Can we nerf Eaglehorn Bow again yet?
If it hits 2 minions it is really good. If it hits 1 it's breaking even. So yeah, overall a good card.I'm just looking at some reviews and it's like everyone dismisses Lunar Visions because Nourish is strictly better. Is it though? In spell druid sure Nourish is better, but let's say in C'Thun druid or beast druid, Lunar Visions seems like a better choice overall than Nourish. You can't afford to ramp with Nourish in those decks. Getting ramp and draw at the same time seems strong in minion based druid decks, for the cost of one less draw seems reasonable.
No one plays C'Thun Druid anymore
The problem is that the cards needs to 2 minions regualrly to be good and there are so many spells you don't want to lose:I'm just looking at some reviews and it's like everyone dismisses Lunar Visions because Nourish is strictly better. Is it though? In spell druid sure Nourish is better, but let's say in C'Thun druid or beast druid, Lunar Visions seems like a better choice overall than Nourish. You can't afford to ramp with Nourish in those decks. Getting ramp and draw at the same time seems strong in minion based druid decks, for the cost of one less draw seems reasonable.
I'm just looking at some reviews and it's like everyone dismisses Lunar Visions because Nourish is strictly better. Is it though? In spell druid sure Nourish is better, but let's say in C'Thun druid or beast druid, Lunar Visions seems like a better choice overall than Nourish. You can't afford to ramp with Nourish in those decks. Getting ramp and draw at the same time seems strong in minion based druid decks, for the cost of one less draw seems reasonable.
I'm just looking at some reviews and it's like everyone dismisses Lunar Visions because Nourish is strictly better. Is it though? In spell druid sure Nourish is better, but let's say in C'Thun druid or beast druid, Lunar Visions seems like a better choice overall than Nourish. You can't afford to ramp with Nourish in those decks. Getting ramp and draw at the same time seems strong in minion based druid decks, for the cost of one less draw seems reasonable.
rogue's mechanic - buffing stealth minions in your hand xD
and they nerf conceal later. give your stealth minions +1/+1
my guess is that nothing makes shaku good. that's more likely...
I hope the two rogue cards are all that have to do with stealth actually, they can't make stealth good because it's not interactive so if that's rogue's thing in this set they're not going to get good cards.
Peléo;224309961 said:I think Blizzard will one day change the Stealth mechanic to 1 turn only (like Conceal and Master of Disguise work). It will break a few cards (Moroes/Blood Imp) but it will fix some of the non interactive issues that might me limiting the design space.
The problem with Lunar Visions is that even in Ramp Druid you still play 2 copies of Wild Growth, Innervate, Wrath, Swipe, Lunar Visions and then on top of that possibly 2 copies of Raven Idol, Living Roots, Moonglade Portal, Mulch. So that's at least 10 spells and up to 18 spells, an average Ramp Druid deck would have around 15 spells on average. That's half your deck which means the odds of getting a minion for each Lunar Vision draw is around 50%.
I think it might work better as a Beast Druid card. That deck can probably get away with 8-10 spells.
Even in Beast Druid you run 2x Innervate, Mark of Yshaarj, Power of the Wild, Living Roots, Swipe, Lunar Visions, and 1 or 2 Savage Roar. So that's 12-14 spells depending on which 2x spells you want to run only 1 off. Curator is simply a far better option for Beast Druid to draw cards as all you need to do is put in Azure Drakes and maybe Finley which are all good cards anyway. And you don't lose tempo from playing Curator.
Disguised Toast is going to reveal a new Legendary on his stream at 4 PM EST.
Yeah i don't trust card reviews anymore after pro players said things like mysterious challanger, dr. boom or patron are weak and not playable or that troggzor will be so op haha.
So it will be the lotus legendary? Cool!
wow they said all those things? That's a big fail.
I still really enjoying watching their predictions but like this post eludes to- much better to just trust your gut I think
And I was with you in that.I don't really remember watching the reviews for TGT much but I remember very well that as soon as Mysterious Challenger was revealed I was theorycrafting Secret Paladin decks and posting them here because I could tell that it was busted as hell. And a certain someone was saying that Secret Keeper would not be played in it, and I should have put Mad Scientist in the deck Kappa.
Peléo;224317497 said:Is it confirmed it will be the Lotus? If that's the case, it will probably give us a good idea of what the Lotus mechanic actually is.
My bet it the Warrior Legendary, to close out all Grimy Gums.
Edit: Forget everything I've said, just opened the tweet. Hopefully it will give us a better idea on the Jade Lotus mechanic. I think Kazakus means Kabal will have a card-generation mechanic, cards similar to Xaril.
That's unfortunately not true in my case. I've created a couple of gold legendaries as I thought they'd become staple in the "new" meta. So browsing through my collectionMore likely, we all remember the few times we had it right and forget all about the other shit.
2-0 with dragon priest list off tempostorm, must be OP!
Toast's reveal must be a druid or shaman legendary if it's not the triclass legendary. I guess it could be neutral but that is more interesting then.
Don't worry, I called Fandral overrated, Spirit Claws bad (why would you ever play this) and Tunnel Trogg bad.
Never, ever, ever underestimate 1 mana cards.
Mathematically it's a good card so it definitely has potential in Snowballadin. You don't feel as bad skipping turn 1 vs turn 2.You say there is a chance for a good buffadin deck?
Please say yes
Mathematically it's a good card so it definitely has potential in Snowballadin. You don't feel as bad skipping turn 1 vs turn 2.
You have to hit 3 minions with it in your hand though. If you can't consistently pull that off then it's probably not worth using. As it's a spell, it doesn't get buffed by other cards in the deck which is definitely relevant.
Mathematically it's a good card so it definitely has potential in Snowballadin. You don't feel as bad skipping turn 1 vs turn 2.
You have to hit 3 minions with it in your hand though. If you can't consistently pull that off then it's probably not worth using. As it's a spell, it doesn't get buffed by other cards in the deck which is definitely relevant.