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Hearthstone |OT9| Our raid wiped in Icecrown Citadel


Stuff like Spreading Plague, Druid DK and Crypt Lord are the type of cards that actually help out against Jade Druid's bad match ups which are aggro decks. That's one of the main reasons why it's doing so well.

Yeah control decks can tech in Skulking Geist in their deck and yes that will make the match up go from very difficult to win to more manageable... but playing Skulking Geist is no automatic win over Jade Druid. They are still going to be pumping out big stuff at a fast rate and once you miss a removal its GG for you.
You can see what I'm running on a prior page. Cut Feral, Scales, added hero, Spreading Plague, Crypt Lord's, Scavengers, etc. I don't have Fandral or Yogg so

I *love* it because basic Jade is kind of boring for me. Running an 82% win rate right now, but a lot of miracle wins so I expect to fall to earth soon.
Whenever I have a lot of miracle wins I tend to feel like my deck is bad.

It's a bummer that Jade Druid is super strong, given that it's basically free of any new cards, except for Ultimate Infestation.

Unless I'm not seeing a new Jade Druid deck that has Malfurion the Pestilent or other new cards....?
You definitely use Malfurion in that deck.
It's a bummer that Jade Druid is super strong, given that it's basically free of any new cards, except for Ultimate Infestation.

Unless I'm not seeing a new Jade Druid deck that has Malfurion the Pestilent or other new cards....?

Most seem to be running at least 2x Infestiation and 2x Plague. Some running Hadronox, some running Malf, some running Crypt Lord. some running Lich King etc.
I feel like straight up miracle rogue can still beat the pants out of people right now. Only reason I beat the last few I played against is because they went all in on Edwin and I drew into owl on mulligan.

Meanwhile the rogue who beat me played DK Valeera into vanish for the win. Pretty good combo, but haven't seen anyone else pull that off yet.

I'm trying DK valeera miracle rogue with 1 vanish atm


I don't even play those card and I'm yet to lose to a single shaman. I imagine if you teched against shaman, it's basically unlosable. Shaman was like druid's worst enemy.


It's healthier, IMO, that the meta doesn't completely change overnight. I figure the majority of people don't have a large amount of TFT cards yet. Those folks need something to play and also to feel competitive while they build up a staple of expansion cards.


Whenever I have a lot of miracle wins I tend to feel like my deck is bad.

Yeah, me too. this isn't *too* bad on that front but I am nervous. Did I pull out the win because the deck has so many answers or just lucky, that kind of thing.

It's not like my DK rogue deck that only wins from (very luckily) spamming arcane giants. Not taking that into ranked for a long while.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Fucking jade still getting played, didnt see that one coming honestly.
What happened to midrange murloc paladin ?

Think people are just trying other stuff.

Honestly, Pally has so many avenues to go down it's kinda nuts. They have a lot of really good shit.


Fucking jade still getting played, didnt see that one coming honestly.
What happened to midrange murloc paladin ?

Paladin has a lot of tools atm, so it's probably gonna take some time to figure out the good lists/archetypes. It's pretty fun atm just building all kinds of pally lists.

edit: what Papercuts said


You can see what I'm running on a prior page. Cut Feral, Scales, added hero, Spreading Plague, Crypt Lord's, Scavengers, etc. I don't have Fandral or Yogg so

I *love* it because basic Jade is kind of boring for me. Running an 82% win rate right now, but a lot of miracle wins so I expect to fall to earth soon.

Yeah, I find basic Jade super boring, too.
This one, yeah?

Yeah I cut that and Feral Rage too. This is what I'm running. Needs tweaks. Ideally needs another Mark of the Lotus but Stongshell is doing the trick. Would swap Lich King for Hadronox.

### Jade Plague
# Class: Druid
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Mammoth
# 2x (0) Innervate
# 2x (1) Jade Idol
# 1x (1) Mark of the Lotus
# 1x (2) Druid of the Swarm
# 2x (2) Wrath
# 2x (3) Crypt Lord
# 2x (3) Jade Blossom
# 2x (4) Jade Spirit
# 2x (4) Strongshell Scavenger
# 2x (4) Swipe
# 2x (5) Nourish
# 2x (5) Spreading Plague
# 1x (6) Aya Blackpaw
# 2x (6) Jade Behemoth
# 1x (7) Malfurion the Pestilent
# 1x (8) The Lich King
# 1x (10) Kun the Forgotten King
# 2x (10) Ultimate Infestation
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

Giving it a try now!


Not really. Auctioneer doesn't operate in a bubble, it imposes huge limitations on your deck and how you have to play your cards and depending on the meta that can be very hard to overcome. They can take away auctioneer for all I care. You play auctioneer, basically 10 cards in your deck are fixed because of it and while those cards are good you have to save them for auctioneer. That's not good. Look how oil rogue was played compared with miracle, you didn't have to save your preps or spells, you used them to make strong tempo and you could sprint later. That's much better imo. Now of course you can use them to make strong tempo plays, but then you topdeck gadget which does nothing.

Rogue is supposed to have best card draw in the game according to Blizzard devs, well they don't. Ramping up to UI is the best card draw in the game, unlike preps and coins, ramp is a permanent investment. Sprint? lul. Druid can now just go ham with ramp, because they have to dump their hand for UI anyway. It's so good.

So, yeah HoF auctioneer ASAP, print some good cards instead. Not Runeforge Haunter, Not Lillian Loss, Not Witness Me.

I take that any time. Fuck Auctioneer. It's not even good anymore. You cycle a lot, cool, cycle into what? There is nothing OP to play after.

Ultimate Infestation made me realize how bad was auctioneer for jade druid, lots of times I had to do terrible plays just to cycle my deck. Now, I drop my hand, play an op card that can change the tide of the game, and draw the same, while alse selecting my plays better.

Btw, token taunt druid is amazing, is very easy to snowball from a 1/5 into bonemare into more shit


Super Sleuth
It's funny they printed geist specifically because they printed the opop ultimate infestation and it isn't nearly enough because it's so opop.


Hey remember when they nerfed Ancient of Lore?



Nice, let me know if you find good tweaks and where it's weak

I'd love to figure out how to get bonemares in, I wonder sometimes if the behemoths are doing work. But they do up the jade counter.

God damn, this is effective and fun. I just creamed another jade druid into the dust who was using the more basic version. I could SENSE his frustration, hahaha.

I'd love to help. I'm not much of a theorycrafter, though. Hahaha. I'm a pretty average player, but if I think of something, I definitely will. What's a good mulligan strat on this, by the way? I felt like I couldn't really go wrong. I ramped up like crazy to a Jade Behemoth on turn 2 with coins/innervates and still decimated my opponent.



God damn, this is effective and fun. I just creamed another jade druid into the dust who was using the more basic version. I could SENSE his frustration, hahaha.

I'd love to help. I'm not much of a theorycrafter, though. Hahaha. I'm a pretty average player, but if I think of something, I definitely will. What's a good mulligan strat on this, by the way? I felt like I couldn't really go wrong. I ramped up like crazy to a Jade Behemoth on turn 2 with coins/innervates and still decimated my opponent.

Right now if I think I'm facing aggro, I mulligan for taunts. Otherwise just for curve.

Oh and yeah, hah, this thing oozes frustration when you get a row of Scarabs with Mark + the 2/2 elusive DK spell.


Right now if I think I'm facing aggro, I mulligan for taunts. Otherwise just for curve.

Oh and yeah, hah, this thing oozes frustration when you get a row of Scarabs with Mark + the 2/2 elusive DK spell.

You know what's great about this deck? There's no bad draws in the late game. Every card is useful.
Has anyone experimented with Bonemare? I expected to see it being tried out in Paladin and maybe Shaman lists, but seriously have not seen it played even once.
It's one of my favorite cards right now. I'm loving Paladin with all these huge threats without even using legendary cards. You just can't afford to leave ANYTHING on the board. Blessing, Spikeridged, and now Bonemare. So many resources are usually spent taking care of all these small threats that became huge, that they have nothing left once I drop Tirion, Rag Lightlord, etc.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Played that Jade Druid list posted a few pages back. Drew no ramp and no jade cards in my first 15 cards. It was the most excruciatingly slow Jade Druid game I've ever played


Going by reactions in this thread: How long until they nerf Jade Idol? I guess they want to let the dust of the new expansion settle a little bit before they go into action but it doesn't seem their silver bullet is working. It's honestly still baffling to me that they printed Geist instead of nerfing Jade Idol.


Jade Idol nerf will take 2 months at least, but it is way too soon to jump on that bandwagon yet.

Jade Druid is successful now for some of the same reasons that Quest Rogue dominated the early Un'Goro meta. Quest Rogue fed on unoptimized, slow decks, mid range and combo, and it pulled off wins against aggro in a high enough percentage that everyone played it as soon as it was figured out.


Sounds like a good idea man (regading battle.net). Done and done.

About uni... well, shit is rough man. They really don't give a flying fuck. I could be amputating an arm and two legs and they would say "huh, too bad. F." And I have nothing to say about the matter.

Also, if I fail this specific exam, I'll have to wait 6 months until I can continue the program, thus not allowing me to get CSN (monthly payment from the "govornment"). So basically, if I don't ace this exam, my apartment is gone and I'll be sent out on the streets. Literally. None of my parents live closeby anymore and my gf has no economy at the time being - she, however, can move to her parents place... which I cannot.

Christ, I'm astounded the educational system in Sweden doesn't consider sick leave. I mean, dude. Even here in Germany, if you've got a sick note as issued by a doctor, you pretty much get off scott free from anything. Shit's no laughing matter. Well, here's hoping you'll be well enough to take that exam come monday. Knock on wood!
Since I'm seeing more skulking geist than aggro right now I cut earthen scales from my Jade druid deck and threw in two Bonemares. Having those and Lich King is so greedy. Won't be able to get away with this as easily when people decide to aggro it up again.
I think there are plenty of decks that beat jade druid and with geist, I don't think jade is being nerfed. Maybe ultimate infestation, dunno. That card seems a little too good.

Anyway, playing miracle rogue, 5-0 so far. Wanted to share this intense game vs jade druid where they got frostmourne off barnes-> lich king. Basically a playable arfus.


### Shadow Deaths
# Class: Rogue
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Mammoth
# 2x (0) Backstab
# 2x (0) Counterfeit Coin
# 2x (0) Preparation
# 2x (1) Hallucination
# 1x (1) Patches the Pirate
# 2x (1) Swashburglar
# 2x (2) Eviscerate
# 2x (2) Razorpetal Lasher
# 1x (3) Edwin VanCleef
# 2x (3) Fan of Knives
# 1x (3) Mimic Pod
# 1x (3) Shaku, the Collector
# 1x (3) SI:7 Agent
# 1x (4) Sherazin, Corpse Flower
# 1x (5) Leeroy Jenkins
# 2x (5) Vilespine Slayer
# 1x (6) Gadgetzan Auctioneer
# 1x (6) Vanish
# 1x (9) Valeera the Hollow
# 2x (12) Arcane Giant
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Infestation being printed after the AoLore nerf is f'ing bizarre.

For +3 mana you get both abilities off the OG card PLUS three more cards PLUS dealing 5.


Ultimate Infestation gonna get that quick Call of the Wild nerf. How long did CotW last in its original 8 mana state? 3 weeks or so?


I don't know what game you're all playing (maybe all rank 5 and up) but I've seen Hunter regularly steamroll below rank 10 against all types of decks I had going. That same ol' BS aggro deck with the damn 1/1 kitties to start things off, wins by turn 5 or 6.


I don't know what game you're all playing (maybe all rank 5 and up) but I've seen Hunter regularly steamroll below rank 10 against all types of decks I had going. That same ol' BS aggro deck with the damn 1/1 kitties to start things off, wins by turn 5 or 6.
Yeah but Hunter that miss curve is the saddest sight that you can see in this game
I don't know what game you're all playing (maybe all rank 5 and up) but I've seen Hunter regularly steamroll below rank 10 against all types of decks I had going. That same ol' BS aggro deck with the damn 1/1 kitties to start things off, wins by turn 5 or 6.

On live or in the Un'goro meta? Hunters can certainly snowball if they get the board but they are usually fairly easy to slow down compared to other aggro decks. Depends on class / deck / mulligan I guess.

Make it 12 so you can't use the coin. Might actually give you a use for that second innervate.

Hey sometimes you gotta use that second innervate to fit in a +1 armor hero power that doesn't matter.

If it leads to them adjusting how mana works maybe that's a win. Best nerf ever*

Only because they haven't eviscerated Patches and don't look like they ever will.
I don't know what game you're all playing (maybe all rank 5 and up) but I've seen Hunter regularly steamroll below rank 10 against all types of decks I had going. That same ol' BS aggro deck with the damn 1/1 kitties to start things off, wins by turn 5 or 6.
any deck can win, it's the consistentcy over a large amount of games that matters and that's where hunter is dumpster.
How on earth is ultimate infestation a thing in druid. It just doesn't make sense they'd give it there, where they already have mana ramp, tons of card draw, health gains, and innervate.

lmao just got UI off hallucination with prep in hand.
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