Sanjay said:Whats the body count? how many we got in, enough for funhouse Dota 2?
Sanjay said:Whats the body count? how many we got in, enough for funhouse Dota 2?
Teknopathetic said:"I think fewer than 10. Moody was passing them out like candy, but ran out."
I think you mean Ikuu. I only handed out two.
Sebulon3k said:Ikuu
Neckbeard said:8-0 succubus and i still lose. 0-7 magebane typing NO SS NOOBS in chat the entire game. Not to mention the 0-7 nymph and 2-6 keeper.
Guesong said:Just pick Keeper yourself and proceed to destroy opponents.
Btw what about that desinstall !
kagete said:nah man, you're OG from the beta <3
but you also have 7 freaking steam accounts with dota2... btw where's the beta |OT|?
Don't worry, Dota 2 will fix it.Neckbeard said:GG HoN. You're fucking dead to me.
Sebulon3k said:Don't worry, Dota 2 will fix it.
Neckbeard said:I just pray it's not going to be a F2P model. Give me a $50 game please to keep out the third-worlders. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TAKE MY MONEY.
Neckbeard said:New all-time low: start the game off with a double tap first blood; proceed to kill a third 30 seconds later. get a 4th shortly after. Then lend my bottle to a magmus with a regen rune in it. He proceeds to place the bottle on the ground and destroy it. The team then kicks me. Obviously some choice words were exchanged after he destroys my bottle, but what the fuck am I supposed to do.
This community is a fucking joke.
I guess I'll use Report a Player function.... Oh wait, that's completely pointless.
GG HoN. You're fucking dead to me.
kagete said:Ugh come on guys, try to be more cosmopolitan. I'm a poor third worlder too. When HON implemented its region locking I lost 100 people on my friends list, maybe half of which had to buy their accounts through me or my brothers. Third world countries buy games tooNot a lot, admittedly because of piracy, but a lot of us shelled out for HON, even multiple times like my friends and family did with subaccounts.
Also, a lot of third world countries have English-speaking populations. In the case of Filipinos, every middle class family will raise their kids with English as their first language. It's not uncommon to have households where speaking Filipino or watching Filipino TV was prohibited.
I think RAP works. Just ask Swiftlame.Neckbeard said:New all-time low: start the game off with a double tap first blood; proceed to kill a third 30 seconds later. get a 4th shortly after. Then lend my bottle to a magmus with a regen rune in it. He proceeds to place the bottle on the ground and destroy it. The team then kicks me. Obviously some choice words were exchanged after he destroys my bottle, but what the fuck am I supposed to do.
This community is a fucking joke.
I guess I'll use Report a Player function.... Oh wait, that's completely pointless.
GG HoN. You're fucking dead to me.
Ice Cold.delirium said:I think RAP works. Just ask Swiftlame.
Neckbeard said:I don't care about being PC
The fact of the matter is Brazilians ruin nearly every game they're in. I don't want that. If I play on the NA server for a number of reasons, the least of which is the language barrier.
Yes I realize Brazil is not a third-world country, I was being facetious.
go play some solo mm and then get back to us on this oneGuesong said:Now now, I'm pretty sure asians/caucasians/black americans are not anove brazilians in manner, let's not generalize.
Matter of fact, I never understood the whole Brazil and HoN thing.
Kagete killedAnbokr said:get out plz; you're dead to me kag.
I'll make a new smurf and easy mode carry you out of the 1400s, while I /wrist for not having a dota2 beta key.Neckbeard said:I know I'm not a good player, but at least I'm not a moron. I know there are only a few roles I can fulfill and I stick to them. In my experience foreign players don't seem to care, or are perhaps just more brazen. Maybe it's a cultural thing...
WC3 servers were region locked. You had USEast, USWest, Asia and Europe. Now, DOTA was pretty popular in South America, I guess, because it used the WC3 engine which ran fine on just about everything. But there was no South America server. Brazilian DOTA players tended to hang out on USEast (and I guess sometimes USWest). Among the many many DOTA games, you'd see a game here or there labeled BR, for Brazil. Those games were far and few in between, so you'd get Brazilians in normal games. The problem is that the servers didn't handle distance very well, so BR players almost universally lagged, stalling the game. Remember, back then, most games would not continue unless the host could communicate with every players' computer. So you had players that did not communicate with the rest of the team, and lagged the game. I think that's where the whole BR thing started, it carried over to HoN and LoL because Brazil still plays on USEast servers.Guesong said:Matter of fact, I never understood the whole Brazil and HoN thing.
Neckbeard said:Yes I realize Brazil is not a third-world country, I was being facetious.
Sanjay said:Wait what? Brazil is not a third world country? mind blown.
Phandy said:Pretty sure it still is. They have some parts doing ok, but mostly they still have a tonne of problems.
Neckbeard said:I was insensitive, I didn't mean to insult anyone. I was really just being a dick for being a dick's sake..
Phandy said:Pretty sure it still is. They have some parts doing ok, but mostly they still have a tonne of problems.
Switftlame said:sum1 give key plox and neckbeard report a player works >>
Conceptor said:So guys,
Would those of you who have shown interest in writing guides (i.e, Haly), or sharing helpful information for newer players (delirium, Kag+bros, Alumnus, Swag, pro, etc.) be willing to contribute towards a legitimate HONGAF worthy beginners guide for DoTA 2? It doesn't have to be much, as even a few tips or comments that might not seem to much to you could teach newbies a thing or two. Stuff such as explaining percentage stacks, procs, pathing, creep stacks and jungling, lane pulls, warding, counter-warding, types of strats, physical vs magic, the works.
I dunno, just throwing it out there. I have somewhere I'd like to go with this so I'm just curious if anyone other than the few people I mentioned would be interested. Even something simple such as, 'Don't get items with evasion properties on a hero that is meant to take damage' could help.
I dunno, the community could use a Moustachio's guide to getting mad, rageuninstalling, and yelling at your wife.Neckbeard said:You don't want me guiding anyone, but I can certainly edit for clarity and grammar.