You guys are whining too much...
The goons are not the most entertaining mechanic in HS, but they are fair, they don't use weird extremes of RNG to make things... remember yogg???
Kazakus while it is interesting, it takes a good dose of RNG in its play, and if you guys don't complain about the "boring" of the goons, you will be complaining about the RNG of the kavals...
The reception to Kazakus was very postive. His effect is very similar to dicover, which is probably the best mechanic in the entire game.
The other player can also make a pretty good guess as to which effects you would pick that work best for the current situation.
The best hope for Han'cho is something of combo deck where you buff a charge minion like gromm or alakir, but even that doesn't sound that great
Anyway, I made a few theory crafts to find out what the dream cruve of a goon deck would look like and it's looking pretty bad.
Well, maybe the hunter deck could work since Kodo and rat pack are very good cards.
The best start for the paladin would probably be something like this:
Smuggler run(very bad) -> 2/2 outfitter (still bad).
Turn 3 would be time come back into the game. Lets say with 3 1 mana card, but 1 of them got only buffed once.
You board would look something like this 3/4 marshal, 3/3 argen squire 2/2 leaper gnome and your hand would be pretty empty
That still not much better what shamans can do on turn 3 with more cards left in hand.
A Dragon priest board at this point would look like this:
2/1 (after trading) ,2/4, 3/5. This about as good,but much easier to archive.
As for warrior, it might look like this:
War axe-> Ghoule or Smuggler(bad)-> 5/4 or 4/3 grimmy(meh to bad) -> 5/12 or 4/11 armor smith or 5/5 or 4/4 doublegangster.
Now, turn 5 sounds great, but since you didn't make a good play turn since turn 3 at best, the other play a) will have much better tempo b) had enough time to draw removal and c) and had no reason to use his removal until now.