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Hearthstone |OT9| Our raid wiped in Icecrown Citadel

Ugh, what's the point of ladder with such a broken class in the game?

I'm basically at the point where ladder is basically "How many matches can you get in a row before you get matched with a druid?"
I'll take that over "how many games will you be matched against a priest before you give the fuck up and just quit the game?"

Last was 5 in a row.
normally i say casual is pointless but in the last month it has kept me from just shutting off the game since wild at least feels like good variety i don't see that many druids there. i ran into karsticles on there a day ago lol


Only play 2 games the past 2 days. I'm really demotivated right now, not because of the druid meta. But more like I got what I wanted to achieve. So have no idea what do now.
normally i say casual is pointless but in the last month it has kept me from just shutting off the game since wild at least feels like good variety i don't see that many druids there. i ran into karsticles on there a day ago lol
I still use casual when I need to get quests done very quickly.

The other night I had 3 quests and it was 30 min before midnight so I went to casual and I had two opponents quit at the mulligan. That's always nice.

Only play 2 games the past 2 days. I'm really demotivated right now, not because of the druid meta. But more like I got what I wanted to achieve. So have no idea what do now.
Work on another golden hero. That's pretty much what keeps me playing. I'm sure I'll keep playing once I get them all though.
I just beat a Giants Hunter with Dead Man's Hand Warrior. Took him all the goddamn war into fatigue. He even played DK Hunter on curve and used it every turn. He even got a Dreadscale with Poison on it to wipe my entire board once.

It only took 6 N'Zoths!
I sat down to play a few games just now, and ran into two people (in the space of about 6 games) running what seemed to be Dead Man's Hand / Fatigue Warrior. Both players seemed terrible though and I won easily with Hunter

I am really happy the likes of Dog and Trump are pushing that deck. It is fun, but also seem hard to play right, so when you run into people playing it at Rank 11 it is an easy win. Keep pushing fun to watch (but hard to play) decks streamers, It will help me climb!


Unconfirmed Member
I don't have golden hero. Closest are rogue and mage with around 430. I was initially wanted to do it, but I just had no motivation.

I have been playing since beta and only have 2, (Druid and Pally). Pally I got way back when secret paladin was in standard (before standard was a thing really), and Druid I got shortly after MSoG dropped when they first introduced the Jade stuff. I'm next closest with Mage and Warrior, but neither are above 430. I just don't care about the gold cards or gold heroes. I play the decks that are fun to me (atm Razakus Priest and the "Aggro" Druid - which is really a midrange deck that also runs ramp and UI cause they are busted, after the nerf I'll probably go back to Secret Mage or something).

Enjoying the game for the game is something that has taken a long time, but I finally am happy just playing my way to rank 10 or 5 or whatever and calling it a season over the course of a month.
I'ma start carrying an Eater of Secrets for my Druid deck.

Fuuuuuck mages.

Druid's are only really countered by decent Mages right now, but are very strong against almost everything else, so I would not dilute your deck with a bad card (and make other match ups worse) to try and compensate for your one bad matchup. Ultimately you are going to lose more games against the other classes because of dead drawing that card than you will win against mage.
Druid's are only really countered by decent Mages right now, but are very strong against almost everything else, so I would not dilute your deck with a bad card (and make other match ups worse) to try and compensate for your one bad matchup. Ultimately you are going to lose more games against the other classes because of dead drawing that card than you will win against mage.

I'll risk it

The only things I go up against now a days are priests, Warriors, Pallies, and Mages.

I took out one spreading plague for the Eater, and it works against both Pally and mages(Especially Murloc Pallies) . Otherwise, Spreading Plague doesn't help against Big priests, and it'd leave my only deficiency against Warriors, Hunters, and other aggro druids. Stiilll for that one match up I think it's worth?


I'ma start carrying an Eater of Secrets for my Druid deck.

Fuuuuuck mages.

Mage is my class of choice.

So PLEASE tell me how mages are fucking up your druid!

I get matched up with a druid and I just concede. Granted I'm new to this game and I know y cards aren't great. But I'm hopeless against even bad druids. The only class I feel hopeless against. I can even beat priest, and this thread seems to hate them.
Mage is my class of choice.

So PLEASE tell me how mages are fucking up your druid!

I get matched up with a druid and I just concede. Granted I'm new to this game and I know y cards aren't great. But I'm hopeless against even bad druids. The only class I feel hopeless against. I can even beat priest, and this thread seems to hate them.

It's mainly Exodia mages. That is, they run the quest, and once they have all the prerequisite cards, they end it in a TIme Warped turn.

They achieve this by controlling the board through Freeze Novas, doombringers to clear the board, and usually gear their deck for alot of card draw to achieve the combo of infinite fireballs through 4 apprentice mages and Antonidas
I just opened a Prince Taldaram - cause for some reason an urge to buy a pack overcame me. I was not too excited, but I went to Wild and tried OTK Malygos Druid (With Kun and Aviana). After a few games I admit to having a lot of fun!

I ended one game with a possible 74 Damage in hand!

If I add two Faceless Manipulators in I could do 22 Damage with 1 Moonfire! I wonder is there any legit way to reach 30+ Damage with one Moonfire?
I just opened a Prince Taldaram - cause for some reason an urge to buy a pack overcame me. I was not too excited, but I went to Wild and tried OTK Malygos Druid (With Kun and Aviana). After a few games I admit to having a lot of fun!

I ended one game with a possible 74 Damage in hand!

If I add two Faceless Manipulators in I could do 22 Damage with 1 Moonfire! I wonder is there any legit way to reach 30+ Damage with one Moonfire?

I think the card has potential even in standard tbh.
I think the card has potential even in standard tbh.

Yeah. Only 5 games in and I really like the card. Maybe it is just due to thrill of a high damage OTK, but I like it!!#

I now really enjoy playing both Keleseth (in Elemental Rogie and Zoolock) and Taldaram. I have not opened a Valanar. After all the shit the Princes got pre releases I think they ended up very good cards.
I crafted valanar, a little disappointed with him so far. He isn't bad, but kinda reminds me that lifesteal, even with taunt, is unreliable as it can be removed with removal spells. Not terrible outcome if a warrior hits it with mortal strike, but it's not like rogue is going to win off it either.

Keleseth though, that card is badass. Loving it so far with shadow step. You haven't played patches til you've gotten a 3/3 patches!
It's a little annoying when Mill Rogues keep playing even when I have 3x as many cards in my deck as they do in theirs.

What do you think is going to happen?

I crafted valanar, a little disappointed with him so far. He isn't bad, but kinda reminds me that lifesteal, even with taunt, is unreliable as it can be removed with removal spells. Not terrible outcome if a warrior hits it with mortal strike, but it's not like rogue is going to win off it either.

Keleseth though, that card is badass. Loving it so far with shadow step. You haven't played patches til you've gotten a 3/3 patches!
Yeah, I think Valanar should have been a 4/5 or have divine shield. 4/4 is just too easy to work around.


The weird thing about Valanar is that on paper he seems good, but the truth is that a 4/4 taunt is below power curve and the life steal just doesn't help rogue enough. I would cut him if it weren't for the fact that I got a golden one and want to meme people while I lose with combo otk mill rogue

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Ran into something I thought was neat. Rogue played the 2 Drop Prince and Shadowcastered it back into his hand and played it again. Also I had the chance to kill it but I didn't. That part wasn't neat


Unconfirmed Member
So what's the mathematical stat value for a "good" 2 mana weapon now?

Glaivezooka seems like the best weapon ever now.

Probably, assuming you ignore Jade Claws for being too weird to evaluate thanks to jade synergy and overload. Though it does seem kinda good enough just generating a 1/1 token.

Argent Lance was a pretty good arena card that you would pick all the time if joust wasn't so inconsistent.

Rogue hero power as basically a 2 mana 1/2 weapon draw a card except without thining your deck.
Ran into something I thought was neat. Rogue played the 2 Drop Prince and Shadowcastered it back into his hand and played it again. Also I had the chance to kill it but I didn't. That part wasn't neat

That seems like Elemental Rogue. Having 1/1 of loads of Ele cards and Keleseth are really fun in that deck. i like that Plague Scientist is good in it too, as that is an underused card. Getting a 1/1 Bonnemare is amazing too.

It gave me the idea to try a Shadowstep Keleseth deck, if only to once get Keleseth, Shadowstep, Keleseth, Shadowstep, Keleseth on Turn 1 going second just one time

This really has been an amazing expansion, but sadly somewhat ruined by OP Druid, and horribly slow management decisions from Blizzard.
This dude burned his last Jade Idol with 3 cards left in the deck then MC Techs a Bloodmage thalnos lol
The casters were so annoying acting like variance is a blunder. There was less than a 1/9 chance to burn jade idol, 1.6% chance if my math doesn't fail me, with that play and jade idol didn't even end up being relevant. Jade Idol had to be exactly the next card drawn and innervate had to be in the 3 cards behind it.


Not Wario
Elemental Rogue is still the most fun deck to play. So many possible lines to think through and surprisingly competitive. I've summoned a 4/4 Patches before off a 4/5 pirate thanks to Keleseth. Pretty good value for one mana.


Priest is just horrible for competitive scene. So many high variance RNG in one class was already too much, now they even maximize the impact of card draw RNG. It's so dumb, it's correct to play around nothing. This randomness does not increase skill...


About time priest got some rng goodness, ungoro rng god was pirate with hit 8 to the face and before that it was bow down mage/druid.


I just returned to the game after not playing since late 2015, I'm kinda getting used to the wild/standard card changes, but what happened to the older solo adventures? Is Blackrock gone for good?

Also, are there any card packs I should focus on getting when all I ever opened was Goblins vs Gnomes and Grand Tournament? I have most of the classic cards.


I just returned to the game after not playing since late 2015, I'm kinda getting used to the wild/standard card changes, but what happened to the older solo adventures? Is Blackrock gone for good?

Also, are there any card packs I should focus on getting when all I ever opened was Goblins vs Gnomes and Grand Tournament? I have most of the classic cards.

So there's a new thing where you never open duplicate legendaries, so you should not disenchant any bad legendaries unless you already have the ones you want from that set.

Otherwise, make sure to buy at least one Whispers of the Old Gods pack because you get a free C'Thun. Then start buying this year's sets, though I would recommend buying packs for current expansions until you get a legendary, then switching to another expansion.

You can actually go back and buy the old adventures, just not from within the client.

That's still deaths bite.
I am actually using Blood Razor in my Fatigue Warrior deck. The immediate AoE is SO helpful against Muster for Battle, Aggro Druid, and Pirate Warrior.

Death's Bite is my favorite weapon, though. The art, name, and effects are fantastic.

I actually had a Fatigue Warrior mirror, and we were three DMH deep when I played Garrosh and he conceded. I not sure why he did that. We both had at least two N'Zoths left in our hands based on previous plays.


Was talking about 2 mana weapons. Jade Claws is more like 3 mana but taken as a 2 mana weapon it has always been kinda busted. Probably top 5 card in Standard right now.

Mathematically for 2 mana you want a 2/2 with some minor text. Argent Lance is probably the average with Glaivezooka being the top end.
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