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The goons card sux

Gimme more Lotus and Talon cards already

Yeah, not looking good so far for Warrior. I do hope we get some really good Control Warlock cards, that's a fun archetype that's been downgraded to gimmick status for too long.


Blizzard still trys to make "buff cards in hand" a thing, cute.
The hunter card won't get played until next rotations, then they might get played if they don't get another good 2 drop.

I guess the paladin one could find a spot in a new aggro deck with the card that draw 3 1 drops, but it'snot that strong either.

The warrior card puts all of you eggs into 1 basket,which can backfire way too hard.
Not to mention thatit's useless if you don't play taunts and most importanly, if you play this card at turn 2, you aren't playing war axe.

The new taunt card is alright. it will usually heal you for 4-6 hp, so it's almost an healbot with better stats.
2 attack minions are still awful , even more when priest are around.

The smugger sucks. +1/+1 in hand is not worth -1 attack on the field.

As for the set as a whole, it's very mixed so far. Some cards are really fucking cool, but most other are pretty weak and/or boring.


Just notice, Shaman are in Lotus faction, so their card can't be too bad, most of Lotus card is either mana cheating or something to do with stealth/windfury

Its no way Shaman get mana cheat card right?



You ever have these games were you are not drawing your answers and always drawing cards meant for later?

I have a lot of ways to kill these big creatures but the cards are not coming up. It is frustrating.

Cat Party

Blizzard still trys to make "buff cards in hand" a thing, cute.
The hunter card won't get played until next rotations, then they might get played if they don't get another good 2 drop.

I guess the paladin one could find a spot in a new aggro deck with the card that draw 3 1 drops, but it'snot that strong either.

The warrior card puts all of you eggs into 1 basket,which can backfire way too hard.
Not to mention thatit's useless if you don't play taunts and most importanly, if you play this card at turn 2, you aren't playing war axe.

The new taunt card is alright. it will usually heal you for 4-6 hp, so it's almost an healbot with better stats.
2 attack minions are still awful , even more when priest are around.

The smugger sucks. +1/+1 in hand is not worth -1 attack on the field.

As for the set as a whole, it's very mixed so far. Some cards are really fucking cool, but most other are pretty weak and/or boring.
The point of the warrior card is obviously to buff your fierce monkey to a 6/7. But why would anyone build a deck around that?


Corporate Apologist
Just notice, Shaman are in Lotus faction, so their card can't be too bad, most of Lotus card is either mana cheating or something to do with stealth/windfury

Its no way Shaman get mana cheat card right?


Shaman could get more ways to interact with overload.


The Hunter card is good, not sure if it will see play immediately but definitely after the season rotation. The Paladin card has potential, getting that effect early in an Aggro/Zoo style deck could be really powerful or maybe after a massive Divine Favor. The rest aren't worth mentioning, mostly just arena cards. Alley Armorsmith is a bad card, if you want a taunt in Warrior, play Bloodhoof Brave or Fierce Monkey.


When MC gets rotated out and they can make actually early game minions again without creating a tier 0 deck.

Has anyone even used MC in standard? That deck died after Paladin lost all their early game stuff and Avenge. It's pretty sad to look at the Paladin class cards if u compare it to other classes.


Super Sleuth
If steal priest becomes a thing using potion of madness, I wonder how much that will help the matchup against hunter.

It seems like it would be good for stealing kindly grandma and also proccing secrets when you have no current board.

People at ranks 17-20 loooovvvvveeeeeee Prince Malc.


Why do't we get some good spells instead?
Oh you mean like this "spell":



the new paladin secret is like duplicate but at 1 mana I think it's better actually.

it won't fit secret paly but something worth exploring maybe in some grinder deck.
Oh you mean like this "spell":


if that's what it takes. Can't tell me Paladin is in a good spot right now or is going to be in a good spot with what has been shown so far.
the new paladin secret is like duplicate but at 1 mana I think it's better actually.

it won't fit secret paly but something worth exploring maybe in some grinder deck.

thei issue with those is always that you can't hero power when you play them and if you don't HP your opponent has the instant read. It'd work with finley though.


Unconfirmed Member
FWIW the demo at Blizzcon had 3 decks each themed around one of the factions and Paladin was for the goons. It was a swarming aggro-style deck with tons of 1-2 drops and a few bigger guys or guys who reduced cost based on there being more minions (the taunt that gets cheaper).

So the goons being board state centric and adding lots of bodies to the board seems to fit right in. Pull 3 1 mana cards into your hand and then buff them up, almost leads to a zoo-ish style of play for paladin. Dunno how well this will work for Warrior, but Hunter seems ok with that.


Super Sleuth
the new paladin secret is like duplicate but at 1 mana I think it's better actually.

it won't fit secret paly but something worth exploring maybe in some grinder deck.

It would have to be in a slower deck for sure. Having a secret be anti synergy with other secrets just sucks though.

I guess redemption is the same way though.


the new paladin secret is like duplicate but at 1 mana I think it's better actually.

it won't fit secret paly but something worth exploring maybe in some grinder deck.

Would have loved it they just made it like a buff card, kinda like soul of the forest. Oh well, added into the big pile of shitty spells. :d
FWIW the demo at Blizzcon had 3 decks each themed around one of the factions and Paladin was for the goons. It was a swarming aggro-style deck with tons of 1-2 drops and a few bigger guys or guys who reduced cost based on there being more minions (the taunt that gets cheaper).

So the goons being board state centric and adding lots of bodies to the board seems to fit right in. Pull 3 1 mana cards into your hand and then buff them up, almost leads to a zoo-ish style of play for paladin. Dunno how well this will work for Warrior, but Hunter seems ok with that.

I don't understand why they are pushing it for Paladin. Paladin has no inevitability. No good damage spells, the HP doesn't immediately push damage, the best it got is Tirion and ashbringer. Which is damn good but slow. When you're playing against paladin you're not constantly at death's door after stabilizing.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Pally is personally my favorite class and I'm not a fan of seeing all the new cards go towards the swarm variant since I mainly want to play mid/control with it.

But either way, the bigger worry to me is even if these cards are strong, what we've seen of this expansion so far is actually going ham on anti-aggro. Cards like the potential 4/5 taunt for 3, the mini zombie chow, that warrior taunt, the insanely cheap priest spells are all MASSIVE deterrants to it now. I don't even think that 1 mana shadow madness card needs to even be played, the mere existence of it might filter out the meta.

the new paladin secret is like duplicate but at 1 mana I think it's better actually.

it won't fit secret paly but something worth exploring maybe in some grinder deck.

Yeah, that card is actually interesting to me. Sadly has the same downside Redemption has where it has massive anti-synergy with hero power, and if you float mana it telegraphs what you're doing hard.

Also I was trying to make a post about my thoughts on the cards but I got caught up in stuff, lol. Still gonna do it later but I'll add the newer ones to it.
All the buffs are gonna add up to an insane amount. By the time you play that, it could easily be a 5/5 or even a 6/6 based on the direction of these cards. Maybe not as impressive as the 2 drop, because it's not likely to trigger twice, but if it does... that could be insane.

A lot of synergy with small time recruits again. 3 highly synergistic cards is pretty exciting even though each individually may seem rather tame.
Yeah I think it could actually be quite good. If it ticks on two things you're already getting good value out of it in my opinion. Plus it's not like the 5 slot for Paladin is jam packed currently.
1 drops with +3/+3

stone tusk boar 4/4 charge
argent squire 4/4 divine shield
selfless hero 5/4
mrrglton 4/7

Murlocs anyone? Vilefin inquisitor 4/7

These buffs could be very powerful if you're able to stack them high


it seems like really slow and I personally don't think board presence decks will be great. Even token druid isn't great right now and that's a quite explosive deck that builds board in one turn, Tempo game is too strong to spend like bunch of cards and wait to buff other stuff then play them. I guess we have to try but I'm not optimistic about paladin so far.


so instead of low mana high stat cards they're making gimmicky high mana low stat cards? awesome.
More like high mana trying to buff your understatted minions back to their normal stats cards. :') I hope Buffadin works out. At least it's new and exciting! Just scared that even though you can buff your minions, the early game is still shit with a 1/1, 1/2 and a 5 mana 4/4 minions while the other guy has already played a 1/3, 3/4 and 5/6 in the next couple of turns. How do you win against that? Looks hard to outvalue them with buffs if the base stats are already shit.

Would have prefered if they did something with those dragon tokens and gave Paladin something like a power of the wild aoe buff. Or even recruit buffs!


So the Goons theme is clearly buff, if Pally meant to be buffing small goons and ganging up, I expect Warrior meant to be the Big Goons tho, I expect as opposite to Pally their minion is rather big and the buff is big singular buff and not spread out, I Don't know what the idea for Hunter tho

And The Lotus (Druid, Rogue, Shaman) theme seem to be mana cheat, and presumeably tempo + Stealth/Windfury, Druid get all mana cheat card and token tempo buff, Rogue get their own mana cheat + stealth minion, so I'd expect shaman get their overload trickery and some more new class minion windfury

Kabal (Priest, Warlock, Mage) seem the value, spell, highlander stuff, so class that getting Kabal card seem on value battle direction

I'm very excited to see Warlock placed to get Kabal card, all the warlock get at last 2 expansion that worth mentioning is only aggro zoo card, slow warlock get nothing, so hopefully with Warlock as part of Kabal its finally time for slow warlock get good card to use, hopefully I'm not putting hope to nothing and Warlock only get aggro card this time too


The thing is that a deck like that will only have a large hand once or twice in a game with Divine Favor so something that repeatedly buffs your hand doesn't make much sense.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah I think it has a chance to be good if they print enough of them. It makes specifically aggro paladin have a chance at being good. Really not much else though. You wouldn't want cards like this midrange or control decks.

Cat Party

Paladin may be able to combine these buff cards with the zoobot/curator-type mechanics to make something interesting. We'll have to see how it works in practice.


I wonder what they are planning with are these symbols randomly appearing on the sides of cards. The clubs and the potions are throwing me off.
Yeah I think it has a chance to be good if they print enough of them. It makes specifically aggro paladin have a chance at being good. Really not much else though. You wouldn't want cards like this midrange or control decks.

I don't agree with that, buffing minions in midrange can be very powerful too. And small time recruits cycles out your 1 drops, giving a higher chance to get your ragnaros or tirion on turn 8, and reducing the chance of dead draws in the late game.

Maybe sword of justice makes a showing. Turn 2 you play the 2 drop, turn 3 sword of justice, then you can play 4 minions with +2/+2... could be hard for decks to cope with.


Super Sleuth
The goon legendary should turn your hero power into the Duelyst old Kara hero power buff the minions in your hand +1/+1.


The more people say these cards are bad, the more I'm convinced they will be good. Right now I'm thinking the buffs have the ability to snowball a game. Need to see the full picture, but looking forward to trying a buffadin.
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