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Hearthstone |OT9| Our raid wiped in Icecrown Citadel


Is it time to review our reviews? Here are the results of our card voting: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...kGx_OupxWSSJVTU4ADfs5hyTY/edit#gid=1744257151

  • Our top ten looks pretty good, with most cards being at least decent if not necessarily meta (the one obvious exception being The Marsh Queen, that card is straight trash).
  • As a group, we missed on The Caverns Below, as most did. But it did have a high variance, which means a few prescient posters were correct in giving it a high score.
  • We also gave solid but unspectacular cards like Rockpool Hunter, Hydrologist and Fire Fly a collective 3 when they are probably more like 4s.
  • Our biggest collective misses were probably Sherazin, Razorleaf and Living Mana, which all ended up with a median score of 2.

Is Spiritsinger umbra really that good? I guess she has potential to be great for future expansions and in Wild though. It's just that in current standard she's kinda hampered by bad deathrattle targets. I'd love to run her in my Jade rogue for some casual fun but I don't have her ;(

And I'd love to run the card with White Eyes

All in all, good predictions gaf! Marsh Queen is interesting at #10 spot. I never paid that card any attention personally but I recall some uproar about it.

Kalimos is #3 which is interesting. I love the card and find it great design. Do wish the AoE was slightly better and the single target dmg was better or at least allow +spell damage to buff it

toast's jade quest rogue looks kinda fun

no link?

* maybe this one: https://disguisedtoast.com/decklists/2704-jade-n-zoth-rogue


Have you tried contacting your ISP? My wireless used to drop me every hour for a second or two, but a new router fixed it.

Problem is it happened both with my home connection and mobile connection.

Anyway, I'm planning to go to a major next month. Still not sure, cuz it's on weekday and I have to work :(

Edit: it's like my 6th disconnection today, I give up. And it happened every time I won and que.

So it's like win, disconnected, win , disconnected, lost, disconnected, like a sequence.


Are the decks in this Tavern Brawl random or not? Just played a Priest that had Raza, Kazakus and Reno while I seemed to have junk.


I just lost a game trying to play Bittertide Hydra as a 17 HP warrior.

I was threatening lethal, and the only way I could have lost instantly with 2 minions on the board was if the opponent hunter had both Unleash the Hounds cards in hand at the end of 6 rounds.

Of course they did.

*edit* The following game, for the second game in a row, the opponent had a pirate crab in their first 2-3 cards.
Also remember I mentioned the Elise priest player getting the pack immediately with the spell copy card? This game, the priest player topdeckedd the pack IMMEDIATELY after playing Elise. That's pretty saddening.


The release pace of this game is weird.
Now that they say we get 3 big expansions with single player stuff, do you think we'll get a big expansion, then a few mini adventures (wings) to have the community engaged all the time instead of one big event then nothing for months?

I would very much like that. We'd get big expansion then after a month a mini adventure every two weeks, and a special arena or tavern brawl event in between.


I was just looking at the amount of Epics I have from the Ungoro expansion, and I actually have the majority of the powerful epics from the expansion.

Going back to look at the epics from Mean Streets and they are on a different power level from the Ungoro epics. I get the impression there were competing philosophies on epic design between the two expansions. Mean Streets had Epics that had interesting effects, but most weren't as impactful. Most of the classes in Ungoro have at least one required epic, if not two, and the neutral epics are very powerful.


The release pace of this game is weird.
Now that they say we get 3 big expansions with single player stuff, do you think we'll get a big expansion, then a few mini adventures (wings) to have the community engaged all the time instead of one big event then nothing for months?

I would very much like that. We'd get big expansion then after a month a mini adventure every two weeks, and a special arena or tavern brawl event in between.

an staggered release of the adventure mode of the expansion seems possible, the only problem there is if they want to give an specific card at the end of the adventure, because they would rather gave that right away from the start than making the people wait.

if they only give pack with each wing (if they are recycling the wings idea), then I can see them staggering the release


Innervated Fledgling makes me die inside. I even had removal for it but he rolled WF and then stealth, again stealth next turn and then enough HP buffs that it kept creeping out of removal range.


Super Sleuth
Thoughts on this wild nzoth paladin?


Mustard feels maybe a little inappropriate?

And I'm having trouble with the mulligan with control paladin. No idea when to keep equality or pyro.


Thoughts on this wild nzoth paladin?
Mustard feels maybe a little inappropriate?

I think any midrange/control deck in wild should consider Loatheb. Probably could fit Dr. Boom in there as well.

The trend these days is to cut Truesilver for Rallying Blade, since it's one mana earlier and you can answer a lot of turn 2/ turn 3 minions. Of course wild you'll see Totem Golems, Flamewakers and Frothing Berserkers a lot so maybe Truesilver is still correct.

I really like this list I saw on CompHS for wild nzoth pally:

### N'Zoth Paladin
# Class: Paladin
# Format: Wild
# 2x (1) Lost in the Jungle
# 2x (2) Golakka Crawler
# 2x (2) Haunted Creeper
# 2x (2) Knife Juggler
# 2x (2) Shielded Minibot
# 2x (3) Muster for Battle
# 2x (3) Rallying Blade
# 2x (3) Stonehill Defender
# 2x (4) Keeper of Uldaman
# 2x (4) Piloted Shredder
# 1x (5) Loatheb
# 2x (5) Sludge Belcher
# 1x (6) Hemet, Jungle Hunter
# 1x (6) Sunkeeper Tarim
# 1x (6) Sylvanas Windrunner
# 1x (7) Dr. Boom
# 1x (8) Ragnaros, Lightlord
# 1x (8) Tirion Fordring
# 1x (10) N'Zoth, the Corruptor
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

Hemet is so you curve out into all your big bombs in the late game, it works really well.


Super Sleuth
I think any midrange/control deck in wild should consider Loatheb. Probably could fit Dr. Boom in there as well.

The trend these days is to cut Truesilver for Rallying Blade, since it's one mana earlier and you can answer a lot of turn 2/ turn 3 minions. Of course wild you'll see Totem Golems, Flamewakers and Frothing Berserkers a lot so maybe Truesilver is still correct.

I really like this list I saw on CompHS for wild nzoth pally:

### N'Zoth Paladin
# Class: Paladin
# Format: Wild
# 2x (1) Lost in the Jungle
# 2x (2) Golakka Crawler
# 2x (2) Haunted Creeper
# 2x (2) Knife Juggler
# 2x (2) Shielded Minibot
# 2x (3) Muster for Battle
# 2x (3) Rallying Blade
# 2x (3) Stonehill Defender
# 2x (4) Keeper of Uldaman
# 2x (4) Piloted Shredder
# 1x (5) Loatheb
# 2x (5) Sludge Belcher
# 1x (6) Hemet, Jungle Hunter
# 1x (6) Sunkeeper Tarim
# 1x (6) Sylvanas Windrunner
# 1x (7) Dr. Boom
# 1x (8) Ragnaros, Lightlord
# 1x (8) Tirion Fordring
# 1x (10) N'Zoth, the Corruptor
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

Hemet is so you curve out into all your big bombs in the late game, it works really well.

That is more midrangey than I'd like. Trying to stay more on the control side.

Boom is a little anti-synergy with nzoth and not my favorite card in this type of deck, more appropriate in midrange deck, same with loatheb.


Playing casual hunter yesterday: he has 4 guys on the board, I play Tortollan Primalist and pick deadly shot, hits the only taunt on the board (stone shaper). He plays another stone shaper and has 4 on the board, I play another deadly shot and hit it again and then land a windfury adapt onto my high mane for lethal. This game man, so grimy.


Playing casual hunter yesterday: he has 4 guys on the board, I play Tortollan Primalist and pick deadly shot, hits the only taunt on the board (stone shaper). He plays another stone shaper and has 4 on the board, I play another deadly shot and hit it again and then land a windfury adapt onto my high mane for lethal. This game man, so grimy.
I've repeatedly seen Brawl used against me pick the single minion the opponent has with 1/4 or lower odds. It was enough to make me wonder if there's some statistical edge favoring the user of Brawl.


I just played against 3 different players in 3 consecutive games at rank 12, all of whom played Mage and had a name that started with "M".

Checkmate, atheists.
Made rank 15 on my first try with midrange Hunter! I've never made 15 this early in a season before. Awesome.

Now to see how far I can take it.


Made rank 15 on my first try with midrange Hunter! I've never made 15 this early in a season before. Awesome.

Now to see how far I can take it.
Congrats! I hit 15 with midrange hunter, and I got down to the rank 10 promotion game 4 different times almost exclusively with aggro druid.

I kind of like aggro druid since I've never played anything like it, but it's just not reliable enough for me. It seems to be performing WORSE after I added a living mana, but in theory I need to farm another one up.

From the meta report I should probably be playing shaman, but I don't know if I have all the cards yet.
Congrats! I hit 15 with midrange hunter, and I got down to the rank 10 promotion game 4 different times almost exclusively with aggro druid.

I kind of like aggro druid since I've never played anything like it, but it's just not reliable enough for me. It seems to be performing WORSE after I added a living mana, but in theory I need to farm another one up.

From the meta report I should probably be playing shaman, but I don't know if I have all the cards yet.

Thanks! I'll stick with Hunter for a bit and see what happens. I feel like I know the deck quite well now which is nice. I've never seen anyone run agro druid I don't think?


Today I learned that if you Explorer's Hat a Pyros, and then the Pyros returns to your hand, you don't get the Explorer's Hat back. :(

Or at least it works that way if you trigger the deathrattle, which removes the Pyros from the board.


Unconfirmed Member
Today I learned that if you Explorer's Hat a Pyros, and then the Pyros returns to your hand, you don't get the Explorer's Hat back. :(

Or at least it works that way if you trigger the deathrattle, which removes the Pyros from the board.

Right. Deathrattles occur in order they are put on them. Return to hand is the deathrattle it starts with, so that deathrattle occurs first.


Fourth mage player appears. Arcanologist, ice barrier, medivh's valet, both frostbolts, fireball, and 5-mana flamestrike in top 12 cards.

I guess I'm just not allowed to play minions that game!

Next game, fifth mage player appears. :'( I think it's almost time to start posting replays again to see if any druid experts can help, or if I'm truly just being incredibly unlucky now. I don't even know how to build against all the mages, since eater of secrets is such a bad card and freeze etc. can't be countered.


going first, have two 7 mana blazecallers in my deck

get one in my initial three cards, mulligan it away, it's replaced by another one

first card I draw after mulligan is the second blazecaller

yeah no, thanks hearthstone, I didn't want to play cards anyway

I swear something is wrong with the random number generator they use to decide your card draws, duplicates come up way too often


going first, have two 7 mana blazecallers in my deck

get one in my initial three cards, mulligan it away, it's replaced by another one

first card I draw after mulligan is the second blazecaller

yeah no, thanks hearthstone, I didn't want to play cards anyway

I swear something is wrong with the random number generator they use to decide your card draws, duplicates come up way too often

I really wish they would adopt Gwent's mulligan rules. Once a card is mulligan'd you have 0% chance of redrawing that card. Less RNG and makes you think twice on what you mulligan.


I really wish they would adopt Gwent's mulligan rules. Once a card is mulligan'd you have 0% chance of redrawing that card. Less RNG and makes you think twice on what you mulligan.
I would have no problem with this. It would reduce Hearthstone RNG a little bit, but I think it would be an improvement.

Or would it give too much of an advantage to the coin player?


I hope elder scrolls and Gwent put pressure on HS to get better.

I'll try Gwent this weekend, but I'm not too excited about it. I've watched a couple of matches on twitch and it seems like nothing happens for minutes, and then it's over. Also, I prefer the art in HS.


"I miss Ragnaros, I am gonna make an elemental shaman in wild"*

*80% of my wins is thanks to Tunnel Trogg. Forgot how gross that little guy was


Everytime i even think about wild i get ptsd from dr7 and shredder, cant even imagine playing those broken ass cards again.


Everytime i even think about wild i get ptsd from dr7 and shredder, cant even imagine playing those broken ass cards again.

My top 3 decks in Wild don't use either card. My most OP deck is Murloc/Secret/Pally, I call it murloc secrets make friends, which is a midrange deck. Thing is ridiculously OP and doesn't use those cards.


Unconfirmed Member
Belcher might be the single best card card ever printed. Not being a legendary is actually beneficial to the card so you can play it twice. The only real counter to it is silence and since they have restricted access to silence effects the card has only gotten better.
Shredder is really good for similar reasons, but since it isn't a taunt (and not a double taunt at that!), you can choose to ignore it and eat the damage every turn. Belcher simply stops face damage from minions cold until you trade with it twice or silence which is just brutal most of the time.

Card is nutso. Thankfully its powerlevel fits right in with the rest of the insane shit in wild. I do really miss Loatheb though. That card is so good.


Super Sleuth
Belcher might be the single best card card ever printed. Not being a legendary is actually beneficial to the card so you can play it twice. The only real counter to it is silence and since they have restricted access to silence effects the card has only gotten better.
Shredder is really good for similar reasons, but since it isn't a taunt (and not a double taunt at that!), you can choose to ignore it and eat the damage every turn. Belcher simply stops face damage from minions cold until you trade with it twice or silence which is just brutal most of the time.

Card is nutso. Thankfully its powerlevel fits right in with the rest of the insane shit in wild. I do really miss Loatheb though. That card is so good.

But it's so defensive that I am never pissed at it. Mostly because I don't play aggro decks.
going first, have two 7 mana blazecallers in my deck

get one in my initial three cards, mulligan it away, it's replaced by another one

first card I draw after mulligan is the second blazecaller

yeah no, thanks hearthstone, I didn't want to play cards anyway

I swear something is wrong with the random number generator they use to decide your card draws, duplicates come up way too often

I really wish they would adopt Gwent's mulligan rules. Once a card is mulligan'd you have 0% chance of redrawing that card. Less RNG and makes you think twice on what you mulligan.
Duelyst's Replace mechanic plus Infinity Wars' Trading Post would make the draw aspect of the game perfect.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
But it's so defensive that I am never pissed at it. Mostly because I don't play aggro decks.

Duplicate+Belcher makes me incredibly angry. I can handle a couple just fine but the Mage parade infuriates me. Might as well be casting Frost Nova every turn as much as that shenanigans shuts you down.
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