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Heroes of Newerth |OT| Free-To-Play [PC /Mac /Linux]


LOLOLOL matchmaking casual mode has its own rating! And you still get gold! I have friends that have been killing pubs in casual the whole afternoon


kagete said:
LOLOLOL matchmaking casual mode has its own rating! And you still get gold! I have friends that have been killing pubs in casual the whole afternoon

Brb farming Immortals in Casual Mode


I got 11 consecutive wins doing casual mode 3v3 last night. Games rarely lasted longer than 25 minutes and everyone pretty much knows within 3 minutes if one side is going to get steamrolled. Only tense game was playing a team of 4+ KDR stompers but we still won that.

Casual on the new 3v3 map is definitely the way to go for coin farming. My little brother said he got around 600 total that night.


Meteorain said:
Got Meeru hating me because I kept KSing him effortlessly. Read that as: KSing without trying :lol
Lol yeah I know u weren't doing it on purpose but dang those hon algorithms just not helping me at all.


Sanjay said:
Did they take away taunt from the people who pre-ordered the game?

I just used it last night, so I don't think so.


I have known a couple of people whisper me asking to get in to the GAF clan and saying you're never around anymore. Could you delegate to others? It's usually me (Lokey), valenti (Meeru) and Kagete on.
Urgh. I've been playing HoN for about two weeks now and it's been pretty frustrating so far. I've played DotA for about 2 years, on and off, so I have a decent idea of how this game approximately works but I'm still pretty bad. Anyways, I hate playing matchmaking and public games because, plainly, the community sucks from what I've seen so far (about 15 games). You make one mistake, everyone goes "wtf" as if they never were newbies before. I get it, the game can suck with a feeder on your team but people need to be a little more understanding with beginners. Also, people flip out over you forgetting to buy a courier, or wards, or anything really. This also happens in games that are marked for newbies, interestingly. </rant>

Is there any other way for beginners to get better? Because right now, my motivation to play is very low.
close to the edge said:
Urgh. I've been playing HoN for about two weeks now and it's been pretty frustrating so far. I've played DotA for about 2 years, on and off, so I have a decent idea of how this game approximately works but I'm still pretty bad. Anyways, I hate playing matchmaking and public games because, plainly, the community sucks from what I've seen so far (about 15 games). You make one mistake, everyone goes "wtf" as if they never were newbies before. I get it, the game can suck with a feeder on your team but people need to be a little more understanding with beginners. Also, people flip out over you forgetting to buy a courier, or wards, or anything really. This also happens in games that are marked for newbies, interestingly. </rant>

Is there any other way for beginners to get better? Because right now, my motivation to play is very low.

I recommend this for pubs:
1. Never go mid. People will fight over mid, and will always blame mid for losing them the game. Which is mostly true: mid needs rune control and has to gank the other lanes. If he doesn't do it, stay in your lane, don't die, and blame him if you lose (possible if their mid gets fat).
2. Call missing heroes. You're responsible for the missing heroes in your lane, but also keep an eye on the mini-map because some people don't call for their lanes. Even call them if they've died and respawned, because they don't always go back to your lane.
3. If you're a support hero, buy a courier and/or wards. Try not to steal kills from the carry.
4. Don't play an initiator. You will be expected to initiate, but your teammates won't follow you in and you'll die needlessly.
5. Don't play a hard carry. You'll never get the support you need (wards/courier/sacrifices), you'll get KS'ed, they won't let you jungle, and they'll hate you for staying out of team fights (despite your relative uselessness early game). Unfortunately, if someone on your team is a hard carry they'll never concede in the mistaken belief that they "just need to get fat" to win, despite your team being raxxed and dominated.
6. For items, buy what's in the "Recommended" tab (most of the time, sometimes it's situational). If you're support, don't build offensive items. ALWAYS CARRY A HOMECOMING STONE WITH YOU. That way you can push a lane when everyone is standing around mid river waiting to team fight, and then you can tell your teammates you can just TP (teleport) in if the fight starts. If your team gets stomped, don't TP. If the enemy team disappears (probably to gank you), TP out.

Of course this is all for pubs. Competitive/high-level is a whole different monster.


bro what are you talking about insanitarious is on pesti's recommended and it's core for him. I rush it before boots.


Kapura said:
bro what are you talking about insanitarious is on pesti's recommended and it's core for him. I rush it before boots.
No. Treads, blink, shrunken head, then get whatever u want


Can't seem to win a game in MM.

I also like how people grasp for things to blame when we're doing poorly. In my last game at one point my team was like "bubububu we need wards!"... there were 3 up at the time and I was just purchasing one more. It seems like that's the default excuse these days.


Forever Platinum
valenti said:
No. Treads, blink, shrunken head, then get whatever u want

Also, the 3v3 map is unbelievably stupid, it's built entirely for gank/gib heroes like dw, pebs, and devo. Very few good warding locations. Not worth playing at all unless it's AR.


Today I found out that the difference between 1300-1500 MM games and 1500-1700 MM games is night and day, holy shit. I had my first "low end" game today (my low 1500's rank topping my team's charts, lol) and it was a mess. No one would listen when we tried to coordinate pushes, no courier or wards were bought by anyone at any time during the game (I had to buy a few as Pestilence early game, and pick up the courier when I had the money). I don't think these people even know what a support player is. There was a Soulstealer who chose his hero immediately (SD) and then was complaining about having to fight Arachna in middle; what did he expect?! The game dragged on forever and by the end I felt like I was playing easy mode from the quality of items everyone had.... it's just neither team could get their shit together to properly end it. I think my team "gg'd" like three times in that game despite us not actually losing.

All I know is I have to get out of here. My losing streak got me here and it's going to be tough to claw my way out. :lol


Dreavus said:
Today I found out that the difference between 1300-1500 MM games and 1500-1700 MM games is night and day, holy shit. I had my first "low end" game today (my low 1500's rank topping my team's charts, lol) and it was a mess. No one would listen when we tried to coordinate pushes, no courier or wards were bought by anyone at any time during the game (I had to buy a few as Pestilence early game, and pick up the courier when I had the money). I don't think these people even know what a support player is. There was a Soulstealer who chose his hero immediately (SD) and then was complaining about having to fight Arachna in middle; what did he expect?! The game dragged on forever and by the end I felt like I was playing easy mode from the quality of items everyone had.... it's just neither team could get their shit together to properly end it. I think my team "gg'd" like three times in that game despite us not actually losing.

All I know is I have to get out of here. My losing streak got me here and it's going to be tough to claw my way out. :lol
we will help u


for pesti, i go treads pkey shrunken unless I'm REALLY getting disabled a lot, in which case I'll switch them. Then an abyssal skull and either frostwulf or frostburn depending on how the game is going.


Hi everyone,

For those of you with Android handsets, I've released an app on the Android Market called "HONStats" (by MetaDawn). It can be used to track the progress of HON players on your Android device. I've found it quite useful to track the progress of my friends and hope you'll find the same. Just search for "HONStats" on the Android Market - it's a free download!

Please check it out and let me know what you think. I'll be happy to use any feedback as suggestions for future releases.


valenti said:
we will help u

You seem to make me lose more than anything =.=

Anksta said:
Hi everyone,

For those of you with Android handsets, I've released an app on the Android Market called "HONStats" (by MetaDawn). It can be used to track the progress of HON players on your Android device. I've found it quite useful to track the progress of my friends and hope you'll find the same. Just search for "HONStats" on the Android Market - it's a free download!

Please check it out and let me know what you think. I'll be happy to use any feedback as suggestions for future releases.

I got this as soon as I read the post. It's pretty good. Actually faster to browse people's stats than in game :lol


Oh god, I just won a 3v5 (more like a 2v5) non-em game where our 3rd guy was useless. It was me as a CD (17-7), a deadwood that went 35-6 and finally a succubus that went 1-16. In the end I think deadwood and me could have solo the entire Legion.



Unconfirmed Member

I just bought this during the Christmas sale

my account name is RetroFunk

I've played a bit of LoL and was decent in that, but I kinda want to play a game with more substance.

Any tips for starting out? Hero choice? Guides?

I think someone mentioned in the deal thread about hosting games to initiate newbies. I'd love to be apart of something like that if it were to happen.

I'm a little intimidated to jump into this, so any advice for starting out would be greatly appreciated.


Chopperman said:

I just bought this during the Christmas sale

my account name is RetroFunk

I've played a bit of LoL and was decent in that, but I kinda want to play a game with more substance.

Any tips for starting out? Hero choice? Guides?

I think someone mentioned in the deal thread about hosting games to initiate newbies. I'd love to be apart of something like that if it were to happen.

I'm a little intimidated to jump into this, so any advice for starting out would be greatly appreciated.
Play no stats games and go to the HoN forums. There's a subforum for guides and stuff. Most of getting the game is just playing.


Chopperman said:

I just bought this during the Christmas sale

my account name is RetroFunk

I've played a bit of LoL and was decent in that, but I kinda want to play a game with more substance.

Any tips for starting out? Hero choice? Guides?

I think someone mentioned in the deal thread about hosting games to initiate newbies. I'd love to be apart of something like that if it were to happen.

I'm a little intimidated to jump into this, so any advice for starting out would be greatly appreciated.

If you scroll through there are lots of heroguides, spend the time to read them. It may seem a lot..but you did play LoL so you should grasp this pretty well.


Chopperman said:

I just bought this during the Christmas sale

my account name is RetroFunk

I've played a bit of LoL and was decent in that, but I kinda want to play a game with more substance.

Any tips for starting out? Hero choice? Guides?

I think someone mentioned in the deal thread about hosting games to initiate newbies. I'd love to be apart of something like that if it were to happen.

I'm a little intimidated to jump into this, so any advice for starting out would be greatly appreciated.

Try and get yourself in the GAF clan so you can see who's online from GAF and play with them.

It will be a lot less stressful if you play with people who don't just rage out at you for learning.


Tryckser said:
I got an invite from "Blitz" and accepted it, but still aren't in the clan?
Please invite me again if you see me online :D
Try relogging, if you accepted you should be in


Just bought the game, looking forward to playing some GAF matches. If you have room for a newbie that is. :O (Although I was in the beta for a short amount of time)

I can't seem to remember how to join the GAF clan channel though, or are they not public anymore like they used to be?


LiamExe said:
Just bought the game, looking forward to playing some GAF matches. If you have room for a newbie that is. :O (Although I was in the beta for a short amount of time)

I can't seem to remember how to join the GAF clan channel though, or are they not public anymore like they used to be?
When you girst log in, type /join clan neogaf. Just like bnet from warcraft3



Always carry a Homecoming stone, This should be the first item you buy in lane at the Outpost shop. Pay attention to the minimap, if you see enemy heroes getting dangerously close to your tower and your teammates are in trouble it's in your best interest to TP and save them.

Just because your laning with someone else for the first 9~11 minutes doesn't mean that it's an isolated game in your lane. If your a hero with a stun go gank mid if your laning, or TP and gank your opposite lane. Small things like this will win you games.

1. Always carry a homecoming stone, ALWAYS no excuses, every hero except maybe Sand Wraith needs one at all times. People in MMR tend to dive because they are playing with people who will dive with them.

2. Do not, and I mean DO NOT chase for too long, if it seems you aren't going to be able to kill the hero, if there is even any doubt in your mind that he will get away, don't chase them it's not worth it. More times then not you will be killed in the process by people who are carrying TPs.

3. Understand your role, if your a support and your leaving the fountain at the start of the game without purchasing a Courier / Wards you deserve to lose the game. Co-ordinate these things in the lobby so you don't end up with 2 couriers or no wards. Also if you buy wards give them to whoever is going to the opposing teams short lane ( Top for Legion, Bottom for Hellbourne ) so they can block the creep pull.

4. The Most Important Tip of All, Most games in HoN you won't be playing the hero you want, you'll be playing the hero that works best for your team. You may be the worlds best Chronos ( Your Not ), but that means nothing if you end up with 5 melee. Consider this when your picking heroes, if someone is set on playing the hard carry do not pick another carry just to spite them, chances are you will lose to a more Balanced Team. For example when I play with Meeru, I will rarely pick a carry because chances are he will play his hero like a carry ( Even Vindicator I've seen it done ).

Me and Procarbine have mastered these skills and will rarely if ever lose our laning phase, EVER. Even when we have ridiculously bad lanes like Keeper / Kraken vs Flint Plague Rider
Finally got my leaver percentage down low enough to play MM. First game I play, I pick Torturer (SD). Get Bloodlust, then five straight deaths (ugh so squishy), then I reel off 13 straight kills, with a quad kill to boot. The surviving enemy hero ends my streak. No Immortal or Annihilation. :(
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