The only way i would play Arena is if that you could draft like 50 cards and then choose 30 of those to make up your deck.
Yup, even in standard Arena, I won't pick synergy deck from the beginning.
The only way i would play Arena is if that you could draft like 50 cards and then choose 30 of those to make up your deck.
Iksar said:I think this is a cool idea and one we've talked about in the past. I think it's a pretty reasonable solution but we decided to go with the simplest form of this for now and see how it plays out in practice. From doing a few hundred standard arena drafts myself, I think it's a pretty fun and different draft experience. Constructed and Arena decks on average are still a good distance apart even if they are using the same cards. I mentioned this above, but unless standard only arena gets overwhelmingly positive feedback post-release, I would expect there to be continued changes over time to the format.
Commons were 78% previously.Iksar said:For context, the numbers are around 68% Common, 20% Rare, 9% Epic, 3% Legendary on 26 of the 30 picks. The other 4 picks are 'Rare' picks that have a chance to be upgraded to Epic or Legendary at a slightly higher rate. Flamestrike is 50% less likely to show up refers to it being 50% less likely to show up in terms of cards of its type. For Flamestrike, its definition in terms of the draft tree is ClassCard/Spell/NotMostRecentSet. Meaning cards that share that definition will show up around 50% more often. Abyssal Enforcer is defined as a ClassCard/Minion/MostRecentSet, so it will show up ~50% less than cards in that bucket.
As a further note, rares and commons specifically have a very similar chance to show up on a card by card basis. What I mean by this is Commons as a whole show up more often that Rares, but any individual common will show up about as much as any individual Rare (or close to it). This means you should see a similar amount of Blizzards to Fireballs. This is a little strange so I'm curious what the feedback will be on it.
Talking about the exact chances to get any particular card could be a blog on its own. Each of the classes vary slightly because of the differences in #cards available and minion/spell ratio within each rarity. I recently asked a bunch of friends (who very, very heavily play arena) if they had an idea what the current ratio of commons/rares was and they had no idea. Makes me wonder how necessary a full report on that kind of thing is. In any case, I'm happy to clear up any outstanding questions you all have of the new system. The blog post for this was not the place to go over 100's of numeric details.
You get as many Fireballs now as Blizzards? That can't be right based on the percentages unless I am interpreting what he said incorrectly which is likely.
The Rares upgrade isn't a lot, it used to be roughly 15% before but the Epic and Legendary change is a big bump relatively.
But if what he said about Fireballs/Blizzard is true then my guesstimations were right on the money. Expect to see class with good rare spells rise up.
You get as many Fireballs now as Blizzards? That can't be right based on the percentages unless I am interpreting what he said incorrectly which is likely.
The Rares upgrade isn't a lot, it used to be roughly 15% before but the Epic and Legendary change is a big bump relatively.
But if what he said about Fireballs/Blizzard is true then my guesstimations were right on the money. Expect to see class with good rare spells rise up.
Moving Arena to standard eliminates half the fun of the format.
It would be cool if in the future they can have combinations of cards like: Standard + GvG or Classic + LoE, etc.
So that way you could have a new "arena meta" every month.
The only way i would play Arena is if that you could draft like 50 cards and then choose 30 of those to make up your deck.
The only way i would play Arena is if that you could draft like 50 cards and then choose 30 of those to make up your deck.
people have been asking for this for 4 years
i've given up on expecting anything from them
i wouldn't mind too much, except the problem is every hearthstone "clone" ends up with the same shitty limited format as HS arena
I'm on a 10-game win streak with this silly pauper zoo deck and I'm scared to keep going
Is it a wild deck? If not, is there a list online?I'm on a 10-game win streak with this silly pauper zoo deck and I'm scared to keep going
you mean it's not ok when you kill the trogg but they get another one from portal anyway? but it increases skill, or so I heard. When they get pit snake from portal which blocks you playing ancient of war your skill will increase by 9000.
I really kind of wonder why they haven't experimented with something like this. It's not like the interface would be all that difficult.
BTW Golden Cards coming to Arena.
Was bored doing some work, which meant my theory craft juices got flowing and I devised a Reno Jade Druid deck for Standard:
Jade Idol
Living Roots
Raven Idol
Dirty Rat
Wild Growth
Feral Rage
Jade Blossom
Jade Spirit
Azure Drake
Druid of the Claw
Lotus Agents
Second Rate Bruiser
Aya Blackpaw
Dark Arrokoa
Jade Behemoth
Moonglade Portal
Reno Jackson
Ancient of War
Arcane Giant
Lacking on the board clears that the Kabal classes have (only the one Swipe, considering throwing in Starfall in there) but ramps into the big dudes quickly and has a lot of anti aggro tools to get to that stage unlike normal Jade decks. Also threw in the MC + Rat + Brann combo in there.
Was bored doing some work, which meant my theory craft juices got flowing and I devised a Reno Jade Druid deck for Standard:
--snipped the deck, scroll up for the card list--
Lacking on the board clears that the Kabal classes have (only the one Swipe, considering throwing in Starfall in there) but ramps into the big dudes quickly and has a lot of anti aggro tools to get to that stage unlike normal Jade decks. Also threw in the MC + Rat + Brann combo in there.
I see he's gotten pretty good at the game over the years.Dennis 46
hey dahbomb what do you do against druid with your renolock? that matchup is awful for me.
Something like this is what I think Wild will eventually become for every class. The power of getting the Reno heal is too good to pass up and over time redundancies will show up for every class. This doesn't look like a bad deck either and (for now) it's Standard legal. After the rotation it falls apart, but then so will lots of decks. I think this has potential in Wild as well since no one will ever see this coming. Reno Druid AFAIK has not ever really been a thing. Imagine if Ancient of Lore was still a decent card!