Valkyri von Thanatos
Best answer to be safe is get a second vita.
Thanks for the answer, sorry for the late reply. I guess that is the only real option, if I want to keep access to both sides. Frankly, I don't see very many reasons not to update, as it seems the emulation side is a little limited, and after testing some emulation on my Android phone again, I couldn't detect any noticeable input lag. Undubs are cool and all, but a really minor incentive for me. I'd kind of rather be able to download and play my new Vita games, some of which I have already bought, like Digimon Cyber Sleuth in the last sale it was in and Downwell soon to come in the current sale.
Can anyone give a really solid reason for me not to upgrade? Henkaku is a nice option, but I haven't even used it as it doesn't seem to really do much that can't be done on other hardware. I mean the Vita hardware is really nice, and I'd like to play classic games like the original Sonic series on it, but it can be done elsewhere, and without isolating a previously very active console of mine.
If I could get some opinions on the matter, pros and cons of using Henkaku, anything that stands out as something that can't be done elsewhere, I'd like to hear it.