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Heroes of Newerth |OT| Free-To-Play [PC /Mac /Linux]


Probably just make a new topic in gaming section, its 11 free days of hon addiction. We need Mrmister as our proof that hon is indeed addicting.

Oops its my cousins house that I am staying at :p


Bull on a Donut
Wow really, the new avatars are going to be 600 gold coins? Hate that pay $10 for a new hero skin crap. I've got like 800 silver coins saved up, but I hate all the current alternate avatars.
Thanks for the answers, guys. Seems that the system is exactly like it used to be in DotA, orb effects not stacking and everything.

I'll admit two things: 1) Effects not stacking is disappointing but 2) Playing HoN with the new features seems fun. I'll give it a download and play, especially with the new guide.


Second-rate Anihawk

I definitely need to buy a smurf account one day. Playing carries in low level pubs is awesome.


Serving another time ban.

This time for trying the age-old chicken army strategy. Time to work on my smurf I suppose.

Actually I'm going to make this my main. Can anyone invite me to clan?


I haven't been on Joe much as my friend has employed me to fix his 600 MMR. Needless to say some of the games have been quite hilarious.



JoeMartin said:
I haven't been on Joe much as my friend has employed me to fix his 600 MMR. Needless to say some of the games have been quite hilarious.


How you gonna bring his stats up going 1-9 like that?
Wow, the presentation for this game is definitely more slick than LoL's.

Like, wow.


Well, it would be cool if I could play a game. I tried to do matchmaking, casuals, and was stuck waiting. How long do I have to wait?


FlightOfHeaven said:
Wow, the presentation for this game is definitely more slick than LoL's.

Like, wow.


Well, it would be cool if I could play a game. I tried to do matchmaking, casuals, and was stuck waiting. How long do I have to wait?
Not many people play casual matchmaking anymore.

Also, if you're new to this game, I would recommend you NOT do matchmaking. Instead, join a public no stats game (the one with the red stars I think). Those games will help you to adjust to the game and should hopefully have less ragers.


Anbokr said:
Wow really, the new avatars are going to be 600 gold coins? Hate that pay $10 for a new hero skin crap. I've got like 800 silver coins saved up, but I hate all the current alternate avatars.

Vindi alt says "Wuuuuuut?"

Also fuck them for destroying the image of Thor and making him a TB alt. Thor isn't some pussy ass ranged caster.

He's the fucking Norse God of Thunder, Lightning, Storms, Strength and Destruction who goes around slapping shit down in a furious melee like the most romantacised Viking of the ages. Mjollnir levels mounts, not shoot out little dickbolts to sting people.

I dunno. Definitely a slicker presentation than LoL is. I don't know if I prefer it, though.

Definitely a good game. I realized who I was playing at AFTER the game, hahaha.


FlightOfHeaven said:

I dunno. Definitely a slicker presentation than LoL is. I don't know if I prefer it, though.

Definitely a good game. I realized who I was playing at AFTER the game, hahaha.

Keep playing. You will feel the difference after a bit.
I already feel the difference. Not sure if it's the game for me.

I'll play it a bit more, though, when I have the time.

It's a good game, though, no doubt about that. The effects of spellcasts are pretty neat, as is the terrain destruction. It feels like what DotA would have been with a dedicated engine.

I still find myself raging about the deny mechanic, though. I'm sure you folk have arguments to the contrary, but I personally do not find that fun at all. That, and having items in different shops. Having to troop out and about for items was : /.

Other than that, excellent UI for the most part, very slick presentation, fun/simple heroes that I remember well, and excellent graphics. Not to mention clan support; that would be so AWESOME for other games. I can see why you guys are fans of the game.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Like Starcraft 2, playing HoN can be more work than fun.

The new shop is an abomination yeah.


New Shop is difficult to 'read' quickly. Hope they add an option for the old one.

Otherwise haven't lost a single game tonight with GAF, so many new players... delicious MMR.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
delirium said:
Not many people play casual matchmaking anymore.

Also, if you're new to this game, I would recommend you NOT do matchmaking. Instead, join a public no stats game (the one with the red stars I think). Those games will help you to adjust to the game and should hopefully have less ragers.
Nope, nostats is filled with ragers even though it doesn't matter at all, also the games tend to fall apart after 10 minutes once somebody thinks the game is lost.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Two I believe, FlightOfHeaven (from LoL) and someone else.


Gain MMR with Pro and company only to lose it two hours later with those who I will not name.
MrMister said:
Yup, only playing with BZM, Nuke, Meeru, JoeMartin, Astroboy, Procarbine, Kapura, Delirium, Svensk, Meteorain, Sanjay, Matll, Haly, and Firefly from now on, everyone else can fuck off. Sorry, but my MMR is starting to drain back into the 1100's again. Fuck I hate losing streaks.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
MrMister said:
Gain MMR with Pro and company only to lose it two hours later with those who I will not name.
I feel like queueing as 4 or 5 is asking for an ass whupping in TMM, since the other team will more likely be 5 as well and GAF isn't exactly a clan in the way other clans are.


Believe me when I say I would love to win games left and right by going solo mid with a sudden burst of knowledge about playing extremely awesome at HoN, my point is if I go support I apparently didn't support enough, if I go carry I can't farm without people ganking me with no help from the team, if I go solo mid and do well the side lanes fail even with a gank, it seems like every team I'm matched with (besides full 5 GAF) I have a 70% chance of being stomped on the spot. I have the mechanics down and I've played at least 1 game a day for 2 months, I can safely say I don't belong in the 1100-1200 bracket, at least high 1200 for me please. I just feel like every game I enter 1 little thing goes wrong, my fault or not and the entire team collapses which is why I believe that I need the best of the best with me to carry as I support, which is what I like to do, and if I can't do that even to the best of my ability, that's where I feel like us as a team did a bad job. At this point I've lost all interest in doing TMM altogether, and only in rare cases where all of the best are on and willing. Be it selfish, I slogged through this ugly quicksand pit enough and I want out so I can have some self-confidence through numbers.
MrMister said:
Believe me when I say I would love to win games left and right by going solo mid with a sudden burst of knowledge about playing extremely awesome at HoN, my point is if I go support I apparently didn't support enough, if I go carry I can't farm without people ganking me with no help from the team, if I go solo mid and do well the side lanes fail even with a gank, it seems like every team I'm matched with (besides full 5 GAF) I have a 70% chance of being stomped on the spot. I have the mechanics down and I've played at least 1 game a day for 2 months, I can safely say I don't belong in the 1100-1200 bracket, at least high 1200 for me please. I just feel like every game I enter 1 little thing goes wrong, my fault or not and the entire team collapses which is why I believe that I need the best of the best with me to carry as I support, which is what I like to do, and if I can't do that even to the best of my ability, that's where I feel like us as a team did a bad job. At this point I've lost all interest in doing TMM altogether, and only in rare cases where all of the best are on and willing. Be it selfish, I slogged through this ugly quicksand pit enough and I want out so I can have some self-confidence through numbers.
Most of the people who are 1600 play multiple games per day or have played thousands of games. There's really no "whops I accidentally fell into this bracket," your PSR will reflect your skill level +- 50. I think you just have a very negative view of 1200 players, as time goes on the average skill level of everyone playing increases, if you're not playing consistently then your PSR WILL drop. It's really easy to be hyper critical and find all the mistakes everyone else made, while completely ignoring your own mistakes; this often leads to the "something always goes wrong so we lose" mentality.

The panecia to that mentality is to forget your MMR, forget your teammates, just focus on improving your skills. Obviously this is really hard to accomplish, but it's a necessity when casually playing a competitive game.


Bull on a Donut
In my experience so far, everytime I queue with 1 or 2 gaffers (putting us at 3), we win 80% of the time. Like others have said, queuing with 4 or 5 usually means losing 80% of the time.

*Note: These mathematical equations do not take into account the "Meeru effect."


Tanking my MMR to the ground, I may hit 1000 at this rate.

Hell I'm actually considering paying them cash to reset my stats I'm so disgruntled.


creating these 'guides' for the new shop is pretty cool. You can really simplify what you are searching for and not have to scroll through several screens to find items, just have them all on one up-front screen for you. i havent played with it to much yet (only made one guide so far) but it seems like it could be really useful. i do agree that it does look like LoL shop- gigantic with lots of big buttons.


I asked in another thread, but I figure I'll have better responses her. Is there a colorblind option or mod that works with the current game? Right now everything's a blur, and I've pretty much given up playing. I can't tell anything apart... ANYTHING, the map, creeps, heroes, items, they're all a blur to me.
I think the game could really benefit from a broader pallet of colors. I don't have eyesight problems are close range, but things blur for me.

Even simple colored outlines around enemies would help. One thing LoL does have going for it in terms of maps and design is that elements are immediately visible and distinct. When wandering around the HoN map I wasn't quite sure where routes/trees were.


Montis' Custom Player Colors works. I'll try it out in a few minutes. Don't think it'll help with the environments and items, but at least I'll be able to tell myself apart from allies and enemies.

And yes, I feel League of Legends has the better art direction as well. I still have issues with the health bars there when team fights start tho. HoN's gameplay is far far superior, tho.

Edit: It doesn't adjust the health bar colors. Just the aura color. Fuck.


The hour long game that we just won just reminded me that even coming from the brink of destruction you can still win!

Finally, feels good man.


Forever Platinum
Fuck its 1:30 am and I'm hungry now. Dick. Korean food is awesome.

Nice heart covered pants, also.

Also: What software did you use for screen capture for your videos? I think I can do it with VLC, but I havent explored the program much. Anyone know? Thinking about making a procarbine throw-tage. But I'll have to find a way to fix my game stats never loading first, I don't feel like sifting through replays on the site, although I may have to.


Procarbine said:
Fuck its 1:30 am and I'm hungry now. Dick. Korean food is awesome.

Nice heart covered pants, also.

Also: What software did you use for screen capture for your videos? I think I can do it with VLC, but I havent explored the program much. Anyone know? Thinking about making a procarbine throw-tage. But I'll have to find a way to fix my game stats never loading first, I don't feel like sifting through replays on the site, although I may have to.
I used fraps, then downloaded the microsoft movie studio (free).

Tonight I'm going to a spa and eat spicy gal bi for dinner


MrMister said:
The food looks disgusting to me, but I'm sure it's fine.
I'll admit, I don't like raw oyster, but the rest were great. Don't let the looks of food stop you from trying them! Also costed a total of $600 for the sashimi place (we ordered two of each)

Just came back from the spa/sauna place. What amazes me about Korea is how everything is within walking distance. Staying at an apartment complex, there are commercial stores, little restaurant shops, all within a couple footsteps away. I'm sure not all apartments are like this but it really is great. A 5 minute walk took us to the sauna place. And it is really cheap. It was 1,000 won to have access and go inside. There you can bathe in 3 different huge bath tubs, each with its own temperature. There's a sauna room, shower area, then a place where experienced men rub you vigorously with a wash cloth and scrape away all the dead skin. It costs 13,000 won for a basic service, which I did. It feels very refreshing afterwards and I think every person needs to do this. You can do this at home but its an amazing difference when a professional does this work for you.
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