In casual mode it's 500 gold a kill + a shitload of experience. I had a moon queen die about 17 times. That's 8500 gold given away to the other team. The gold lead when the person is feeding is huge, and definitely puts a dent in our team fight potential, when A)Moon Queen is dead and we are forced to 4v5 every team fight, and B) they have more items then we do at "insert certain time of the game" + the levels. We would of won if it wasn't for that 8500 gold + being able to fight 5v5.
I don't blame everything on one person. But when I play, and someone picks Nomad when we have 2-3 melee already, or picks rampage, and does nothing but be useless, I have a problem. I have had too many games where shit like this happens. If Dota, or Hon wasn't like this, and less team focused, I wouldn't of cared.
Too bad fayde sucks. She can gib someone. Big deal. Once it gets to late game, she is just a body on the floor. Old Fayde was scarier.