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Heroes of Newerth |OT| Free-To-Play [PC /Mac /Linux]


Freakinchair said:
Yeah sorry :p I wasn't on when you guys decided this and went ahead and worked on one of my own. It took me so long too because I've never used photoshop type software before.

I just wanna say that while I understand what you're trying to do - I feel it's kind of unfair to rally an entire community to your side via carrot on a stick method. In any case I'm probably just being a bitter old man - I'd be happy if any HoNGaffer won a key because we're the ones supporting the genre. Good luck!

I'll be damned if some of the other creators aren't calling in a few favors either ; some posters admited to that, and my own personal scepticism toward Johnny Gaf popularity too. (Sorry Goon Boon ; nothing against you, maybe I didn't quite seize GAF's spirit yet, who knows).

Either way, somebody on Mumble put it best ; the contest to win a key, this kind of contest, is silly. It's not about who will make a good balanced dota2-fitting hero. It's a popularity contest, t's'all it is. Put Christina Hendricks with 2 Neogaf icons as boobs and she'd probably win.

Dudebro should be 1st by default, there's no contest about it. As for the rest though, I may be biased, but if this was not a popularity contest, then Detective Gafstan should be higher. A (somewhat) good toolset that fit into DotA. A hero design that fit aesthetically (more than most) into DoTA. A hero design that reverberate with GAFs colors. A skill set and naming that is not EXPLICITELY "BAN POST " "FLAME SHIELD" "SUMMON MOD" and all that all-too-obvious-GAF-connection-that-totally-would-not-fit. All of Gafstan skills' flavor texts refers to a big moment in GAF history, old or recent.

1. Trace refers to a recent event where fellow poster Kato, arguing with moderator Amir0x, made excellent detective work to find out Amir0x was editing his own posts to a void being caught in a lie.

2. For or Against obviously refers to that infamous line by Denis Dyack here, and the end result.

3. Expertise refers to the meme that originated on GAF when FFXIII was announced on X360. ("Squaresoft just shot themselves in the foot...I know japanese culture (I'm an expert)" etc)

4. Long Arm of the Law, on top of being an actually awesome ultimate that I would totally give S2 permission to use, quite obviously refers to banhammers.

Also, Gafstan would love to go back to his home and be a family man. Not a GAF meme per se, but I've seen it tossed around.

All of those are subtle, perhaps. Perhaps too subtle for some people who didn't get all of those, but dammit, get a brain if so.

But people just skimmed over him because his picture didn't take 3 screens to scroll thru and that compared to other skills by other heroes, he's kind of tame (and also would actually be somewhat acceptable in DotA, while those other heroes wouldn't for the most part). I could work on them some more (as in Trace being castable on a Long Arm of the Law and that it would give you double movement speed bonus if so, essentially giving you more utility with Trace as well as a sure way to make one Long Arm of the Law hit from long distance), but people would still only see a smallish picture of a serious hero (so why bother with finetuning!), would skip over it, and then we'd all lose to joke heroes and Dudebro.

So in the end....what was a man, a community, to do?


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Dudebro was a good submission but a terrible hero, sounded ridiculously OP. Honestly having something being an open vote is a bad idea, but one we should exploit.


Procarbine said:
Lords of discretion up in this thread.

To be honest, being discreet or not isn't an issue ; either way, we're free to do what we want on vote time, as no rule specified otherwise. If they're having a problem with it now, they'll have it when vote come, and vice-versa.

Though as I said, pretty sure there has been a "calling in favors" by other participants. Some admit it, some don't, but except for Dudebro, be assured that 2nd and 3rd place will have shady going behind them. Case in point, ReconYoda and Goon Boon (Johnny-GAF's submitter) themselves came in here asking for support. Ain't any different from what I'm doing, except that, you know, I actually play HoN.

Or maybe I'm just naturally cynical. Anyways, the important point is, if we can put a HonGAF in the beta, we should, and now we can. Entirely legit? No. But not against the rules.


Second-rate Anihawk
Ikuu said:
Dudebro was a good submission but a terrible hero, sounded ridiculously OP. Honestly having something being an open vote is a bad idea, but one we should exploit.

Looks like we found the newest S2 hero.


Bull on a Donut
Archie said:
Looks like we found the newest S2 hero.

A couple are in the really really good/above average tier, but I mean come on; like more than half have been in the dumpster tier at one point or another (where as almost every dota hero releases with an OMGGGGGGGGG ability).


I can't help that my GAF account was approved after I was done with HoN.

I wasn't talking about you in particular though I didn't even look at your stats. I just meant that the 3 raffle winners were probably MOBA newbs and I'd imagine it's the same with at least half the contest participants.


SeigO said:
I can't help that my GAF account was approved after I was done with HoN.

I wasn't talking about you in particular though I didn't even look at your stats. I just meant that the 3 raffle winners were probably MOBA newbs and I'd imagine it's the same with at least half the contest participants.

So? It's a contest.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
I warned you guys about talking about too much DOTA 2 in this thread. I warned you bros.

Time to call in the mods.
Ikuu said:
Dudebro was a good submission but a terrible hero, sounded ridiculously OP. Honestly having something being an open vote is a bad idea, but one we should exploit.

Agreed, the artwork for the hero is really good but he didn't make any skill icons or change anything else in the picture. He also clearly put no thought into balancing the hero or how skills work in MOBA games :( (no offence if you read this bro)

In most of the submissions the skills don't make sense/are overpowered/don't synergize with anything. I wouldn't vote for it simply because the guy can draw - but I'm assuming most will :(


SeigO said:
Shit we can beg for votes? Please vote for FemiNazi because I'm actually decent at the game/genre and will put the key to good use.

SeigO said:
Eh idc I was just explaining that I wasn't insulting Guesong or comparing our arbitrary HoN stats.
yes you were, you were implying youre better than him and deserve the key more
there are a lot of people in hongaf that are way better than you bro, 1760mmr isnt much to brag about so id keep it down if i were you

Edit: chair ill vote 4 u


I like both chair and Guesong's heros. If I could vote for two, they'd both get my vote. They're the only two heroes who actually seem decently designed. Gotta vote for my buddy chair though. :)

As for the "carrot on a stick". It's a bad idea, and will not work out.


kagete said:
Newbs don't deserve to play Dota2 beta? Amazing.
I think the opinion is more that, people that have no investment in the MOBA genre are going to get the keys, when there are people that play these games daily and will put the key to good use on the sidelines.

We were watching a stream this morning and this guy joined a game with Trixi and Fogged vs Fear etc. and he had no idea who they were.


So are we voting for chair or guesong?


Sebulon3k said:
I think the opinion is more that, people that have no investment in the MOBA genre are going to get the keys, when there are people that play these games daily and will put the key to good use on the sidelines.

We were watching a stream this morning and this guy joined a game with Trixi and Fogged vs Fear etc. and he had no idea who they were.

This opinion is why this genre will never advance.


I don't recognize any of those names. Anyway, it's elitist and esoteric. The competitive hardcore already got their keys, and the rest are being distributed at random. It's a beta, and people from all backgrounds should get to try it and give feedback, even if they've never played dota before. Besides the hardcore, I think casual players are exactly those who should try the beta so that they can share their experiences and raise issues.


Nome said:
This opinion is why this genre will never advance.
The genre will never advance because some believe that players with experience in the genre should get beta keys before people who have no experience? If people want to try the genre they don't need to go try and get a key for dota 2. There are way better ways they can get accustomed to the genre than hoping to get into the beta.


So if the carrot on a stick idea won't work...well I still say it could somewhat work but I agree, it'll be a mess.

So...how much people do we have minus me and Freakinchair?

If we can somehow assemble ALL of HonGAF...and I mean almost ALL of it...surely we can split votes for 2nd/3rd and both would get one.

Or we pool for the carrot on a stick.

This requires an emergency 11th Hour Mumble meeting (in which I can't attend atm >_>)

I would not particularly like being this ending up as a Chair vs Myself contest for the obtention of a key. If HonGAF stands united we both get in. Simple as that.


Well Chair has not come out and said he is going to you know, wink wink while we all know Guesong will be so in my eyes only one person to vote for.


rac said:
The genre will never advance because some believe that players with experience in the genre should get beta keys before people who have no experience? If people want to try the genre they don't need to go try and get a key for dota 2. There are way better ways they can get accustomed to the genre than hoping to get into the beta.
A player brand new to the genre has MUCH more input to give than an IceFrog bootlicker.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Although I am kind of bitter that people who didn't even play DOTA are getting into the beta before me and others like me, I have to agree with Nome.

There's really nothing I could contribute to the beta that some other more experienced DOTA player couldn't as well. Hero designs are a dime a dozen, so are UI features and requests.

DOTA would benefit most from a fresh perspective, because the whole idea behind DOTA2 is that the players don't want anything to change, and thus they are usually blind/hostile to flaws and problems.

Not saying I want denying removed or whatever, but I have to admit that I only think of DOTA-likes games in relation of DOTA, and that's narrowminded on my part.


Nome said:
A player brand new to the genre has MUCH more input to give than an IceFrog bootlicker.
I doubt anyone new to the game would be able to give valuable insight. They'd probably rage quit the game before they did that. If you want to give a code to someone that won't be an icefrog bootlicker you cam pretty much give it to anyone in hongaf except for me, since almost everyone in mumble is against dota 2 from what I can tell.


rac said:
I doubt anyone new to the game would be able to give valuable insight. They'd probably rage quit the game before they did that. If you want to give a code to someone that won't be an icefrog bootlicker you cam pretty much give it to anyone in hongaf except for me, since almost everyone in mumble is against dota 2 from what I can tell.
yo NOME gimme a key yO
+rep this post if it was helpful and dont 4get to follo me on twitter pce


Bull on a Donut
rac said:
I doubt anyone new to the game would be able to give valuable insight. They'd probably rage quit the game before they did that. If you want to give a code to someone that won't be an icefrog bootlicker you cam pretty much give it to anyone in hongaf except for me, since almost everyone in mumble is against dota 2 from what I can tell.

Not against dota 2; against certain dota 2 features/lack thereof. HoN's had 2 years to build on their base and add features/tweak the formula. DotA 2 is still going to be an infant when it comes out (hero and feature wise, unless valve pulls some voodoo magic).


Anbokr said:
Not against dota 2; against certain dota 2 features/lack thereof. HoN's had 2 years to build on their base and add features/tweak the formula. DotA 2 is still going to be an infant when it comes out (hero and feature wise, unless valve pulls some voodoo magic).
Your not new to the genre. Your not allowed to have any input that's fresh.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Some voodoo magic like copying all out-of-game features S2 added?


*sigh* and it looks like Spookie is winning, despite the skills being awful (seriously, 4 skills with 600+ damage on <10 second cooldowns?), and him offering free games to people that voted for him.


TheExodu5 said:
*sigh* and it looks like Spookie is winning, despite the skills being awful (seriously, 4 skills with 600+ damage on <10 second cooldowns?), and him offering free games to people that voted for him.
It's like a high school student body election :>


TheExodu5 said:
*sigh* and it looks like Spookie is winning, despite the skills being awful (seriously, 4 skills with 600+ damage on <10 second cooldowns?), and him offering free games to people that voted for him.
This is definitely what icefrog wanted when he gave a gaffer keys. He works at valve now afterall and he is already making them money.


It's time for HonGAF to stand united.

Either behind me or Chair at this point really, but let's just get one of us elected

Sanjay I don't know where the carrot is atm, since people seem to be shooting it down? I'm still ok with it but I'm kind of confused lol


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
TheExodu5 said:
He did in the contest thread initially, then redacted it.

This is taking this whole voting thing way too damn seriously, but he should have been removed for that. I honestly don't care who wins, but that's just lame.


rac said:
I doubt anyone new to the game would be able to give valuable insight. They'd probably rage quit the game before they did that. If you want to give a code to someone that won't be an icefrog bootlicker you cam pretty much give it to anyone in hongaf except for me, since almost everyone in mumble is against dota 2 from what I can tell.
And that right there is huge insight to why the genre needs new eyes looking at it.


Sebulon3k said:
Ice Cold Burn.jpg
Nome you should get on mumble sometime, it'd be a fun time.
I wasn't referring to anyone, just in general. I just disagree with the notion that someone that's a fan of the genre should have precedence over a new player.
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