Looking at the forums, it seems people are unhappy with the current distribution of currency through TMM. I've thought of a system that might make people feel more like they are actually earning them, rather than just receiving them after a match.
The way I see it, people should be earning coins for their team moving closer to victory. The only two really solid victory conditions are shrining the opponent or dominating them and forcing them to concede. Those can be reduced into two groups: Destroying buildings and Killing Heroes. I think there should be opportunities for both teams to earn coins in both areas, with the victor receiving SMALL additional rewards beyond that.
First, destroying buildings. I think that if it's an evenly matched game, both teams will make decent progress into the enemy's towers/base. The most fun games I've ever played involved defending one of our lanes that had already been raxxed while pushing the other lanes into eventual destruction. I don't think that my opponents deserve significantly leess coins simply because they lost; they played hard and their reward should be reflective of that.
In my system, you (being the entire team) receive one coin for the first tower, one coin for the first secondary tower, one coin for the first barracks, one coin for the second barracks (so, two coins for the set), and then one additional coin each for the third, seventh, and sixteenth important building (tower, rax, shrine) destroyed.
This means that if your team pushes a lane and take both rax, you all get 5 coins (primary tower, secondary tower, base tower is the third building, and both barracks). If you all push ANOTHER lane, you'll get one more coin each. If you push the third lane AND take the shrine, you get another coin. The reason the other lanes aren't as coin-heavy as the first lane to barracks is so that teams don't feel especially obligated to go back and push when they can just win, then and there.
Another example in the system: A push-heavy team is able to get every primary tower, but the other team's carry has been getting beefy and annihilates them. They decide to concede. They all still get the two coins from destroying a primary tower and a total of three important buildings, plus whatever coins may be coming to them from the kills (see below) and the end-game bonuses. These are three towers they would not have gotten had they not been pushing; they should be rewarded for their efforts, even though they lost.
The other aspect of the game is, of course, kills. I don't really like the idea of a team getting coins for an individual's kills or streaks, but at the same time I feel that rewarding only the individual wouldn't encourage team play. I do believe that any time a team gets a genocide it is mostly a team effort, though, so I think they should be awarded one or two gold coins per player when that happens.
But beyond that, no coins for kills in-game until the game is over, when the players are awarded coins based on the relative team distribution of kills. I think earning between 0-8 coins per person seems fair, as players can receive up to an additional seven coins for building progress and then even more for end-game bonuses.
The distribution would work like this:
Team's % of total kills:...Coins per person:
If the teams are close in kills, they both receive even numbers of coins. The more dominant one team is, the more the gain at the expense of the other. And these only matter at the end of a game, so just because a team is off to a rocky start doesn't necessarily mean that they won't be able to even out the kills and gain more goblin coins.
Finally, there DO need to be bonuses for the winning team, and a small payout to the losing team for participating. Three coins for the loser and ten for the victor seems about right to me, but number tweaking is all part of creating the system.
In summary, the system works like this:
The coins are even for everybody on the team, with each person on the team earning:
One coin for the first tower kill
+ One coin for the first secondary tower kill
+ One coin for the first barracks
+ One coin for the second barracks
+ One coin for killing three important structures
+ One coin for killing seven important structures
+ One coin for killing ALL important structures (including shrine)
+ One coin PER Genocide
+ Up to eight coins depending on kill distribution (see table above)
+ 3 coins for losing OR 10 for winning
This seems to be fair to me, but I'd appreciate feedback