Where's this from?The Hearthstone universe is being expanded with a new character.
Opened Deathstalker Rexxar earlier. Time to play some Hunter I guess!
Where's this from?
Hopefully she has a name as bad as "Harth Stonebrew."
I figured, but I was wondering where it was originally found.Looks like Blizzcon stuff.
It's the most fun hero power ever. But it's a really underpowered class right now =(
He's interesting but sadly rather slow. However if you find your games going over turn 8 then the value factor just keeps on growing.Opened Deathstalker Rexxar earlier. Time to play some Hunter I guess!
The Hearthstone universe is being expanded with a new character.
Where's this from?
Hopefully she has a name as bad as "Harth Stonebrew."
Possibly, but I thought it was just Harth Stonebrew again.I'm pretty sure we already saw that person with the mouse.
isn't that character from last year's blizzcon?
The deck is already packed on draw from the UI. It's hard to empty my hand before the next one! The only thing I really need is match-up help. My #1 reason for losing is Sylvannas. I think the only real solution for her as a Druid is Tinkmeister Overspark. I really don't want to spend dust on him just to try it, though. Lol. But it would solve my N'Zoth problems and my Resurrect Priest problems. Plus it isn't too bad in Jade match-ups and taking out key cards like Pyros.Azure Drake should've nutty in wild Jade Druid
The deck is already packed on draw from the UI. It's hard to empty my hand before the next one! The only thing I really need is match-up help. My #1 reason for losing is Sylvannas. I think the only real solution for her as a Druid is Tinkmeister Overspark. I really don't want to spend dust on him just to try it, though. Lol. But it would solve my N'Zoth problems and my Resurrect Priest problems. Plus it isn't too bad in Jade match-ups and taking out key cards like Pyros.
Actually, on that note, a LOT of decks currently have a key minion. I'm surprised Overspark isn't meta. A 5/5 isn't really interesting or threatening these days.
UIx2 yes, Malf no.Is malfurion need for druid. I don't have him or any UI
Silence Sylvannaa the first time and she still comes back later. Quadruple true for resurrect Priests.Silence seems like a very strong tech in jade druid though. Overspark isn't.
It's usually played by Priests who wipe my board.Because I would rather play Spellbreaker. Tinkmaster is unplayable in decks where you have a board yourself. Imagine having a 7/7 Jade, they play Sylvanas and then you play Tinkmaster which turns your 7/7 into 1/1.
Druid DK is not necessary. UI is.Is malfurion need for druid. I don't have him or any UI
Hearthstone players can enjoy an early look at new Fireside Gathering features during gamescom, where they'll join forces in a whole new kind of Fireside Brawl: a group raid against the Lich King.
When is the next Frozen Throne adventure wing supposed to unlock?
Probably in 15 minutes.
Challenge a friend on Asia. Anyone?
I doubt they'll do Hall of Fame movement outside of their previously announced schedule (which is to add things to HoF in conjunction with set rotations). However, they should make an exception.
Let's get innervate, murloc warleader and ice block into wild and make some room in the complaint meta for new cards. I'm excited to see what cards fill the role as the new boogeyman for the HS community to constantly bitch about.
I can be on in an hour if you're still looking then.
If you move murloc warleader to wild, made as well stop releasing murloc cards
Might as well remove polymorph
frost bolt
blessing of kings
each class has a set of cards that help them be distinctive, for druids it's sacrificing cards to play to increase their mana pool.
The issue isn't innervate it's UI that allows them to refill a card and allows them to ramp up mana without worrying about not having a hand
These cards don't have the same issue as innervate does. It's a strawmanned argument.
UI may still need a nerf.Might as well remove polymorph
frost bolt
blessing of kings
each class has a set of cards that help them be distinctive, for druids it's sacrificing cards to play to increase their mana pool.
The issue isn't innervate it's UI that allows them to refill a card and allows them to ramp up mana without worrying about not having a hand
No, you do not. Permanent Ramp is a fine identity that does not require burst mana.If you remove innervate, than you ruin the druids identity. Innervate is an issue *this* expansion because Druids can now safely use Nourish to gain mana, and combined with Jade Blossom/Wild Growth/innervate/ they gain an excess of mana early on.
No, you do not. Permanent Ramp is a fine identity that does not require burst mana.
the thing is that the druids identity is:
1) Choice in a cards effect
2)Being able to give themselves mana
If you remove innervate, than you ruin the druids identity. Innervate is an issue *this* expansion because Druids can now safely use Nourish to gain mana, and combined with Jade Blossom/Wild Growth/innervate/ they gain an excess of mana early on.
As it is, right now the Druids identity is in a perfect equinox. They can gain mana fast.
The issue is that UI removes the original trade off that growth druids had-the ability to refill their hand incredibly fast. Before you would use Nourish for that, but now you can safely use nourish to grow your mana. And because of this, because of being able to innervate at turn 3 to gain 2 mana and have double the available mana next turn, people are realizing that it's incredibly strong. It's always been like that. It's that the inclusion of a card like UI promotes that style of play, because of how overloaded that card is.
Druid players have always known are strengths and known that we would have to sacrifice our hand in order to gain mana super quickly. Except now we don't have to worry about the downside of having no hand.
Innervate isn't the problem. Ultimate Infestation is.
Burst mana is fine because it becomes a dead drop if you got it after you had 10 mana and a small hand, or you have nothing to combo it with. You've been there. You and your opponent are at 10 HP, you will lose next turn, you need a good card, and you draw innervate.
With UI, you can use a 10 cost and then combo into burst mana in order to bring something out or to utilize a spell/jade idol/hero power. UI caused Innervate to stop being a dead drop at the latter half of a match.
Burst mana is not a dead draw after 10 mana in Druid. That deck is fat and greedy.Burst mana is fine because it becomes a dead drop if you got it after you had 10 mana and a small hand, or you have nothing to combo it with. You've been there. You and your opponent are at 10 HP, you will lose next turn, you need a good card, and you draw innervate.
With UI, you can use a 10 cost and then combo into burst mana in order to bring something out or to utilize a spell/jade idol/hero power. UI caused Innervate to stop being a dead drop at the latter half of a match.
You've said that you might as well remove those cards because they're "class identity" cards. But they don't share the same issue as innervate.
Innervate is the problem. You can't print top end cards like lich king or UI because innervate makes it too easy to play them early. The bigger issue is that it affects neutral minions, like lich king, bittertide hydra, etc.. It's holding design space back in a big way. Lich king is a card you can innervate out and just win the game because of it. Ragnaros was that way too.
Burst mana is not a dead draw after 10 mana in Druid. That deck is fat and greedy.
One suggestion from Reddit that's realy good: because Innervate's in Wild, nerf it to "Replenish 2 Mana Crystals This Turn" instead. So it can't be used to accellerate out TLK/UI anymore.