Oh man Amaz was so close with Crystal Core but had to mess up when he gave it a rating.
What other tech cards are you running?
I usually run 2x Volcanic until I get closer to level 5 since I run into so much aggro Shaman, Druid, and Murloc Paladin.
Great work as usual! Honestly, watching card reviews is the most fun I have with Hearthstone these days and looking back on reviews after the fact is always hilarious.
Surprised you didn't put Lifecoach in here as he literally thought the Hunter Quest was going to break the game. But I guess he's not really a Hearthstone streamer any more BibleThump
Didn't amaz do the same with Crystal Core though?
The same thing happens to me sometimes when I make Paladin Murloc quest decks. Murlocs have strong synergy.WTF?
I made a Warlock deck full with Murlocs because I have a play 30 Murlocs quest. Won four games in a row in casual and almost finished a five wins Warlock/Priest quest.
I made a Warlock deck full with Murlocs because I have a play 30 Murlocs quest. Won four games in a row in casual and almost finished a five wins Warlock/Priest quest.
Ranked floors have made casual a way different experience. I avoid it outside of playing 50 card quests when I don't feel like de-ranking because I'm close to a floor and tavern brawl won't do the trick.
I concede most of the games because they are all new players. I only go for a win if it is a net deck.
Card releases and reviews are and always will be my favorite part of this game. How often they get it right is completely irrelevant to me.
pretty sure casual's MMR means if you keep conceding to new players you'll keep seeing new players
I just play casual like I play anything else, and at this point like 2/3 of my opponents have the legend cardback
I think day9 has it wrong. Reviews are for more than just fun and entertainment. Sure, you can be entertained, why not. But the best reviews are insightful not into just the new cards but critical thinking behind the game itself.
Why a card like stonehill defender is good, at least to me was apparent. I likened it to an acolyte power level card, pointed out that 3 paladin legends are taunts and people only saw 1/4 for 3 mana. It's like they have tunnel vision. Instead of seeing a 1/4 that needs a huge upside, they just see the 1/4.
Crystal cove was lambasted from the start, but based on the little info we had I knew that if you could complete the quest there are cards that let you finish games with it. Later they introduced fire fly and igneous so maybe some get a pass, or at least half a pass.
Primordial drake is a card I thought was a little clunky at first due to the stat line. Eventually it became strong in my eyes because I realized you could curator it turn 7 and play it turn 8. It's not quite baron geddon but it has a lot of health on a taunt so it gets a pass there.
Sherazin is one card I knew was a sleeper hit. And a sleeper hit not just cause it goes dormant. I knew it would be very easy to play 4 cards. Having a 4mana 5/3 that resummons itself even once is strong.
I overrated that 2 drop in shaman that reduces cost of elementals. I didn't think it would be game breaking but I thought it would see play. Turns out ele shaman isn't that good anyway. I also thought mimic pod would become somewhat auto-include in rogue, I don't think it's even close.
King Mosh is probably what I got wrong the most. I still think it's waiting, biding it's time to make a big splash though. It's a fairly easy to trigger board clear or value card that can also be drawn by curator. Probably belongs in a tempo deck rather than a taunt warrior or control deck. Tempo warrior is not seeing any real amounts of play so... we'll see.
We should combine our opponent luck. That's pretty crazy.Just played a Mage in Arena who had FIVE Primordial Glyphs. FIVE. I still beat him but oh my word.
EDIT: Oh - I'm having all the luck today....
Just ran into a Shaman on the same Arena run as above and on Turn 6 he Dopplegangster + Evolves!! I somehow managed to stabilise after that insane shift, he then Devolves my board before saving himself from Pyroblast lethal by Tidal Surge two turns in a row, followed by a final Evolve to finish me off. What on earth is going on!!
Wow, just wow. First game after the above and it's a Hunter who has Y'Shaarj and Grimestreet Informant's exact lethal with Gladiator's Longbow. This game sometimes man lol...
Is it time to review our reviews? Here are the results of our card voting: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...kGx_OupxWSSJVTU4ADfs5hyTY/edit#gid=1744257151
- Our top ten looks pretty good, with most cards being at least decent if not necessarily meta (the one obvious exception being The Marsh Queen, that card is straight trash).
- As a group, we missed on The Caverns Below, as most did. But it did have a high variance, which means a few prescient posters were correct in giving it a high score.
- We also gave solid but unspectacular cards like Rockpool Hunter, Hydrologist and Fire Fly a collective 3 when they are probably more like 4s.
- Our biggest collective misses were probably Sherazin, Razorleaf and Living Mana, which all ended up with a median score of 2.
If you want to buy Hearthstone packs, Id first get about 100 Classic packs. Theyre most valuable and should give you the playable core for a lot of the decks. Then Id buy the One Night in Karazhan adventure.
In order to get most (or every if you get lucky enough) of the Commons and Rares from each set, you need to buy about 80 packs. That number also guarantees at least two Legendaries and four Epics, but the average number youre going to get is twice as high.
There was a wild qualifier for a tournament based on top legend last season, that is going on now afaik.
I'm up to 4 failed attempts at the rank 10 promotion game now. I wonder why that last game almost always takes several tries. Maybe decent decks or players that are sitting at the rank floor?
I feel like people just don't want to play Egg Druid or something, because nothing else climbs remotely as fast for me. I must have a >75% winrate with it up to rank 7 right now.
Is it time to review our reviews? Here are the results of our card voting: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...kGx_OupxWSSJVTU4ADfs5hyTY/edit#gid=1744257151
- Our top ten looks pretty good, with most cards being at least decent if not necessarily meta (the one obvious exception being The Marsh Queen, that card is straight trash).
- As a group, we missed on The Caverns Below, as most did. But it did have a high variance, which means a few prescient posters were correct in giving it a high score.
- We also gave solid but unspectacular cards like Rockpool Hunter, Hydrologist and Fire Fly a collective 3 when they are probably more like 4s.
- Our biggest collective misses were probably Sherazin, Razorleaf and Living Mana, which all ended up with a median score of 2.
Well I was pretty wrong on a few cards. Gave Lyra and Caverns Below both a 3. Not my finest hour, but at least I didn't put 1.
I was off on some other stuff too. Vilespine Slayer as a 5 seems a bit generous giving how much play that card hasn't seen.
I haven't played in a couple of weeks, is there any new popular standard decks I should know about?
Well I was pretty wrong on a few cards. Gave Lyra and Caverns Below both a 3. Not my finest hour, but at least I didn't put 1.
I was off on some other stuff too. Vilespine Slayer as a 5 seems a bit generous giving how much play that card hasn't seen.
I had a few big mistakes, many of them were avoidable such as Sherazin (get the effect once, and it's a god tier shredder is all you need to know).Is it time to review our reviews? Here are the results of our card voting: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...kGx_OupxWSSJVTU4ADfs5hyTY/edit#gid=1744257151
- Our top ten looks pretty good, with most cards being at least decent if not necessarily meta (the one obvious exception being The Marsh Queen, that card is straight trash).
- As a group, we missed on The Caverns Below, as most did. But it did have a high variance, which means a few prescient posters were correct in giving it a high score.
- We also gave solid but unspectacular cards like Rockpool Hunter, Hydrologist and Fire Fly a collective 3 when they are probably more like 4s.
- Our biggest collective misses were probably Sherazin, Razorleaf and Living Mana, which all ended up with a median score of 2.