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Heroes of Newerth |OT| Free-To-Play [PC /Mac /Linux]


HappyPuppy said:
I play a lot of LoL and want to try this game since it's 10 bucks. Created a trial account but they have no bot and want to practice, don't want to get gank hardcore.
Anyone want to dick around with me so i can learn about the basics, please be gentle!

Also is there a Gaf Channel/room/lobby?
/join clan neogaf on the chat channel msg meeru for invite


Cute wife Meeru. Congrats on being married.

I have a wife too, been married for a year and a half now. She puts up with my playing video games. I just gotta watch myself so I don't go overboard on it.


PasteyMF said:
Cute wife Meeru. Congrats on being married.

I have a wife too, been married for a year and a half now. She puts up with my playing video games. I just gotta watch myself so I don't go overboard on it.
Thanks, yeah now that I'm thinking bout it I cannot miss out on dota 2..




Meeru said:
Ouch XD

On a side note, Mr Mister has joined the HoN for some pub smashing.

98 coins.
Did you get 2 annihilations that game? If you dint fountain dive, you could have gotten some immortals also.


Great games last night, definitely helped me get back into a game I got gifted to me in Beta.

I completely still suck though, after GAF left last night I've been playing some games this morning (non-matchmaking) nad my team has been dominated time after time with douchebags screaming noob everywhere. That's the initial reason I didn't want to play this game at all in the first place, and now it's back to haunt me. :(

Seems I'll be sticking to GAF games or gaming the matchmaking system until I'm good enough to keep up with true 1500 PSRs...


MrMister said:
Great games last night, definitely helped me get back into a game I got gifted to me in Beta.

I completely still suck though, after GAF left last night I've been playing some games this morning (non-matchmaking) nad my team has been dominated time after time with douchebags screaming noob everywhere. That's the initial reason I didn't want to play this game at all in the first place, and now it's back to haunt me. :(

Seems I'll be sticking to GAF games or gaming the matchmaking system until I'm good enough to keep up with true 1500 PSRs...

Playing by yourself has always been really bad. For whatever reason solo mm has like 80% more br


Yeah I found out the hard way all over again how pure-evil the general DotA community can be, if you're on the losing team they call noob and rage, if you're on the winning team everyone becomes and holier-than-thou douchebag. I can't tell you how many times someone killed me just to say "Umad?"

The community was the whole reason I stayed away from HoN since beta, GAF has shown me there is another side to HoN, I can only hope playing with you guys from now on will help me manage my team in future games I decide to dive into.

And I haven't solo'd matchmaking yet.


Even I don't play solo. For some reason solo mm puts you with some really idiotic ppl.

1 annihilation

A good tip is..if you are by urself..and see two three heroes in other lanes..u should be ok to farm..if you see one or none...then I hope u are tping. Your minimap is ur best friend..that is why wards are so good. Lots of players will go through the river to gank.
I wouldn't play non-matchmaking games. Those are for new players and pub stompers.

If you must play less-threatening games, play Casual matchmaking. No one calls you out for having 5 carries on your team and although you can work on your denying/ganking skills you don't really need to. I play mostly Valk and work on my javelin throws: get a 5 second one and wait for teammates to go in. My KDR is actually above 1.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Thanks for all the help, I'll try and get a mic for next time and try and not ruin everything for everyone else :p


MrMister said:
Yeah I found out the hard way all over again how pure-evil the general DotA community can be, if you're on the losing team they call noob and rage, if you're on the winning team everyone becomes and holier-than-thou douchebag. I can't tell you how many times someone killed me just to say "Umad?"

The community was the whole reason I stayed away from HoN since beta, GAF has shown me there is another side to HoN, I can only hope playing with you guys from now on will help me manage my team in future games I decide to dive into.

And I haven't solo'd matchmaking yet.
Try hitting /ic two times, and enjoy the matches without [all]-chat, eliminates 90% of the egoing, allowing you to focus more on the game and teamplay!


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
I was a little disappointed at how people took their anger out on me when I sucked, I was expecting much worse than to be called a noob.


Ikuu said:
I was a little disappointed at how people took their anger out on me when I sucked, I was expecting much worse than to be called a noob.

Are you saying you were disappointed the consequences of sucking weren't more harsh?


MrMister said:
I have discovered Sand Wraith is a horrible hero.

(I'll be damned if he isn't one of the cooler looking heroes though.)

Sorry for that horrible game I brought you into, I seriously don't always suck that bad, just tired.

But I kind of enjoy SW. He's awesome late game. Kind of lackluster early on. You'll notice each hero is good at a pretty specific task. The key is learning them and how and more importantly when to take advantage of that.


I think the problem that game was just the guys we were facing were a whole team, they all had the same avatar for crying out loud!

And yeah, SW is pretty fun, I'll tack him onto the list of heroes I want to work on.

-Plague Rider
-*tack*Soul Reaper


Ive always like sand. He can be kinda boring if you play the passive rice-all-day sand, but if you rush a fast nullfire and start ganking it can be pretty fun (albeit not always effective).

SR and pharaoh are hella fun tho, id recommend giving them a shot.
I've never been a competent SR player. He's got good STR gain and his first skill hits hard (and heals) with a low cooldown, but he has serious mana issues early-game, has a low base speed, and crumbles pretty easily if focused. And with his ult, you can't help but KS.

Pharaoh is amazing. Once you learn to block people off with your wall he's ridiculously fun.


Lone_Prodigy said:
I've never been a competent SR player. He's got good STR gain and his first skill hits hard (and heals) with a low cooldown, but he has serious mana issues early-game, has a low base speed, and crumbles pretty easily if focused. And with his ult, you can't help but KS.

Pharaoh is amazing. Once you learn to block people off with your wall he's ridiculously fun.
Which is why you use it when ithey have HALF hp.


Plus there's integrated voice.

Pharaoh is my favorite hero without question. He's one of the most, if not THE most versatile heroes in the game. He's a frequent ban in competitive play, so that's usually a good indication a hero is worth learning to play well.


Neckbeard said:
Pharaoh is my favorite hero without question. He's one of the most, if not THE most versatile heroes in the game. He's a frequent ban in competitive play, so that's usually a good indication a hero is worth learning to play well.
It's one of my most hated heroes, among with DR and witch slayer and other heroes (that I can't name right now) without any weakness to speak of :D But it certainly is a very, VERY good hero and worth learning!


Looking at our last replay now..so far:

Nuke do not use your charge skill on Accursed when he has his shield. The shield soaks up to a certain damage and then explodes dealing damage to surrounding units. Was this charge a reactionary thing? lol

Ikuu when you are ranged and the enemy hero is melee, don't be afraid to harass him. You might have noticed that when you right click an enemy hero, creeps will start to attack you. The key thing is to right click on the hero, then immeidately right clicking on the ground to back away. This way creeps will only attack you like maybe once or twice at most.


Meeru said:
Looking at our last replay now..so far:

Nuke do not use your charge skill on Accursed when he has his shield. The shield soaks up to a certain damage and then explodes dealing damage to surrounding units. Was this charge a reactionary thing? lol

Could have gone better...


Neckbeard said:
Starting today, I'm going to make a serious run at getting to 1600+. I'm tired of playing with these idiots.

Currently 1489.

From what Ive played of Hon, I hope you dont plan on doing that solo. Every time I try and play solo with pubs it goes to shit. All my best games have been with 3-4 friends.

Also, that game was whack.
Getting focused as Polywog sucks, you get stunned once and your as good as dead. Id love to find out how to make him more survivable. Ideas? Shrunken maybe.


Phandy said:
From what Ive played of Hon, I hope you dont plan on doing that solo. Every time I try and play solo with pubs it goes to shit. All my best games have been with 3-4 friends.

Also, that game was whack.
Getting focused as Polywog sucks, you get stunned once and your as good as dead. Id love to find out how to make him more survivable. Ideas? Shrunken maybe.
You can't take that game into consideration. That is all. Their gpm was double the rest of our team.

As pollywog, Staff of the Master, sheepstick, restoration stone, are his cores. Expensive items though >>


Meeru said:
You can't take that game into consideration. That is all. Their gpm was double the rest of our team.

As pollywog, Staff of the Master, sheepstick, restoration stone, are his cores. Expensive items though >>
portal key and stormspirit are also worth considering

As for the sr mana issues, just get a ring of the teacher early on (or chalice if you wanna be mainstream) and if youre not babysitting (which you prolly shouldnt as sr isnt the best support) put some points in his manaback skill.


Portal Key + Shrunken Head + Staff of the Master.

Don't get a Resto stone it's wasted gold, your role in a fight is just to CC someone for a full duration tongue Tie, also drop wards.


Forever Platinum
Sebulon3k said:
Portal Key + Shrunken Head + Staff of the Master.

Don't get a Resto stone it's wasted gold, your role in a fight is just to CC someone for a full duration tongue Tie, also drop wards.

This thread is for players only.


Sebulon3k said:
Portal Key + Shrunken Head + Staff of the Master.

Don't get a Resto stone it's wasted gold, your role in a fight is just to CC someone for a full duration tongue Tie, also drop wards.
I'm going to have to disagree about the restoration stone. It gives you almost guarantee tower/rax kills. Oh yeah, might as well give him post haste and have him solo mid.

Anyways, to play hon well..always carry a homecoming scroll during mid or late game. The best player tps when someone is about to get ganked.


Meeru said:
I'm going to have to disagree about the restoration stone. It gives you almost guarantee tower/rax kills. Oh yeah, might as well give him post haste and have him solo mid.
Un-Resto stoned wards will give you a tower / rax if you play it right. It's wasted gold unless your at 400+ GPM, also I don't understand the obsession with giving every hero Post Haste. Strength Treads are a better option so you can have a free slot for something other then bracers, and it'll give you early game survivability.

As for the Resto Stone, you would have to farm it in this order, Treads 1450 / BoT 2700 ( Would take even longer ), Portal Key 2150 / SoTM 4000 (+/-), Shrunken Head 3900 / Sheepstick 5500 (+/-), Restoration Stone 7050

Your looking at farming up 19250 gold to guarantee a rax, but have no utility other then Serpent Wards for most of the game, unless your of course managing 400+ GPM. Opposed to 7500 gold for utility that will scale with each item you get which will give you presence in a fight, and ability to lock down 1~2 heroes depending on how quick your fingers are. Honestly the choice should be obvious.


Portal key sounds like it could be awesome. I never really thought about it before. Ill have to try it.

Are they're any items you think are must-haves for him - they all seem like pretty expensive items. Being a lowish level player, I never have the luxury to get tonnes of farm for items, so I'm only getting a core few items unless were dominating the game(but then it doesn't matter.)

Id like to play Polly more but just got fed up with being so squishy.


Sebulon3k said:
Un-Resto stoned wards will give you a tower / rax if you play it right. It's wasted gold unless your at 400+ GPM, also I don't understand the obsession with giving every hero Post Haste. Strength Treads are a better option so you can have a free slot for something other then bracers, and it'll give you early game survivability.

As for the Resto Stone, you would have to farm it in this order, Treads 1450 / BoT 2700 ( Would take even longer ), Portal Key 2150 / SoTM 4000 (+/-), Shrunken Head 3900 / Sheepstick 5500 (+/-), Restoration Stone 7050

Your looking at farming up 19250 gold to guarantee a rax, but have no utility other then Serpent Wards for most of the game, unless your of course managing 400+ GPM. Opposed to 7500 gold for utility that will scale with each item you get which will give you presence in a fight, and ability to lock down 1~2 heroes depending on how quick your fingers are. Honestly the choice should be obvious.

While im not a fan of resto myself, its still a viable item. The difference between 1 set of wards and 2 is huge. lategame 1set is manageable, but placing two down completely locks the enemy team out of an area because they tear shit up so much.

As for core items, theres a lot of stuff you can get. Steamboots are usually the best option for boots, and the rest depends entirely on team setups. If you dont have an initiator pkey is a good pickup, shrunken is good if they have a lot of cc, staff of the master is good im most scenarios, sheepstick/stormspirit are both good cc items, tablet is good if they have a devo or a tempest or a pharaoh

Edit: if youre feeling too squishy (and are getting owned by magic damage, like pebbles) get a mystic vestments. Best 400gold you can spend


post haste, when used correctly, allows you to push lanes (with heroes that have pushable spells), that either causes the opposing team to try to gank you, which then you tp to another lane to farm, or cause them to just tp back to that lane to stop the push.

I don't give all heroes post haste, such as arachna, maliken, doctor repulsor. But for other heroes that truly benefit from items, like soul stealer, post haste is amazing.

And who doesn't like being able to gank heroes just by tping on one of the wave of creeps?


Regarding pollywog I have to agree with Sebulon3k. Going for portal key and then shrunken head is so good atleast if the enemy team only has 1 carry. You can cc the carry for such a long time with that combo. Also if you go for storm spirit trapping enemy heroes inside your ultimate becomes so easy. Of course there's nothing wrong in going for staff especially if you are going for a more of a push style team but staff and ultimately restoration stone are such expensive items that you need to have an awesome farm to get them.


Can someone explain Fayde to me? I don't understand what her role is within a game - I checked her recommended items but still I'm not sure - Sheepstick, Portal Key, Codex, Puzzlebox...


Moobabe said:
Can someone explain Fayde to me? I don't understand what her role is within a game - I checked her recommended items but still I'm not sure - Sheepstick, Portal Key, Codex, Puzzlebox...
Kinda like a horribad version of nerubian assassin from dota. Fayde needs mid solo. She needs to get level 6 ASAP (denying creeps to the fullest from mid lane, if the opposing mid is an agi or int, then you can probably kill him once you turn six)

Rushing lvl 1 codex is what I do with her, then because shes such a worthless hero late game, just try to get the biggest items I can think of while ganking like a crazy man.

Reason for the codex is because of her burst damage, she has three spells for crying out loud. But since they do not scale to late game, she just sucks balls late game other than the ranged stun that sucks their mana pretty decently.

31573796 if you want to see one of my replays with Fayde.
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