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Heroes of Newerth |OT| Free-To-Play [PC /Mac /Linux]


Sebulon3k said:
I'm sure they make a ton of money off account sales alone

I'm sure it's probably not as much as you're thinking. And even with those additional accounts sold, the cost of maintaining the games servers and databases increase exponentially.

All that I'm saying is that you paid the $30 for the game. If the game is enough for you, then goodonyou, enjoy it. If you'd like to have PREMIUM avatars, you're going to have to pay PREMIUMS. The catch, of course, is you don't get to decide how much it costs. You only get to decide whether their price is within your consideration of value.

I guess I just don't understand how is a player entitled to lower prices for additional content solely because a developer is (allegedly) doing well financially.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Archie said:
Plague Rider is the easiest hero in the game. Fast, good nuke, near infinite mana and an ultimate that can single handedly win fights if casted correctly.
Tried him out in a few Casual Mode games are did pretty well, was nice to finish a game with a decent number of kills and assists. Starting to improve a little, but I still do far too many stupid things and get killed too easily.


MrMister said:
Got my first Double Tap and Hat Trick all at the same time today, feels great man.

I got my first Immortal the other day, I went 16/0/5 with Slither. It feels good.

Then you have a series of games like we did today, and it feels HORRIBLE. So mad.

Sorry for being shit today too guys. I had a 3 Heroes I had never played before and Im so much more confident when I know my hero. Its insanely unlucky since i have played 80% of the heroes.
It always takes me 2-3 games before I understand a hero properly to know what I'm doing.

Rampage seemed quite good when I got used to him. Even underfarmed I packed an ok punch. Hes a last hitting machine which is always nice.


Phandy said:
I got my first Immortal the other day, I went 16/0/5 with Slither. It feels good.

Then you have a series of games like we did today, and it feels HORRIBLE. So mad.

Sorry for being shit today too guys. I had a 3 Heroes I had never played before and Im so much more confident when I know my hero. Its insanely unlucky since i have played 80% of the heroes.
It always takes me 2-3 games before I understand a hero properly to know what I'm doing.

Rampage seemed quite good when I got used to him. Even underfarmed I packed an ok punch. Hes a last hitting machine which is always nice.
I don't see a immortal on your stats :s Did it not get recorded?

Well what we lacked was coordination in the mid game.


Neckbeard said:
I guess I just don't understand how is a player entitled to lower prices for additional content solely because a developer is (allegedly) doing well financially.
The backlash for the premium content comes from S2 themselves saying that all the content on the store would be farmable within a reasonable time frame, which was true for everything that came out previous to the introduction of Gold / Silver coins split. People are upset because there is no way your farming up the coins for the Duke Announcer Pack and the Slither Skin within a reasonable amount of time. It wouldn't be bad if it was maybe a little higher amount for the skin but your looking at 2k+ (?? Haven't logged in a while ) amount of coins which is just a slap in the face to the mantra they held previously. This is what people were afraid of when they introduced the cash shop and what they themselves promised wouldn't happen.

If your going to backpedal as a company at least try to do it with class, and not piss all over any goodwill your player base still has for you, i.e Troll Thread when the Duke pack came out

I don't care either way, I just come to this thread to post funny links off DRD and give people advice.

Goon Boon

Maybe if they wanted to make people buy more coins, they would make them feel like they're getting more of a value out of them, ala sales being for gold coins only or such, rather than boosting shit to 5 to 8 times it's costs in silver.


I don't care either way, I just come to this thread to give people advice.



68 minute match... Meeru outriced by bzm... Procarbine supporting the team on his mound of deaths... That game was crazy.


Meeru said:
I don't see a immortal on your stats :s Did it not get recorded?

Well what we lacked was coordination in the mid game.

It was a nostats game :( its in my list of recent matches (10 or 15 ago)...

But it was still a good game overall, no leavers etc. I had a Valkyrie in my lane that i got 4-5 early kills on that just gave me an insane boost to keep being really offensive.
Being relatively new though, even in a nostats game it was fun to play, what i felt, was really well.
On my stats games Ive got an 8 or 9 killstreak which I'm quite happy with.

The problem I'm having now is consistency. Like some games you play insanely well, but then in others you just get cornered, push out of lanes, ganked - and then its just really hard to figure out what you need to do to get back into the game.
It seems like 90% of the games are dominate, or get dominated - not much in between.


delirium said:
That last game was a disorganized mess. It looked like we were just running around with our heads chopped off.
They had better heroes.

I really should've just farmed it up cuz it looked like u guys were doing fine without me ganking
More AR goodness:

Us: Dark Lady, Chronos, Rampage, Ophelia, Maliken (me)
Them: Torturer, Pestilence, Sand Wraith, Deadwood, Predator

I ended up mid against the Sand Wraith. That was an odd matchup. Rampage fed the Torturer so that ended pretty fast.

On a more positive note, in the next game it was SD and no one on my team actually picked a carry so I went Sand Wraith (no one bought a courier either). I didn't know they reduced the cost of the Sword to 3400.


Lone_Prodigy said:
More AR goodness:

Us: Dark Lady, Chronos, Rampage, Ophelia, Maliken (me)
Them: Torturer, Pestilence, Sand Wraith, Deadwood, Predator

I ended up mid against the Sand Wraith. That was an odd matchup. Rampage fed the Torturer so that ended pretty fast.

On a more positive note, in the next game it was SD and no one on my team actually picked a carry so I went Sand Wraith (no one bought a courier either). I didn't know they reduced the cost of the Sword to 3400.
Hasn't it been 3400 for ever? I don't mock very much, but i thought that it had been that for a while.
This was actually a good AR team:

Us: Gladiator, Pharaoh, Arachna, Witch, Glacius (me)
Them: Devourer, Rampage, Empath, Dampeer, Zephyr

Game almost went on too long and Pharaoh went carry build (Frostburn + Charged Hammer) but we pulled out a win at the end.

Next AR game, their SS got a 6 minute Portal Key against our Gauntlet. Sigh.


Meeru said:
man..2v1 tb and mq vs tremble..tremble loses. so annoying, frustrating, give up hope,etc

TB is actually a pretty decent counter to tremble. Low HP, situational reveal, AoE damage via third skill.

Anyway, I think tremble is extremely overrated in the laning phase.

Lone_Prodigy said:
This was actually a good AR team:

Us: Gladiator, Pharaoh, Arachna, Witch, Glacius (me)
Them: Devourer, Rampage, Empath, Dampeer, Zephyr

Game almost went on too long and Pharaoh went carry build (Frostburn + Charged Hammer) but we pulled out a win at the end.

Next AR game, their SS got a 6 minute Portal Key against our Gauntlet. Sigh.

What was Rampage doing mid?


legio is the lulsiest hero. Like, even if you fuck up really hard and die, you basically did your job anyway because you whirled their team to death


I got my first Annihilation last night. Felt so good since I started that annihilation with close to no hp; amazing what a haste rune can do!


Second-rate Anihawk
I'm on a 6 game losing streak. ;_;


Role: The Nomad is an elusive melee semi-carry that puts an emphasis on the player’s decision-making and reflexes over raw, head-on damage output. His skills are designed to reward and complement players who prefer to outplay their opponents by way of deception and guile.

Sandstorm: When Sandstorm is activated, the Nomad conjures a whirling cyclone of dust around him that envelops himself and nearby allies in a shroud of invisibility. In addition, they receive a significant movement speed bonus, while enemies within the sandstorm lose movement speed. This duality allows for Sandstorm to be a very useful tool for both chasing and escaping. An ally in need can be hidden from opponents and escorted to safety, or the skill may be used to initiate upon the opposing team. Because the enemy cannot see under the Sandstorm, they never know how many of you are approaching.

Mirage Strike: Leveling up Mirage Strike grants two sub-abilities: True Strike and Mirage Strike. True Strike will cause the Nomad to charge recklessly at an opponent, dealing high physical damage and increasing his attack speed. Mirage Strike will cause the Nomad to become invisible and send an illusion to perform the charge in his stead. Proper use and a mixture of True Strike and Mirage Strike is what will keep your opponents on their toes. By never allowing them the luxury of knowing whether you’re really charging at them, you can take the opportunity to deal extra damage.

Wanderer: The Nomad’s passive ability charges his sword with the sand around him as he moves. With each 100 distance traveled, his next attack gains a significant boost to attack damage. This ability allows him to deal very high damage when coupled with Mirage and True Strike. It also means that when he chases an opponent, he is constantly charging up Wanderer for his next attack.

Edge Counter (Ultimate): Edge Counter is the Nomad’s greatest asset in a large-scale battle, as it can often be the difference between winning or losing an encounter. When activated, Edge Counter puts the Nomad in a one-second state of stasis. If he is attacked, damaged, or spell casted upon by an enemy hero during this state, the Nomad shrugs the attack off and counters his assailant with a massive wave of sand, dealing high magic damage and stunning anyone in its wake. His stunned opponents then become vulnerable to a volley of attacks from True Strike.
Does anyone know if there is a video guide for Flint Beastwood? I couldn't seem to find one. I have a friend who is learning the game on Flint, and i just wanted to send it to him. Thanks!


I hate when we as a clan lose one game and everyone just logs off HoN. C'mon guys even if I lose I don't just rage quit the client. I wanted to play a few more.


Pkaz01 said:
Lol with all these image heroes i'm just waiting for a phantom lancer clone so I can stop playing.
It will never happen. Difference between heroes like Aluna / Nomad and PL is the images are associated with a single skill, not created on attack. PL was incredibly broken, fuck that hero.

Port Alchemist and I'll start playing again NOME


MrMister said:
I hate when we as a clan lose one game and everyone just logs off HoN. C'mon guys even if I lose I don't just rage quit the client. I wanted to play a few more.

A lot of new people started playing hon lately, and playing with more than one newb at a time can be pretty frustrating. Hon is an unforgiving game, and if you have a bunch of people who are, uh, inexperienced, it can fuck over the entire team (which is annoying if youre doing everything right).

jus' my take


Sebulon3k said:
It will never happen. Difference between heroes like Aluna / Nomad and PL is the images are associated with a single skill, not created on attack. PL was incredibly broken, fuck that hero.

Port Alchemist and I'll start playing again NOME
broodmother wasn't exactly the most balanced hero in dota either.

Im still waiting for a visage clone fav hero.


Kapura said:
Axelay #1?
He was number 2, MQ was number 1. Axelay the ultimate opportunist that game, jumping in after me and Tempest set everything up. He did have 100% hit rate on Flint with arrows though, although I don't know if that's just because Flint was terribad.
Pkaz01 said:
broodmother wasn't exactly the most balanced hero in dota either.
They ported Brood?


Sebulon3k said:
They ported Brood?
yup tremble is pretty much a brood clone with modifications on some spells. took away his lifesteal and gave him a minion. can tp from web to web now though.


Pkaz01 said:
yup tremble is pretty much a brood clone with modifications on some spells. took away his lifesteal and gave him a minion. can tp from web to web now though.
he has a 20hp life steal
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