's no problem at all. If not, it's still 100% doable, but it will take time. It's still very fun though.
I'm not opposed to spending if I really like the game and it's a reasonable amount (not hundreds or thousands).
Any guides or resources I should check out? I imagine you can really screw yourself if you don't know what are you doing in terms of deck building. That's always my fear with f2p games.
Anyone ever had a bug where their game has just gotten stuck mid-opponent-turn? My opponent's turn has been going for like 9 minutes now, there's a card hovering over his side of the board but nothing's happening.
EDIT: screw it, guess I'll try conceding to see if I can get out of this. Sucks though.
EDIT 2: the Concede button doesn't work either, it does nothing. WTF?
Anyone ever had a bug where their game has just gotten stuck mid-opponent-turn? My opponent's turn has been going for like 9 minutes now, there's a card hovering over his side of the board but nothing's happening.
EDIT: screw it, guess I'll try conceding to see if I can get out of this. Sucks though.
EDIT 2: the Concede button doesn't work either, it does nothing. WTF?
I'm not opposed to spending if I really like the game and it's a reasonable amount (not hundreds or thousands).
Any guides or resources I should check out? I imagine you can really screw yourself if you don't know what are you doing in terms of deck building. That's always my fear with f2p games.
I'm not opposed to spending if I really like the game and it's a reasonable amount (not hundreds or thousands).
Any guides or resources I should check out? I imagine you can really screw yourself if you don't know what are you doing in terms of deck building. That's always my fear with f2p games.
"I'm fine unless he has POx2 and Doomguard."Things to never ever fucking say -
"Well, if he has double power overwhelming I'm dead"
Druid gets a 2 card/6 mana board clear spawning a tiny number of niche control deckshttps://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/4bwa8s/poison_seeds_filling_the_board_removing/d1d9ovh
Apparently the thing where poison seeds treants spawn before deathrattles is unintended and is going to get patched eventually.
Druid gets a 2 card/6 mana board clear spawning a tiny number of niche control decks
Golden Paladin
followed by Golden Mage
I guess I should clarify that not a single game was from Secret Paladin or Eboladin since I prefer control style decks.
All mid-range and Murloc!
Does anyone else still have the bug regularly occur where cards show up as 'New' in your collection even though they aren't? I marvel at the randomness sometimes. Cards that haven't been new to me for over a year suddenly get flagged as new, in addition to the new goldens that actually are new for me in the last little while.
Also, the filter field is bugged as hell on iOS. Sometimes, relaunching the app work. Sometimes it doesn't. I click on it and it jumps around the screen before failing to allow me to enter any text.
Anyone else?
Yeah still happens. I wonder if some of those marked as new are cards that are getting changed.
Yeah I bet Imp Master is gonna get the shit nerfed out of her. 'bout time
Secret Paladin has got me to rank 10, I think this is the best I've ever done. Am I allowed to stop playing this game now?
might as well get to rank 5. Which secret pally deck are you using? I'm only having mixed luck with one blessing of kings, no 4 drop weapon, and one consecration. Hovering around rank 10 right now just doing quests with Druid.
Secret Paladin has got me to rank 10, I think this is the best I've ever done. Am I allowed to stop playing this game now?
We are getting close to the point where I will need to create a new thread. You guys think I should fix the numbering or should Unstable Portal haunt our threads from now until the end of time? I am thinking fixing it makes sense with Unstable Portal getting pushed to Wild, lol.