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Hearthstone |OT9| Our raid wiped in Icecrown Citadel


*priest deck list*

I don't have Elise, and only have 1 Glimmerroot, could replace 1 Free From Amber with one of them. I got to 10 from 14 with this one.
Played with this deck today, but with elise because I dont have lyra and wow it can get some dirty wins. Getting to medivh into mind control oreven amber and its game over. Also took something else out for greater healing potion since its goodrecovery when people think they can ignore minions and just push face.


Done with this shit, game, uninstalled it tonight. Fuck RNG, literally the worst game I ever had the displeasure of playing and blizzard isn't going to get a penny from me for it. Rather stick to something that actually takes skill
See you tomorrow


I haven't played Arena in forever. I finally tried it again since I got 1000 wins, and just as almost always happened in old Arena, I didn't get offered Mage.

I then promptly got matched against a Mage with Frost Bolt, Primordial Glyph, Fireball, Flamestrike...and Primordial Drake. Oh, and Pyroblast from Shimmering Tempest.

It's like I'm not even playing Arena.

Oh, and they had a legendary. Want to guess how many legendaries I got offered? :p


Ooh, and the Arena game right after the Mage? Paladin.

They have might of kings, the minion to adapt their 1/1, they get windfury from the adaptation to have a windfury 5/5, and they have TWO smuggler's runs.

All that was in their top 8 cards.


Got disconnected and reconnected on turn 4 against Gunther mage. Still won with control pally. Sogoth from stonehill defender + getaway kodo won me the game.

Played with this deck today, but with elise because I dont have lyra and wow it can get some dirty wins. Getting to medivh into mind control oreven amber and its game over. Also took something else out for greater healing potion since its goodrecovery when people think they can ignore minions and just push face.

I replaced 2 kabal talonpriest with 2 doomsayer. Still doing great.

Lost a close match against dragon priest with 2 thoughtsteel and Ysera.

Playing control decks is really exhausting. But I take that over aggro.
This is getting frustrating. Not even restarting the client necessarily fixes it -- sometimes you have to restart the game multiple times if the queue search freezes.

Eventually it just gave me a random win instead of reconnecting I think.

Have you turned off "streaming" in the settings? It's automatically set to on from what i can remember and causes crashing. I remember turning that off and all the crashing problems went away. Hope it helps.


Have you turned off "streaming" in the settings? It's automatically set to on from what i can remember and causes crashing. I remember turning that off and all the crashing problems went away. Hope it helps.
I turned it off, and I've tried with / without Hearthstone Deck Tracker. I think I've seen the game freeze on launch since turning it off but I'm not 100% sure.
I'm largely immune to RNG in hearthstone. In fact, most of my annoyance comes from draw rng and not generated cards. Draw rng is normal so I just brush it off most of the time.


When I play gwent and I lose a single coin flip


This will be the situation. I have 2 units left in the deck and I'll have a unit that draws and plays another unit. 1 of those units in the deck is roach, which plays itself (hello patches). The other unit is whatever. So many times I get the roach it's incredibly annoying. So instead of drawing and playing both units, I only get to draw and play 1 unit and it's the worst of the two. Instead of getting a huge tempo push, I get a mediocre and then I also have a unit left stranded in my deck.



I think auctioneer is (barely) acceptable until you start printing cards like Jade Idol.

Infinite decks and crazy card draw just shouldn't exist at once. Hell, I'm not sure if infinite decks should exist at all. Definitely not when every card in that infinite deck is 1 mana 10+/10+.


I've been slowly opening my un'goro preorder packs (5 per week). I only got the druid quest legendary after opening all 50.

Next week I'll get another big pack, hopefully that will have better stuff. I think primordial drakes would go well with the barebones demonlock deck I've been using.

I know leaving packs unopened is not the best strategy, but I enjoy buying a big bundle, then looking forward to the weekend to open 5 Ung, 5 wotog and 5 msog packs.


Done with this shit, game, uninstalled it tonight. Fuck RNG, literally the worst game I ever had the displeasure of playing and blizzard isn't going to get a penny from me for it. Rather stick to something that actually takes skill

Thanks for the update?
A good line:
"When those who are not commonly exposed to Wild think about the game mode, many think of the once Meta-defining Dr. Boom and Piloted Shredder, due to their high power level relative to other pre-Standard cards. However, you will find these cards in very few of the top tier decks. Independently, these cards are quite strong, but Wild thrives on synergy, and at this moment, most decks rely heavily upon synergy to produce turns that are more powerful than any of those available to ‘good stuff' decks."

There's about to be a whole lot of dude paladins in wild.

Vicious Syndicate Wild meta report#1 was released.


57% winrate for midrange paladin is pretty nutty.
That deck is really expensive. It won't be common any time soon.

I really hate the name "Dude Paladin" - what the fuck is that? Squire Paladin sounds so much better.

"oh cool, maybe I'll check in on how wild is doing, maybe I'll put a deck togeth-"

Pirate Warrior is 18.5% at Rank 5 to 1

". . . nah, I'm good"
If you put Gluttonous Ooze in your decks, you'll never face Pirate Warrior. ;-)


Which one you prefer, Gwent or HS?

I haven't tried Gwent, cuz I don't have PC nor console.

I played a bit of gwent (I want to play more, so I'll probably go try it again), but I found it to be more of a poker game, you don't usually swing games too much and are just playing most of the times depending on what you can do and not exactly what the opponent has.

I like it, but my on HS I'm at home.
I ran this wild paladin list last season, had like a 90+% winrate until I stopped around 9 or 10. I don't have the exact numbers since I played mostly on mobile.

It trashed those priest decks easy. Weak to rogue though, few answers to gadgetzan auctioneer. I still don't find wild an enticing format though, rip blade flurry.


Which one you prefer, Gwent or HS?

I haven't tried Gwent, cuz I don't have PC nor console.

Gwent does something different from most recent card games I've tried recently, and that is something unique. So I don't entirely prefer one over another. I think hearthstone has better pacing and better interactivity. Gwent (I'm mostly only familiar with 1 deck) has a wider breadth of mechanics and the pacing makes you approach the game different than other card games which can feel like a race. I'm sorta waiting on the next set of nerfs to hit to play more, but ranked is pretty good as it entices me to rank up more although the ranked rewards aren't that great compared to the effort you put in.

UI wise, hearthstone slaughters it by miles though. The UI isn't as bad as some other games but it's noticeably worse compared to hearthstone, even in it's early days when there were bugs with cards in your hand.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I don't love the ending. The day9 clip was great but the last screen felt more sarcastic than I think you intended.

Eh, it is a little sarcastic. He was taking pot shots at what was probably my last video without having watched it. And sometimes people get offended in the comments about some of my picks or they white knight their favorite streamer, so I wanted to iterate that this is all about having fun.
There are a lot of cards people trashed on in that video that I got right.

Egg napper saw limited play in 1 deck. It's not good.

I think thijs rated ravasaur runt right. Card is mediocre even in the best decks it slots into.

I actually understand trump's opinion on priest. Control priest and quest priest are not a thing. Silence exists but it was more of a passing fad IMO. Dragon priest stayed which I don't think many predicted (I didn't).

Hah kripp thought druid quest was good. That card is shit.

fml rolled the tavern brawl quest today

Can't you tavern brawl with a friend?


fml rolled the tavern brawl quest today
I completed that on the current brawl but it took forever.

If you don't want to reroll, just wait for the next brawl to finish it. Or like someone suggested above, find a friend who is willing to lose on purpose.


My opponent got elemental and beast synergy fr9m 2 un'goro packs.

Kalimos, stoneshaper, blazecaller, razormaw to druid beast



It looks like I should hit rank 10 again this season if I don't ragequit before I go on vacation. I've been up to the rank 10 promotion twice already.

Each time I hit promotion thus far, I'm going against something totally obnoxious. Mage with double frost nova in hand. Just now, priest with 2 radiant elementals + 1 shadow word death + Elise + kabal talonpriest in their first 7 cards.

Oh and guess what the priest discovered using Shadow Visions the turn IMMEDIATELY following Elise? Yes, it was the Un'goro pack. That's like 14% odds.


You doing something wrong if having trouble reachimg rank 10 with aggro deck.
Probably, but I played pirate warrior last season and still had lots of problems despite the apparently minimal decision-making in that deck.

One thing I'm doing wrong is not having 800 dust for 2 living mana. I have something like 375 dust now so I'm still grinding.

I have 56% win rate at the moment but I'm not sure what it should be without living mana.

*edit* Also, I see mage far more than any other class, and I struggle against them without Eater of Secrets.


Does Brawl have any sort of bias towards the player using it? The number of times I've seen a quest warrior win Brawl with 1/4 odds seems extraordinarily high.

I'm aware I may be selectively remembering the bad occasions but I really can't remember many times it didn't work out for them.


You doing something wrong if having trouble reachimg rank 10 with aggro deck.
On this topic, if I should be easily ranking up with aggro, what winrate should I have against control? I just now got put against quest warrior, taunt warrior, and secret mage in consecutive games. All 3 were losses.

I can easily beat rogue, for example, but I rarely see them.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Because Reynad cheated and posted his review AFTER the set was out lol!

Reynad usually has among the least wrong predictions though.

Yeah I didn't even bother watching his review. It came out like 3 or 4 days after the set was released or something like that.


One last vent and I'll try to stop for now.

You know who followed those 3 control players, including the crazy Elise + Discover pack combo luck? A Shaman. They're not control, so that should be better, right?

They started the game with 3 taunt totems in a row. That's less than 2% odds for those keeping score at home. They also had both Thing from Below cards in their top 11, and hex, and volcano, and miscellaneous removal, just in case those taunts weren't quite enough to stop aggro.

I can post the replays if someone's a rank 10+ aggro druid player and would like to give advice, but I honestly don't see what I can learn from these particular games.
Was it really just a 14% chance to discover the pacj? There's what 8 or 9 different spells in priest decks. Some of them 1 ofs meaning just having them in hand increases the chance to see the pack considerably.


Was it really just a 14% chance to discover the pacj? There's what 8 or 9 different spells in priest decks. Some of them 1 ofs meaning just having them in hand increases the chance to see the pack considerably.
I'm dumb and forgot Shadow Visions can only discover spells. So you're correct, the odds are higher of Shadow Visions hitting the pack.

In other news, of my last 8 opponents in rank 11-12:

  • 6/8 were control (7/8 if you count the midrange shaman with a bunch of taunt cards)
  • 6/8 were losses
  • 4/8 were against warrior players

This is counteracting the idea of aggro decks producing actually fast games that don't take 8 minutes. D:


I dropped Kabal Courier from my Burn Mage deck and added back in Gluttonous Ooze as I was running into more and more mirror match ups. I'm at 74% win rate with Burn Mage this season so all going pretty well.


so glad they added ability to duel friends to complete quests. That's all I do now, just saving gold for next expac. Huge QoL change for me personally

haven't even touched Brawl in weeks now.

Will probably occasionally hit up ranked but kinda just been waiting on new expac. Game is still fun but trying to work through a huge backlog of games that built over the year since I started playing HS lol


Control priest are everywhere.

Had 2 matches against them with control pally. 1st match took 35 minutes and I ended up losing to un'goro packs. 2nd one took 25 minutes, and I barely won.

I love playing priest, but I hate playing against them.


so glad they added ability to duel friends to complete quests. That's all I do now, just saving gold for next expac. Huge QoL change for me personally

haven't even touched Brawl in weeks now.

Will probably occasionally hit up ranked but kinda just been waiting on new expac. Game is still fun but trying to work through a huge backlog of games that built over the year since I started playing HS lol

On this topic, anyone on EU want to expand their friends list? My ID is Bunga #2580 - feel free to add :)



Great work as usual! Honestly, watching card reviews is the most fun I have with Hearthstone these days and looking back on reviews after the fact is always hilarious.

Surprised you didn't put Lifecoach in here as he literally thought the Hunter Quest was going to break the game. But I guess he's not really a Hearthstone streamer any more BibleThump


I dropped Kabal Courier from my Burn Mage deck and added back in Gluttonous Ooze as I was running into more and more mirror match ups. I'm at 74% win rate with Burn Mage this season so all going pretty well.

What other tech cards are you running?

I usually run 2x Volcanic until I get closer to level 5 since I run into so much aggro Shaman, Druid, and Murloc Paladin.
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