Exactly. The "no headphone jack" rumor was from a survey Apple sent out early September asking if people use it. That's it. Now some random no-name website mentions it and people are freaking out over nothing...
I wouldn't put it past them to remove it eventually. But it won't happen now. They're still testing the waters. They want to push for people to get used to not having it by removing it from their most important device so third parties come along and fill in the demand and people get used to it. Only then will they begin to remove it from the computers.
I mean I could be wrong. But going by the leaked photos we've seen, I'm still pretty confident it isn't happening yet. Only 3 days left until we know everything.
Sucks that they didn't transition iPhones over to USB-C connectors and pushed for USB-C based headphones. Then there'd be no problem. The transition would be so much smoother. Right now you get Lightning based headphones with the iPhone 7. Which means, in a world where all their machines have USB-C, you still need an adapter to use it on your Mac. If the iPhone used USB-C no one with both a nice new iPhone and a nice new Mac would even care nor notice as much that they're now using headphones with a different connector.
However since it's Lightning and only iOS devices use Lightning it just creates another hurdle.
Seriously, Apple. You should have transitioned to USB-C on the iPhone/iPad or worked with Intel to make the USB-C connector interchangeable with Lightning. One connector to rule them all. Eventually Android phones would have USB-C. All iPhones would have USB-C. Any Windows Phones that are still being made would get them too maybe 5 years late. We'd finally be in the "one single connector to rule them all" world. But right now Lightning just causes problems. "Superior audio quality" aside. (I don't even buy that. How could you get better audio over Lightning and not as good audio over USB-C? Is that true? Seems silly.)
I imagine Apple will transition to no port at all on the iPhone before they put USB-C on it. But by that point, we'll all be so used to wireless headphones we won't even care.
If the Mac Pro doesn't get an update, do we assume it's been abandoned at this point? Because it's a travesty they made a huge deal out of its brand new revolutionary design then let it stagnate for years. I don't care if it's the fastest Mac you can get, technology advances really fast. And that poor Mac mini always gets the shaft. Just miniaturize everything and shrink the casing down. Make it all Flash. Get it over with. Drop HDD as an option and only offer Fusion or SSD on all Macs that still have disks. (iMac and Mac mini)